VTB will finance the purchase of Chinese shares of Rosneft

The bank issued a loan to CEFC for 5 billion euros secured by the 14.16% stake in Rosneft it buys. It remains only to wait for the Chinese to return the documents they do not need and the billion-dollar deal will be closed.
VTB signed an agreement with the Chinese CEFC for a loan of € 5 billion to buy a 14.16% stake in Rosneft. The entire transaction is valued at € 3.9 billion plus $ 4.58 billion, pledge on the loan was made by the whole package bought by the Chinese. The loan has not yet been selected, VTB specifies: according to the first deputy chairman of the bank's board Yury Solovyov, "now the question to the Chinese is when they will take it."

VTB signed an agreement for a loan of € 5 billion by the Chinese CEFC. This was reported by the head of VTB Andrei Kostin on Wednesday in the lobby of the forum in Davos. "We have signed all agreements, a credit line has been opened, which the company can use at any time," he said. "They paid all commissions, legally binding commissions from both sides already exist."

The pledge for this transaction will be 14.16% stake in Rosneft, said on Wednesday the first deputy chairman of the board of VTB Yury Soloviev. The package was laid entirely, he said. Mr. Soloviev also clarified that the funds have not yet been selected. "Now the question to the Chinese - when they take it," - quotes the top manager of RIA Novosti.

In September 2017, the Chinese CEFC agreed to purchase a 14.16% stake in Rosneft from QIA's QIA and the Glencore trader (see September 9, 2017). For him, the company will have to pay € 3.9 billion and the equivalent of $ 4.576 billion in euros. The fact that CEFC can take a loan for this purchase specifically from VTB, in October 2017, told reporters the head of the Chinese company, Lee Yong. In the same month, Mr. Soloviev said in an interview with Interfax that Rosneft shares could become a pledge. Glencore told Kommersant that the negotiations are underway, CEFC was advised to use information from Rosneft's messages. VTB declined to comment.