Uralkali's cost fell by a third due to an accident in the mine

Uralkali can not yet assess the extent of the accident and possible damage in the Solikamsk-2 mine, it will take a few more days.
Origin source
But investors are full of pessimism and seems to no longer believe in the fact that a problem will be able to return the mine into operation: since the accident capitalization of "BRIC" on the London Stock Exchange lost 31%, while the risk turned out to be only 23% of the company's production capacities

Nothing is unclear

In Solikamsk working committee, which consists of the Emergency Situations Ministry, "Uralkali" Rostehnazora and research institutes of geology and Halurgy, which tries to establish the causes of the accident. In Solikamsk came as the management of "Uralkali" headed by General Director Dmitry Osipov, yesterday on the site was also Mazepin Dmitri, the owner of 19.9% ​​of chemical companies.

On Wednesday, in a conversation with the correspondent of RBC General Director of "BRIC" Dmitry Osipov (at the time of the accident he was on a business trip in the Perm region) said that the understanding of the scale of the accident yet. The first assessment will be done in a few days, after a commission to investigate the causes of the accident and the Commission on the Elimination present the first findings, said Osipov. commissionsdealing with the accident, is now two: one headed by a representative of Rostekhnadzor, the second - the general director of "Uralkali". "Every effort is made to eliminate or minimize the consequences of the accident. It is too early to say something, "- said Dmitry Osipov RBC. General Director of the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Baryakh was quoted as saying in the message of "BRIC", assured that no threat to human settlements. According to him, the place of discovery of brine inflow coincides with the place of the accident, which occurred at the Second Solikamsk mine group JSC "Silvinit" January 5, 1995.

The Commission outlined a plan

On Wednesday morning, the Commission identified measures to establish the causes of the incident, according to a report released yesterday, the regional Emergency Situations Ministry. The Commission has invited employees of Geology Institute in St. Petersburg, they will find out the reasons for the formation of a sinkhole. It was discovered on Tuesday by representatives of mining administration, 3.5 km east of the mine. Scientists try to establish a relationship with the failure of the mine flooding. The size of the failure -20x30 m. According to the Mining Department, which refers to the MOE, in this place there is an old abandoned mine. Failure is not a threat to the population of Solikamsk, as excavation near the town there. Distance from the failure to residential buildings is 3.5 km, follows from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the message.

Place the failure cordoned off in a radius of 600 meters from the center of emergency employees of security companies "Sheriff-Berezniki" and "Geysal-Ural". "Galurgiya Perm" Specialists of the Institute will set on Thursday on the site of seismic failure. Scientists are organized on the site condition monitoring ambient air. Specialists of the Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences organized a hydromonitoring. The Institute of Geology of St. Petersburg and the Ural Institute Halurgy declined to comment. The duty of the West Ural Rostekhnadzor told RBC that it is too early to draw conclusions on the causes of what happened at the mine rudopravleniya "Solikamsk-2."

Insurance case

In June of this year, insurance company "VTB Insurance" reported that they sharewith "Uralkali" SOGAZ made by the co-insurer of property. The total amount of liability under the contract amounted to 7.7 billion rubles. The contract provides insurance benefits in the event of property damage and interruption in the production of basic industrial sites and office buildings of enterprises, socio-health and educational centers, as well as transport and logistics assets of the company "Uralkali" in the Perm region and St. Petersburg. "VTB Insurance" has also entered into contracts of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for injury in an accident at the hazardous facility with "Uralkali". The total amount of liability of the insurer amounted to RUR 250 million. The representative of "VTB Insurance" said that "from the" Uralkali "has not received claims of the insured event." Representatives of SOGAZ and "Uralkali" declined to comment. Dmitry Osipov did not comment on the question of insurance emergency facility and property. He also declined to say how many employees worked at the mine hazard, and that will be with them indowntime. "This is an internal matter of the company", - he said.

Shares fall

Since the announcement of the accident on Tuesday, November 18 price of shares of "BRIC" on the Moscow Stock Exchange has dropped from 185 to 129 rubles., Ie, 30%. Shares of the company fell back to four-year lows. On the London Stock Exchange (each GDR represents five shares of "BRIC") during the same period fell by 31.8%, the company's capitalization now stands at $ 7.93 billion. The sharp drop in prices, "Uralkali" securities attributed to the fact that investors fear a repetition of the accident in 2006 , when due to the flooding of the oldest businesses closed mine - BKRU-1, provides the company with 20% of the production of sylvinite ore and 100% carnallite production. In July 2007, several homes were destroyed in its place formed a failure in Berezniki, the company has evacuated hundreds of people who were in danger. At the same time on "Solikamsk-2" accounts for 23% of the production of "BRIC", it is already possible loss is more than accounted for in the current prices of the company.

"Who owns Uralkali"

The process of changing sobstennikov "Uralkali" was completed in late December of 2013. Then share Suleiman Kerimov and his partners bought the structure of Mikhail Prokhorov and Dmitry Mazepin. ONEXIM Group became the owner of 21.75% of the shares, then "Uralkhim" Mazepin acquired 19.99% of "BRIC". The amounts of transactions were not disclosed, however, According to Bloomberg sources, the company was rated at a premium to the market at $ 20 billion. Another major shareholder is China Chengdong Investment Corporation sovereign fund with a package of 12.5%, 12.5% ​​still account for treasury shares that the company plans to repay. The free float is 33.26% of "BRIC" shares, which are traded on the London and Moscow stock exchanges.

Dips in the mines of "BRIC"

October 2006

On "Uralkali" because of the flooding of the oldest enterprises of the mine was closed - BKRU-1.

July 28, 2007

On the territory of this land mine occurred failure. The dimensions of the funnel formed were 50 to 70 m, depth - about 15 m.

November 22, 2007

A government commission to prevent the negative effects of man-madeaccident in Berezniki.

End of 2006

Special Rostekhnadzor commission decided that technogenic accident occurred due to reasons beyond the control of "Uralkali".

October 2008

At a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, it was decided to establish a new Commission and the resumption of the investigation of the accident.

November 10, 2008

The capitalization of "BRIC" fell almost three times - to a record low valuation of $ 2.76 billion.


On Berezniki station, which is located above the flooded BKRU-1, there was a new failure.

December 4, 2011

To the north of the building ABK there was another failure. On 7 August 2014 the crater dimensions were 132 by 137 m.