VTB Loans have disappeared in suspended construction projects

A sentence was passed on the theft of almost 3 billion rubles.
Leninsky District Court of Kursk convicted on charges of fraudulent embezzlement and laundering 2.8 billion rubles. VTB Bank. The money - part of the Five Billion loan issued by the Bank for the company "Kursk construction company" (CSC) for the construction of a large cement plant. The former head of KSK Vladimir Losev received eight years in prison, three other defendants, accepted his accomplices, after serving three to six and a half years. Their defense is planning to appeal the verdict.

The judge read the 700-page verdict in the KCK case within four days. She acknowledged Vladimir Losev guilty of particularly large-scale fraud in lending and money laundering (Art. 4, Art. 159.1 of the Criminal Code, p. "B" h. 4 Art. 174.1 of the Criminal Code). His accomplices in the fraud were found ex-head of the regional branch of VTB Viktor Kulikov, a former chief accountant Tatyana KSK Tolstova and her assistant Dmitry Molodkin. Businessman Losev was sentenced to eight years in a penal colony and a fine of 700 thousand. Rub. Former banker Kulikov took six and a half years, and ex-employees of CSC Tolstova Molodkin and received three years. It punishedtions will be deducted deadlines that prisoners have already spent in jail. For example, Vladimir Losev served in custody for two years and three months. At the same time claim to VTB sentenced to 2.8 billion rubles. the court did not immediately satisfied, thinking that it must be addressed in a separate meeting.

According to the prosecution, Vladimir Losev in 2007 created a criminal group with the aim of theft of bank loans. In May 2008, VTB Kursk construction company opened a line of credit in the amount of 5 billion rubles. for the construction of a cement plant with capacity of at least 1 million tons per Solntsevsky the Kursk region. The investigation insisted that getting a loan for the "rollback" of 140 million rubles. He lobbied Viktor Kulikov. Construction of the plant is actively conducted until the fall of 2009 when CSC stopped paying on the debt. Finally, the work stopped in spring 2010. The investigation insisted that the loan money is largely spent on the construction site is not, and displayed on third-party legal entities. The criminal investigation into fraud with VTB loan was initiated in the summer of 2010. Note that reveal the scam is largely possible thanks to the employees of VTB security.

Vladimir Losev was arrested at his home in Kursk in March 2011. In the summer of 2013 he was released on bail of 5 million rubles. Latest Victor Kulikov was arrested in December 2013 and later released on bail of 3 million rubles.

The Court began to examine the case on the merits in the KSK January 2014. The investigation did not hide the fact that the key to the proceedings began reading Tolstova Tatiana, who has agreed to cooperate in exchange for release from custody. In the courtroom, she was very nervous, and after the judge read out her sentence, has arranged a tantrum. Through tears she asked, "Why put me?" Sympathy from other defendants did not wait for it. "Everyone understands that without her testimony at trial would have gone much softer items," - said "Kommersant" one of the participants in the process. Vladimir Losev admitted "Kommersant" that was waiting for real life and saw him calmly. Judge acquitted all four defendants on charges of creating a criminal association (art. 210 of the Criminal Code), but pointed out that they still operated by an organized group, which did not have all the aggravating circumstances of the community.

All defendants except Tatiana Tolstova insisted on his innocence. Vladimir Losev told "Kommersant" that he was unable to finish the cement plant due to financial crisis of 2008-2009. "The equipment we have purchased imported After the exchange rate fell, the project itself has risen in price loans and dialed is not enough to complete the work we have tried to get a reprieve under the state guarantees and sought additional funding, but were refused..", - Stated the businessman. According to representatives of the protection under the VTB loan was laid all the property and third-party assets KSK Vladimir Losev total of 6 billion rubles. Before history with the project of cement plant the company was one of the largest developers of Kursk and introduced a little over 10 thousand. Square meters. meters of housing per year. "Why lay Bank 6 billion rubles., To stealing twice less money, lose them?" - I wondered the lawyer, Dmitry Petrov, representing Vladimir Losev. According to Mr. Petrov, "only logical" qualified criminal actions of Vladimir Losev, which he considers innocent, could become illegal for a loan (Article. 176 of the Criminal Code). But this argument the court in its decision dismissed as a far-fetched.

Sam cement plant has not been launched. According to Vladimir Losev, technically he was ready more than half - "there are all communications, including even the railways" and made part of the civil works. In addition, customs warehouses Kursk is never officially imported to Russia Danish equipment for the enterprise. CSC is in bankruptcy, several attempts to put her assets available for sale have not been successful because of disagreement between the creditors.

"The bank is fully satisfied with the court verdict. VTB, in cooperation with the law enforcement agencies are always quickly and efficiently respond to the abuse of power and fraud, including its employees. We also always promote the effective investigation of such cases and take all measures to avoid such situations in future ", - the press service of VTB Bank.