Vedomosti discovered Igor Sechin's house in Barvikha

His neighbor, the wife of Sergey Chemezov, put a recently built palace for sale.
After her divorce in 2011. Sechin left without a home in nature: 1 415 square meters house. m and a plot of 0.5 hectares in the depths of Serebryany Bor, he gave his ex-wife. Since the autumn of 2014 Sechin is building a new house on the ruble, near the clinical sanatorium "Barvikha" manager of President (UDP). Sechin plot of 3 hectares located in the center of the new village, which has no name. It is hidden from prying eyes by a solid fence and a 100-meter strip of pine trees. Next - sections 3.4 hectares Sechin another three, including two children, the head of "Rosneft".

Garden Khodorkovsky

Sechin could be a neighbor of the former owners of Yukos. In the mid-1990s. they created a society of individual builders "Apple Orchard" headed by Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Headed the administration of Odintsovo District Alexander Gladyshev has allocated 22 hectares of forest cooperative in the territory of the sanatorium "Barvikha", where associates built seven houses (on the number of cooperative members), and the neighboring 3 ha arranged the seating area with artificial ponds and a playground.

In 2006, the Basmanny court arrested all weekvizhimost village in the Yukos case. According to the Russian State Register, the arrest is still in effect. This is now owned by the former shareholders of Yukos' cottages, is not known. According to Forbes, the village is still empty and none of its former inhabitants it is no longer returned.

3 hectares of recreational areas sanatorium "Barvikha" was able to return in 2008 sanatorium now and UDP demand in the Moscow Arbitration on "apple orchard" demolish unauthorized buildings.


A piece of the forest sanatorium "Barvikha" adjacent to "apple orchard" in the same 1997 received from Gladysheva company "Consent" Ara Abrahamian, who was engaged in the 1990 reconstruction of the Kremlin, and to carry out other construction projects for the UDP. For example, the "Consent" in 2002, has built one of the most expensive houses in Moscow at the address: Swedish deadlock, 3. Three years ago, in the house lived mostly close associates of President Vladimir Putin: Mr Sechin, VTB President Andrei Kostin, the businessman Gennady Timchenko and former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, wrote Bloomberg.

Over 5 hectares of forest land resort on the ruble is alloweds to the building, "Consent" in 2000 paid 2.75 million rubles. - Less than $ 100,000 at the exchange rate at that time, is evident from the Court of Arbitration, which in 2004-2005. asked the prosecutor's office of the Moscow Region, Federal Property Management Agency and UDP to challenge the transaction. Another 14.36 hectares of land "Barvikha" Gladyshev give "consent" for unlimited free use of the "creation of a park area without the right to development." The arbitration case mentioned that the transfer agreed with then manager of the president Pavel Borodin, the deputy who at the time worked for Putin. Sechin was then a specialist of the 1st category UDP. In April 2004, Moscow Region Governor Boris Gromov, a regulation has changed the purpose of the site, allowing its development.

Abrahamyan unlike yukosovtsev managed to defend all the land in court. While there was a trial, plots were divided several times and then assembled into new, they have several times changed owners, so figure out how to get them back, the court has already failed, and the plaintiffs lost in all instances. On the collected Abrahamyan 29.36 hectares of land sanatorium "Barvikha" and raised butHICLES village, the first tenants whose spouse became general director of "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov Ekaterina Ignatova and his childhood friend, a partner in the projects "Rostec" Vitaly Maschitsky.

Construction failed

In 2009, the board of directors headed Maschitsky "RT - building technologies", which "Rostec" created for the sale and rental of non-core property of their companies. Then the businessman with Ignatova acquired from structures Abrahamyan sites on the ruble. Ignatov - 1.6 m deep in the forest on the border with the "apple orchard" Maschitsky and his two sons bought three plots of 2 hectares near the site Ignatova. The amount of the transaction and Maschitsky Ignatov not named.

In 2012, Ignatov and Maschitsky with his son Vladislav Abrahamyan and CEO of "Capital Savings" Ashot Khachaturyanets established a non-profit partnership to promote the development of infrastructure of the territory "Barvikha" village (NP "Barvikha"). It is going to build houses on 20 hectares belonging to him, then he told the representative of the contractor "Barvikha" Company "InvestStroyd. " Two years later Maschitsky told "Vedomosti" that he was going to sell his land because of the not very good location. Land has not yet built up, put up for sale, now says a representative of a businessman. Based on satellite images, in areas Maschitskih really solid wood, but Khachaturyanets managed to build on its 1.7 hectare area in 2780 two houses and 292 square meters. m. Massive construction and leads Abrahamyan Jr.

But their house is lost in the background of a three-storey mansion Ignatova.

Palace for sale

In the income statement for 2014 Chemezov pointed out that his wife had a country house there was an area of ​​4442.5 square meters. m. The house on the ruble of the same area in October last year put up for sale several agencies. First, for the house we requested $ 22 million in May 2016 the price was raised to $ 30 million. The representative of "Rostec" did not deny that we are talking about building Ignatova.

According to the presentation, in addition to a three-storey mansion buyer will receive 1.6 hectares of land and a two-storey garage with living rooms for an area of ​​374 sq subservient. m. The interior of the house is only exist on paper & ndash; palace-style: grand staircase, carved furniture and chandeliers stacked in the rooms, pool hall with marble columns, etc...
"House for final finishing, so he compared with turnkey homes such a low price", - explains managing partner of Blackwood Maria Kotova consulting company. According to her, this is now the biggest exhibition for sale house on the ruble.

Finish with a criminal tinge

Trim mansion Ignatova engaged architect and designer Manana Hernandez-Getashvili. In December 2015, it was against a criminal case under article "fraud on a large scale." According to Lifenews, the architect did not fulfill work on the design of cottage settlement "Lyubushkin Farm" on the ruble, appropriating about $ 3 million. Lawyer Hernandez-Getashvili Alexander Vasilyev told "Rosbalt" that initiated the criminal case could be customers his client with whom Ernandes- Getashvili a conflict, including Ignatov. "We really worked together for some time with Manana Getashvili, it was considered a good specialistm. The work has not been completed, the architect has not complied with the agreement on the timing and quality of work, but it is considered possible to get the full payment, "- gave Ignatov through a representative" Rostec ", adding that repair costs were much smaller" amounts appearing in the media ".

Before the crisis, such a house would cost $ 45-50 million, and would have found a buyer, sure, Sergei Goryainov from Kalinka Realty. But today, I realize it will be very difficult, the most tradable commodities on the ruble - a house worth 50-100 million rubles, he continues:. "To purchase expensive homes are now ready to just 10 people, and that they are willing to pay only about $ 10 million." They have plenty to choose from: only Kalinka Realty in base 50 houses worth more than $ 15 million have Ignatova mansion there is another feature, complicating sale - uneasy neighbors.. In such cases, often the buyer need to agree with them, warns Goryainov. Ignatov did not want to tell you why sell only built house.

Neighbors Petroleum

Just like the neighbors and stopped Chemezov wife, I heard the head of cerealsSecond oil company. In 2013, the forest area of ​​1 hectare directly at highway Podushkinskoye bought Hudaynatov Alexei, son of the owner of the Independent Oil and Gas Company, Sechin's predecessor as president of "Rosneft" Eduard Khudainatov. In 2014, in the NP "Barvikha" himself appeared Sechin - who he bought 3 hectares in the heart of the village, could not be found.

"Rather, the lion with the lamb vozlyazhet than Sechin and Chemezov are neighbors, their interests too often intersect," - says a former federal official.

Based on satellite imagery, Sechin is actively building his house and will be at least not less than the Ignatova. In the fall of 2015 sites near Sechin received his children - the first deputy director of the Department of joint projects on the shelf of "Rosneft" Ivan Sechin and daughter Inga Karimov. And Barbara Sechin, whose status in the "Rosneft" refused to disclose. Together they have 3.4 hectares of land. They purchased it, according Rosreestra through Khudainatov Bush: he bought several plots of "Consent" and resold them to increase in the course of these operations, and its land area to 2.6 hectares.

Ewhether the transaction took place at market prices in 2014 Sechin could pay for a portion of at least $ 60 million, and Hudaynatov - $ 20 million based on the fact that the land in the nearby village "Gardens Mayendorf" was sold in 2014, an estimated Kalinka Realty , from $ 200 000 per hundred square meters. In 2016 the land fell to $ 150 000 per hundred square meters, and the new purchase could do Sechin another $ 51 million.

In the "Rosneft" they said they did not comment on the personal lives of employees.

Ara Abrahamian to the end of September on a business trip, so will not be able to answer questions, said press officer headed businessman Union of Armenians of Russia. Khachaturyanets through Sberbank's press service declined to comment. Edward Hudaynatov did not respond to questions submitted.