Ekaterina Ignatova


The wealthiest spouses of Russian civil servants and deputies in 2017


The richest wife of a Russian official was Gulsina Minnikhanova, the wife of the president of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

Sporty "withdrawal" of Chemezov


Chemezov "presented" the Meteor sports complex to Novikombank. Will the head of Rostec hide the withdrawal of another billion by revaluation of that asset?  

Breast of Chemezov's stepdaughter to decorate Pirelli Calendar


The Italian group og companies gave exclusive bribes to vain families of Rostec officials. 

Sergey Chemezov got a bunker with one-meter-thick walls instead of a palace


The Chemezov family shifts the blame on an interior designer who was paid by a suitcase with $3 million in cash.

Non-transparent Chemezov's wife escaped from the perspective of neighbourhood with Sechin


Chief of Rosneft blessed Barvikha with two villas.

Vedomosti discovered Igor Sechin's house in Barvikha


His neighbor, the wife of Sergey Chemezov, put a recently built palace for sale.