Igor Sechin laid hands on Ropsha Palace

The head of Rosneft grabs a unique Ropsha palace complex built in the 18th century.
Origin source
Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko in his time became an object of ridicule because of the fact that its taste rebuilt in the old castle ruins of Baturyn. But at the same time the Ukrainian authorities kept Olympian calm - it took, restored, and that the money stolen at the same time, so in the name of "power" and not go on like that. There is the impression that "Rosneft" copy management experience gone mad neighboring country. Less than two months after the scandal with the capture of "Rosneft" in unison grandson of Emperor Nicholas I, as the structure of Igor Sechin, has looked for a palace of the Romanovs, near St. Petersburg. If we consider that for Moscow the head of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin and because there is so much capital the palace, even authoritative Chemezov family fled from neighboring hectares, suffering from feelings of inferiority housing, we can assume only two variants of the situation.

Or the ruins of the imperial apartments Sechin need to conduct among protected area elite construction. Or to steal a few billion from the state budget under the popularnow the slogan of "spirituality", just as the stolen pipelines budget under absolutely ridiculous pretext of "blackout".

Sechin and Minister of Culture

"Ropsha". It is worth recalling that Medina has long been "privatized" Russian antiquity, so the areas of historical heritage associated with this character, we can hardly expect something good: take away and now "Ropsha" is managed FGBUK "State Museum" Peterhof " . the museum's budget is limited because it can not self-finance the reconstruction of a unique object, write Sechin and Medina. Previously the Ministry of Culture and "Rosneft" have agreed on the possibility of rebuilding the palace and park ensemble "with its adaptation for modern use at the expense of the company." land and buildings will be handed over in rent. The park is 389 thousand 182 square meters. m, cadastral value - 81 728.22 thousand rubles. Before the "Rosneft" abilities anything "recreate" known only to environmentalists who borolisagainst the destruction of these concern the taiga.

"Rosneft" representative

Mikhail Leontyev confirmed the correspondence. "This letter was sent to the president - said the representative of the Ministry of Culture. - This is a joint initiative of "Rosneft" and the Ministry of Culture. Question worked out. " Press Secretary Peskov declined to comment.

Ropsha ensemble is located 49 kilometers south-west of St. Petersburg. This former residence of the Romanovs. Construction of the palace began here in 1725. Then, on behalf of the Empress Elizabeth Manor transformation project developed by the architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The palace is known for that here in 1762, lovers of Empress Catherine II killed Emperor Peter III - her husband, the wife of deposed from the throne. During the Great Patriotic War, the palace was destroyed. After recovery, according to the website Ministry of Culture, in Ropshchinskaya Manor flying part was posted. She left the palace until 1978. "In this case, were removed flooring, doors and everything that could be removed, - said ont he Ministry of Culture. - At this time, the user object of cultural heritage was absent. " Since the 1980s, the building of the palace burned several times, the roof and part of the walls collapsed, park up and littered, small ponds have turned into swamps. January 8, 2015 collapsed columned portico of the palace, according to the Ministry of Culture website.

A year later, the palace will not be subject to recovery, told in April 2016 the general director of the Museum-Reserve "Peterhof" Elena Kalnitskaya. She estimated the cost of the revival of the complex of 5 billion rubles. wear palace building coefficient of the visual inspection is over 50%, said CEO of the St. Petersburg of the consulting company "Terra incognita" Sergei Fedorov. Authentic restoration and reconstruction of the palace even impossible - in fact, it may be a re-creation (the building from scratch), similar to that carried out in the palaces of Peterhof and Pushkin, after the war, and not so long ago in Strelna.

Restoration of the palace is expensive, sometimes more expensive than the construction, says the managing partner of Colliers International Nikolai Kazansky. Such a business SomniYelnia efficiency. It is unlikely that "Rosneft" will find someone to hand over the palace to recoup the investment, and tourism does not make the project profitable.

Igor Sechin can use Ropsha Palace for the rest of relatives and representational activities. Now for the same purpose Oil Company leases not far from the Hermitage in St. Petersburg Palace of the Grand Duke Mikhail Mikhailovich Romanov. Having the right to the reserve in their favor, close to Sechin developers will be able to expand the construction of housing premium in the guise of the struggle for cultural and historical revival.