Timchenko remained in Sheremetyevo

The billionaire sold the business terminals, but retained his board of directors.
Origin source
A year ago, just after the introduction of US sanctions, the billionaire Gennady Timchenko (the state $ 10.7 billion) sold his airline - Finnish operator Airfix Aviation Oy business aircraft and two business terminal (Sheremetyevo and Pulkovo-2). Buyer businessman did not name.

A year later, "Air Group" (business terminal in Sheremetyevo-1) is working with the same composition of the Board and demonstrates the growth, despite an overall stable market sagging business aviation. In summer, the "Air Group" will be a private airline.

Big sale

The company "Air Group", which controls a business terminal in Sheremetyevo (or Terminal A), itself part of the corporation "A-Group", which also belongs to the company "Avia Group Nord" (owned business terminal Pulkovo-2). The owner of "A-Group" - Cyprus offshore AGH Aviation Group Holding Cyprus Ltd., whose beneficiaries are, as usual, were not disclosed.

Controlling packages both subsidiaries of "A-Group" - "Avia Group Nord" and "Air Group", that is, both the business terminals in Moscow and St. Petersburg - Timchenko sold in March 2014 that time was nRodan and the Scandinavian operator of business aircraft Airfix Aviation Oy. Buyer has become a single legal entity, it is not disclosed. change of ownership went through the change of the founders of the Cyprus offshore AGH Aviation Group Holding Cyprus Ltd., which owns the "A-group". The thing was that because of the US sanctions against Timchenko and his Airfix Aviation Oy company could not work with the US business jet manufacturers. Thus, the Gulfstream American Aircraft Corporation, supplied the aircraft for Airfix Aviation Oy, ceased maintenance personnel board Timchenko Gulfstream G650. Now he is laid up in Malta. Meanwhile Airfix Aviation services enjoyed subsidiaries of "Rosneft", "Gazprom", "Transneft", members of the Russian government and the State Duma.

Curiously, after Timchenko 30 percent stake in the "Avia Group Nord" has also sold Nikolai Shamalov, co-owner of the bank "Russia", the founder dacha cooperative "Lake", the sponsor of building the so-called Putin's palace near Gelendzhik, also ranking in the sanctions the United States lists and the European Union .

By the way, Shamalova Pulkovo owned 40 percentntnaya stake in another business terminal, Pulkovo-3. But from January 2014, as follows from the data "Kontur-Focus' share Shamalova Pulkovo-3 belongs to his old friend Andrew Kuzmenkova. Kuzmenkov headed the company "Rosmodulstroy" (57.1% at the GC "Rostec"), which is now bankrupt, because they do not cope with the project for the construction of modular medical centers funded including the state. But, strangely, the representative Shamalova claims that he remained owner of Pulkovo-3.

It is worth noting that this is a pretty tasty assets. Terminal business aircraft at Sheremetyevo-1 - a very large property complex: 2700 sq. m, two hangar for business jets by 22 aircraft, helipad, its own tractors. "Air Group" also has its own protivobledenitelnuyu technique used by most airlines flying to Sheremetyevo. "80-90% of business aviation is concentrated in Vnukovo-3. Historically. This is the first airport to build a terminal for business aviation. Our customers are living on Kievka and the ruble, convenient toBiran before him, - says Lev Shalaev, the managing director of Air brokers Leading Charter Technologies. - But I want to note that the quality of terminal services at Sheremetyevo And not inferior to the Vnukovo-3 ". "Our customers prefer the Vnukovo-3 - said Alevtina Sukhanov, head of private transport Air brokers Velvet Avia. - Most likely, this is due to the tradition, a more convenient way, but personally I like the business terminal in Sheremetyevo: there are very friendly and helpful staff, and the terminal itself very comfortable. "

Pulkovo-2 terminal area of ​​3300 square meters. m was converted into a VIP-terminal in 2012. Timchenko and Shamalov. Its former owner was OJSC "Airport" Pulkovo ", owned by the city. "Avia Group Nord" received guests of the International Economic Forum 2015 Its customer - hockey club SKA, whose president is Gennady Timchenko, and Vice President - Roman Rotenberg, son of billionaire Boris Rotenberg.

Even hotel

According to sources, "Ko", business aviation interests Gennady Timchenko at Sheremetyevo were not limited. companiepreneur is also the owner of the hotel project with 300 rooms in Sheremetyevo-1. For the FIFA World Cup 2018 in the North Terminal complex, which includes the Sheremetyevo-1, there will be a third runway (building UCS "Transstroi" Egor Andreev, classmate Oleg Deripaska) and the new Terminal B (investor TPS Avia Holding Ltd Arkady Rotenberg, Alexander Ponomarenko and Alexander Skorobogatko). new terminal primarily designed for 15 million passengers a year. In 2014, all passenger traffic at Sheremetyevo amounted to 31.5 million, and if now the main passenger traffic takes South Terminal, the North then it will be replaced. Therefore, the new hotel will be in demand, although 59 hotels already operating in a radius of ten kilometers from the airport. In particular, the owner Ivashkevich Hospitality Stanislav Ivashkevich said that, despite the large number of hotels around the Airport, the new hotel will be in demand because of its convenient location: it is located in the airport area. But the management needs a recognizable brand - the place requires.

In Volga Group Mr. Timchenko minority stake in the project of the hotel, said "To" presenteh businessman Anton Kurevina. Majoritarian partner, share, and other items the company does not disclose. Currently construction is frozen at the stage of foundation. Architecture has made real estate for $ 10 million more than is justified by future earnings. Who will manage the hotel, it is not yet clear - the negotiations were conducted with the Hilton and Kempinski.Ploschadka under the hotel is on the Sheremetyevo-1 forecourt. To release stain building into a hotel was dismantled aircraft IL-18, set here for the 20th anniversary of the flight. This happened in May 2013: the plane was cut and taken away in Khimki.

Ltd. owns the hotel project "Sheremetyevo-plaza". This company was established "A-Group", together with Cyprus offshore GPBI Ltd. in July 2010. The same offshore - Founder of "Gazkomplektaudit" associated with Gazprombank. Since 2011 "Sheremetyevo-Plaza" Company 100% owned by the Cyprus offshore Chorisia Holdings Ltd. (Data "Kontur-Focus"). And the founders of "Sheremetyevo-Plaza", and its CEO Alexander Korneev (brother of the deputy head of the Federal Tourism Agency Sergei Korneev) since then has not changed. Alexander Korneev said, Thuof the project is not advertised and there was nothing about it can say. Probably partner Timchenko remains offshore of Gazprombank.

Development continues

Holding company "A-group" continues to grow, despite the change of ownership. Since August 2014 "A-group" led by Yevgeny Tutkevich, former deputy chairman of the bank "Trust", Raiffeisen Bank, "Russian Standard", "MDM Bank", ex-chairman of the board of directors of "Uniastrum Bank". For aviation banking senior manager also has something to do: he owns two planes, and his experience includes 20 years of piloting. In 2009 Tutkevich worked as a financial advisor in the French military and the Dassault industrial group, which produces business jets, including those for the former timchenkovskoy Airfix Aviation Oy. And the Falcon 7X aircraft grade was taken on Airfix Aviation Oy adopted it in 2009, when Eugene Tutkevich worked for Dassault.

In the middle of the "zero" Tutkevich partner LLC "Sweet Line" Timofei Komshin with Gazprom's structure "Interaviaservis" I worked on the creation of the aircraftBut the business was quickly collapsed. "Stroytransgaz" Timchenko - the largest general contractor of "Gazprom" for the construction of gas pipelines. In short, Tutkevich Timchenko and working for many years with the same structures, rotate in some business circles. Airfix Aviation Oy continues to cooperate with the business terminal Sheremetyevo. Tutkevich did not comment on his relationship with Gennady Timchenko, and Anton Kurevina noticed that all the company wanted to say about the deal with airport assets, it was said a year ago.

Before sanctions the "A-group" Timchenko had plans to purchase terminals abroad - in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, India, Latin America, as well as creating their own airline. Now these plans are gradually implemented.

What's New?

Thus, the presence of formal Timchenko Sheremetyevo minimized business terminal is sold at the construction project is frozen. But is it really?

To the question "Ko", which has changed over the years with new owner, the commercial director of "Air Group" Olga Gerasina govICU, that "in the company, nothing has changed, including the relationship with suppliers and contractors of services; we will retain the same corporate governance structure. " Source "To" has informed, that has remained in the same composition and the board "Air Group". Expand its composition Olga Gerasina refused.

But things in the company under the leadership of the old board of directors are going well. It has increased the number of customers - global aviation operators, their number reached two hundred (among them the Global Jet Concept, NetJets Europe, Jet Aviation, ExecuJet Europe, London Executive Aviation, etc.). Number of Airfix Aviation Oy flights to Moscow, too, has not declined. At the end of 2014 "Air Group" recorded a profit, the company is going to be profitable in the current year. Revenue "Avia Group" was not disclosed, but in 2013, according to "Kontur-Focus", it amounted to 413.3 million rubles, and with the two "daughters" of the four, who discovered the data -. More than 800 million rubles. All this is happening against a background of falling volumes of business traffic from other business terminals. In addition, the airport charges at Sheremetyevo less than about 20%, than in Vnukovo and floorIt attracts customers. The presence of business groups in the terminal Pulkovo-2 makes it possible to carry out more cheap flights from Moscow to St. Petersburg than the competition. Growth "Air Group" can be connected, including with a new way - the route Moscow - St. Petersburg - to this airport, "- says Lev Shalaev.

"Air Group" summer plans to launch its own airline and obtain a certificate of general aviation (allows for transport in the interests of the owners), and then the air operator certificate (allows for charter flights or services to sell air travel). Details of the aircraft's own park, the share in total revenue group Olga Gerasina inform refused. The most popular flight direction of customer "Air Group" - European cities, summer - Nice (France) and Italy. Russian rich people still love Cote d'Azur.

All these facts lead to the assumption that the business terminals are the beneficiaries of Mr. Timchenko. Anyway, in the history of the world corporations was not a commentriers to the new owner did not change the board of directors. "As a rule, if the board members do not change, then the shareholders also remains the same, - says Sergey Savelyev, a partner at law firm" Nektorov, Saveliev and Partners ". - However, a direct link is still there, and the other shareholders can also choose the former board of directors. " In addition, shareholders are not disclosed. In addition, it retained the old clientele. It is worth mentioning that about 30% of the shares in the company "Russian Sea" (currently "Russian aquaculture") Timchenko sold his son-Gleb Frank, 44% of oil trader Gunvor - long-time partner Torbjorn Tornqvist, which organized this business.

Similarly done and Shamalov with business terminal Pulkovo-3: the proportion of it went to Andrew Kuzmenkova.