Secret fleet of Putin's friends

The Shellest yacht is moored to the Praskoveevka yard. 
The fact that Putin's friends have a huge NGO, consisting of a multitude of non-commercial partnerships and foundations, has been repeatedly reported. For what (and for whom) are they being used? This can be guessed by looking at one of these NPs - "The Revival of Marine Traditions".

The "Renaissance" report for 2015 mentions that some foreigners have transferred this NP "Shelest" boat. With two letters "l". Actually, the "Shelest" boat is a small amphibious motor boat on an air cushion. But it turned out that such a serious partnership is not exchanged for small amphibians, nor does it throw superfluous letters into the wind. As the activist of the Solidarity movement, Mikhail Maglov, found out, I'm talking about the meleeacht "Shellest" with the call sign UBAO8, which at the beginning of September dropped anchor in the port of Sochi.

In the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping it is said that "Shelestom" really owns the "Revival of Marine Traditions" (there are no other ships for this NP yet).

The yacht was launched on June 15, 2015 in Italy, at the famous Sanlorenzo shipyard. Model 46Steel - the first steel megayacht Sanlorenzo. Design - from the legendary Francesco Pashkovsky. Length - 46 meters, width - about nine. Holds 10 passengers, 9 crew members. Three decks and five cabins, including a suite. On the manufacturer's website, its comfort is called "uncompromising".

Initially, the yacht was attributed to the Kingstown port and sailed under the flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, but from September 2015 onwards it was transferred to the Russian register and appeared in the Gelendzhik bay. Since then, you can see it in Gelendzhik, then in Sochi, and even more often - somewhere in between, in the area of ​​Divnomorsky and Praskoveevka, where the so-called Putin's palace is located.

The rustle of money from Praskoveivka

And who in the end owns this vessel for a half billion rubles? In Sanlorenzo and directly at the Italian shipyard, they did not answer the question about the construction customer and the buyer of "Shelesta".

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Dmitry Mansurov, close to Putin's friend Yuri Kovalchuk, and Pavel Zaitsev, connected with another friend of Putin, Gennady Timchenko, and the president's matchmaker Nikolai Shamalov (former owner of the "Putin's Palace" in Praskoveevka). Manages the partnership Denis Razgulyaev, who previously represented the business interests of several members of the Putin's dacha cooperative "Lake".

But in whose interests did these people "Shelest"? In the maritime register, D. Matyunin, representative of the "Revival of Marine Traditions", indicated the contact e-mail address with a rather rare domain - Exactly the same as it turned out, for the corporate purposes use the structure of businessman Alexander Ponomarenko, who in 2011 bought from Nikolai Shamalov Palace in Praskoveevka, also known as "Putin's palace near Gelendzhik." True, many believe that this deal was formal.

Today the palace is owned by the company "Complex", which belongs to the virgin offshore company Savoyan Investments Limited and JSC Binom Alexander Ponomarenko.

- Yes. We all have such e-mail addresses, - confirmed in "Binom". At the same time, they did not deny that the connection with NP "Revival of Marine Traditions" and its leader Denis Razgulyaev is also carried out by the same phone number. And at the same time they admitted that Denis Matyunin is also their employee. True, what specific position he occupies and which of the companies associated with the "Putin's palace", we refused to inform.

All this suggests that the legal owners and yachts, and the palace are one common holding company, connected with the president's family. In the spring of this year, 32-year-old lawyer Denis Matyunin became chairman of the electoral commission of the Svetlanovsky municipal district of St. Petersburg. But as early as 18 years, in his name, was recorded North-West consulting company, formerly owned by the bank "Russia" Yuri Kovalchuk. Prior to Matyunin, the head of this firm was Larisa Isayeva, general director of Yauza 12 LLC Kirill Shamalov, Putin's son-in-law.

On written questions, how closely connected "Putin's palace", the yacht of Putin's friends and Putin himself, Matyunin and the general director of "Binom" Natalia Tikhomirova did not answer. However, to deny that the megayacht "Shelest" is used personally by the president of Russia and
his closest associates, they also did not.

At the same time, as one of the participants of the elite yacht market said, the owners of "Shellest" do not exclude the option of exchanging this vessel for something more authentic and with even more uncompromising comfort. As an option consider the 52-meter model Sanlorenzo 52Steel, which is only 10% higher in price, but 20% more in area - there is a huge whip-club with a full pool and a terrace. But there are also possible options. The final decision will be made after the Monaco Yacht Show, the most prestigious yacht in the world, which will be held in late September.

As previously reported, along rivers and lakes, Vladimir Putin cruises on the Soviet ship "Russia", but for sea voyages, the President's managerates bought from the Turks a 54-meter ocean yacht "Sirius". Also, the heads of the state count the megayacht of Olympia, 57 meters long, with cabins finished in gold. According to Dmitry Skargi, the former head of Sovcomflot, who was in charge of the deal, Roman Abramovich handed over Olimpia to Putin through off-shores.