From Russia without love

The former president of the American Chamber of Commerce is expelled from Russia for violation of the visa regime.
Located here for two weeks in the Nizhny Novgorod receiver for illegals former head of the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia Scott Bleklina go home tomorrow. Sormovo District Court in Nizhny Novgorod found US citizen guilty of a second violation of the rules of entry into the Russian Federation. Bleklin arrived in Russia on a business visa, but participated in a conference of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. The US Embassy in Russia, "Kommersant" said that angered the detention Bleklina Scott and his "absurd long detention."

Scott Bleklin is in detention center for foreign nationals in Nizhny Novgorod on 20 May. He arrived in Russia on 17 May two days spent in Moscow, and then went to Nizhny Novgorod to participate in the innovation conference "Comtech", organized by the State University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN) Lobachevskii. "The conference was attended by representatives of a number of leading Russian and foreign universities and companies, including the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Missouri (USA), University ITMO (Saint Petersburg), Russian Venture Company, the Bosch company and Virgin Connect. The conference was open-ended, as part of her guests were teachers and students of the University and other universities. Scott Bleklin planned to take part in this conference ", - explained in the university. However, on the day when it would take action, American detained in the hotel "Ibis" and taken to the local branch of the Federal Migration Service for verification.

• Bleklin Scott is a friend of former US President Bill Clinton. His career began in 1975 at the US Department of Energy. From 1979 to 1986 he headed the Moscow office of the trading company WJS Incorporated. Later supervised offices in the Russian Federation Westinghouse Electric and Motorola International Cellular Infrastructure Group. In 1997-2000 Bleklin was president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia. In the 2000s he worked in high positions in Cisco Systems. In 2009 he founded a consulting firm Blacklin Associates, specializing in companies operating in developing and emerging markets.

"Mr Bleklinu had recalled that last year he was expelled from Russia", - said the source "b" in the Federal Migration Service of Russia in Nizhny Novgorod region. By the decision of the Soviet district court of Nizhny Novgorodon May 30, 2014 Scott Bleklin was indeed found guilty of violating the immigration laws of the Russian Federation. He was sentenced to a fine in the amount of 2 thousand. Rub. with expulsion from the Russian Federation "in the form of controlled independent exit." It is known that then Bleklin also participated in a round table at UNN. However, in the high school "b" we were assured that "before the problems with his participation in the activities of UNN was not."

At the end of the current proceedings Sormovo District Court found Scott guilty of violating Bleklina h. 4 Art. 18.8 of the Administrative Code ( "Repeated within one year of the violation of the rules of entry into the Russian Federation a foreign citizen ..."). A spokesman for the US Embassy in Moscow Will Stevens yesterday confirmed "Kommersant" that Scott Bleklina in 2014 was deported from Russia due to the fact that he received a tourist visa, delivered a lecture at a university. "During that trip he was informed that he had entered the country on a visa not the type that required in this case - said Will Stivens.- After consultation with the Consulate of the Russian Federation in the United States he returned to the RosUIS - now with a business visa. " According to the diplomat, "Mr. Bleklin treated with all due respect to the Russian legislation on the visa regime, and drove in the Russian Federation notified the Russian authorities and with their full consent."

Anyway, Sormovo district court decided to expel the Americans from Russia, and until that time, put it in the detention center for foreign nationals. Usually in such institutions awaiting deportation violated the law migrant workers. As the eve of the head of the Federal Migration Service of the Nizhny Novgorod region Vladimir Brikker deportation Scott Bleklina should happen tomorrow. Additionally, American is obliged to pay a fine in the amount of 5 thousand. Rub.

"We strongly oppose the arrest Bleklina and his absurdly long detention" - "b" Will Stevens said. According to him, US diplomats "several times at the highest level have expressed concern about this case to the Russian authorities - both in Russia and in Washington."

Meanwhile, Scott Bleklina is not unique, including for the Nizhny Novgorod region. May 15 Sormovo district court ninyal decision to expel two volunteers from the Czech Republic and Poland, recognizing the violation of the law of their participation in a seminar on the protection of migrants' rights. Later, foreigners could cancel the decision of the court on appeal. 21 May decision of the District Court of the Russian Federation for the same reason were expelled three employees of the Danish Institute against Torture (DIGNITY): they arrived in Nizhny Novgorod on the seminar organization "Committee against Torture". "Expulsion really became more, - commented on the recent cases of Vladimir Brikker.- This is not related to politics, the thing to tighten migration legislation since the beginning of 2014".