Manufacturer of the "Buks" presented the report on the rocket that had brought down the Boeing

Malaysian Boeing in Donbas was shot down by the 9M38M1 missile launched from the SAM "Buk-M1". That is the conclusion reached by experts of Almaz-Antey concern. They insist that the missile was not launched from Snezhnoye controlled by the rebels. 
Origin source
Representatives of Concern "Almaz - Antey", specializing in the production of air defense weapons on Tuesday gathered journalists at a press conference on the appeal to the EU Court of sanctions, but the topic was quite different. Instead of talking about sanctions group leaders made a presentation which, in their opinion, had to prove that if the Boeing 777 was shot down over Donetsk and of "Buka", the group has nothing to do with it.

Application to the European Court of Justice to annul the EU sanctions against the company, Concern PVO "Almaz - Antey" filed on 19 May. Concern believes that the EU sanctions against the company related to the disaster Malaysian Boeing 777 of Donetsk. According to one version, the plane was hit by anti-aircraft missiles "Buk" complex. "Almaz - Antey" is the sole manufacturer of this type of weapons. Drawing a parallel between the disaster and "Almaz - Antey" is not true, according to the leadership of the Russian company, so the company conducted its own investigation of the expert. His goal was - to prove that "Almaz - Antey"I could not be a supplier of missiles, caught in a passenger plane over Ukraine.

"It is not our" missile

According to experts of "Almaz - Antey", Malaysian Boeing under Donetsk was hit by a rocket-type 9M38 (M1), released "Buk-M1" air defense missile system. This conclusion was based on analysis of the nature of the injury on a fragment of the aircraft. Access to it "Almaz - Antey" specialists received after they were invited to an international commission, which is investigating the accident. "Almaz - Antey" became a member of the investigation only in the second half of February 2015, and in May of this year, Advisor to the General Designer Mikhail Malyshevsky group presented the results of the work of the commission in the Netherlands.

The holes in the skin of the aircraft - the primary damage caused by striking elements - correspond to the shape 9M38 (M1) rocket fragments. We are talking about the holes from fragments of two types - in the form of "double T" and "squares". It is on this rocket, and indicates the general nature of the damage of the fuselage, the majority ofof which is concentrated at the bow.

"Almaz - Antey" Experts do not rule out that the causes of the disaster could have been different. In particular, they do not refute the statements previously made by the Ministry of Defence that Boeing could be shot down by Su-25 attack aircraft Ukrainian. "But if it was the anti-missile system, the development of which is engaged in" Almaz - Antey ", then it could only be a" Buk-M1 "and only 9M38 (M1) rocket" - often repeated in the course of the press conference CEO Yang Novikov Group .

Concern wants to prove to the EU: "Almaz - Antey" could not be a supplier of missile brought down a passenger plane near Donetsk. such modifications rocket was developed in the 1980s, and in 1999 it was removed from production, said on Tuesday the representatives of the group. In its current form group was created in 2002 by merging JSC "Almaz - Antey" 46 enterprises. Thus, to put a missile 9M38 (M1) to anyone in the XXI century has been the concern could not assured Novikov.

However, the EU representative Susanne Kiefer RBC has denied that a decisive argument in favor of introducing anktsy against "Almaz - Antey" was the version that the Malaysian "Boeing" was shot down because of "Buka".

Yes, and "Beech", "not ours"

Are there outdated missiles at the disposal of the Armed Forces of Russia, representatives of the "Almaz - Antey" did not specify. They also rejected the speculation, who could belong to the missile, but said that the group has "irrefutable evidence" that the missile 9M38 (M1) were in service of the Ukrainian military. In 2005, the company conducted pre-contract review of existing in Ukraine's stockpile of such missiles (for the period of operation), and found that on the balance of military forces in the country was 991 missile of this type.

Another conclusion "Almaz - Antey" expert report indicates that the missile on the aircraft could not be released from the snowy village - the territory of which the DNI forces controlled at the time of the disaster. Indirectly, this confirms the version of the Russian Defense Ministry that "the Book" could be used by Ukrainian military.

The most likely area experts con rocket launchEPHA believe the area is 3.5 km south of the village Zaroshchenske. In favor of this version, according to experts, it is the fact that the rocket approached the aircraft crossing its course at an angle of 72-78 degrees to the horizontal plane and in the vertical 20-22. According Malyshevskoe only under such conditions can branch right side of the cockpit with safety glass on the right side and at the same time the almost complete destruction of the left side of the cockpit.

Novikov said that his group is ready to "financially" responsible for the results of the examination, namely by "Almaz - Antey" to conduct an experiment in the presence of independent observers: that is to release a missile 9M38 (M1) at specified angles of written-off Boeing 777.

The conclusions of the "Almaz - Antey" coincide with the withdrawal of Russian military engineers, who in late May published "Novaya Gazeta". The experts concluded that damage and the appearance of damaging elements indicate that the cause of the accident is the effect of surface-to-air missile 9M38 (M1) from the anti-aircraft missile kompleKSA "Buk-M1". They also modeled the likely point of missile launch. According to their conclusion, 9M38 (M1) was launched south of the settlement Zaroshchenske.

Both reports - and military experts, and "Almaz - Antey" - confirms the data of the RF Ministry of Defense space exploration 17 July 2014, according to which Zaroshchenske area located propelled launcher mounts SAM "Buk" Armed Forces of Ukraine. Then the representative of the Ministry of Defense said that the day of the disaster in the area was discovered activity of Ukrainian defense.

The version of the Defense Ministry has recently criticized British newspaper journalists Bellingcat, is investigating. According to them, the Russian Defense Ministry revealed forged satellite imagery. Bellingcat argues that the images were not made in July 2014, and a month earlier. In addition, the report states that the images were digitally edited to demonstrate that Boeing at the time of the disaster affected area was in Ukrainian "Buckow".

Some versions of the crash Malaysian "Boeing"

Ukrainian attack
July 21, 2014 the Russian Defense Ministry held a press briefing where the representative office, Lieutenant-General Andrew Kartapolov said that Russian agents of the objective control (SOC) on July 17, recorded a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft in the immediate vicinity (about 3-5 km) from Boeing 777. Shortly before the catastrophe military aircraft, according to the CSB, began to climb, moving in the corridor for civilian aircraft directly to the flight MH17. Su-25, according to the Defense Ministry, and could bring down the aircraft.

Obama version

The most common version was the version of the western politicians expressed by US President Barack Obama. Evidence indicates that the aircraft was shot down by a missile "surface-to-air", launched from the territory controlled by the separatists to blame indicates the fact that the Malaysian airliner was not the first aircraft shot down in eastern Ukraine: had previously been shot down by the transport and military aircraft, and as a helicopter, Obama said.

The goal - Putin

July 17 Interfax, citing a source in the Federal Air Transport Agency said that there is a likelihood that the purpose of UkrAin missiles - the ground or released from the military plane - the plane could be Russian President Vladimir Putin. This same version was broadcast a Russian "First Channel". In the future, the media focused on the discussion of the investigators access to the site of the disaster and other humanitarian issues.

fighter Photos

In November "First Channel" showed "a sensational picture" allegedly made by a foreign spy satellite in the closing seconds of the flight of the Malaysian "Boeing" over Ukraine. Leading the program "but" Mikhail Leontiev accused in the destruction of the Boeing 777 Ukrainian fighter, reflected in the photograph. Later it turned out that the picture was found on the Internet and sent to the vice-president of the Russian Union of Engineers Ivan Andrievsky American aviation expert George Bilt. In an interview with BuzzFeed Bilt he stressed that he was not sure of its authenticity.