The self-recording device told about the flaps

A new version of the Tu-154 crash.
Tuesday was decoded parametric recorder Tu-154B2 Defense Ministry crashed on Sunday in the Black Sea. According to sources, "b", according to a preliminary analysis of data obtained from the "black box", the development of contingency situation on board could not begin to remove for some reason the flaps. Trying to compensate arising out of this dive time, pilots have aggravated the situation to a critical, over-cocked nose of the aircraft.

As the "Kommersant", on Tuesday morning, the divers managed to find and pick up on the surface of the greatest of all time aircraft fragment search operation - four-meter piece of the tail of the Tu-154B2, who was at 30-meter depth. It found and parametric recorder, recording the flight parameters and operation of all ship systems. He was immediately sent to the Central Research Institute of the Air Force in the Moscow suburb of Lyubertsy. The Defense Ministry said Tuesday that studies have allowed "to narrow the list of possible causes of the crash." The results of decoding the "black box," the Defense Ministry has not yet made public, saying only that "the final conclusions on the causes of the crash will be made by the state commission after consideration of all possible factors."

Meanwhile, a source, "Kommersant," close to the investigation said that the recorder registered the cleaning system failure flaps Tu-154, which on takeoff provide additional lift on the wings of the aircraft.

Failure to clean the flaps, according to the respondents "b" of specialists in the field of aviation, is an unpleasant but not catastrophic incident. This situation and the actions of the pilots when it occurs are described in detail in the flight manual, the Tu-154 and constantly practiced crews on simulators.

According to experts, arising from the unharvested flaps dive time at the start of the pilots and the controls compensate with the help of aircraft stabilizer. Winning by this time, the pilots immediately report a fault to the dispatcher and returns the car to the departure aerodrome. In this case the return takes place at low speeds to the plane disapproved not torn off the counter flow.

The crew of the Tu-154 minoboronovskogo, according to experts, for some reason, failed to solve the problem of the failed flaps. Moreover, their actions could only aggravate the crash, but not the critical situation that has arisen on board.

Experts believe that military pilots, trying to compensate for the gradual withdrawal of the aircraft into a dive, become too actively pull the steering wheels, while increasing engine operation. Because of this, the aircraft could reach the so-called supercritical angles of attack, losing speed and instead climb crumble into the sea.

By the way, the assumption of quiescent flaps parties put forward the investigation before decoding the recorder. This was done on the basis of direct testimony witness the incident - an employee of the Coast Guard FSB, compared the position of the aircraft at the moment of contact with the moving water on the rear wheel motorcycle.

On Tuesday, the official representative of the TFR Svetlana Petrenko said that in addition to the testimony of other eyewitnesses of what happened at the disposal of the investigation there is also a video that captures the entire liner short flight - from take-off until the fall. In the SCR as the content of the video, as well as information received by experts with flight recorder is not commenting.

Note that, despite the data recorder, the investigation and the experts are not going to give up the other assumptions about the causes of the disaster. Thus, according to "Kommersant", the specialists still remain in the version of a possible terrorist attack on board the aircraft; violation of his centering on takeoff, to which Tu-154, according to drivers, is very sensitive. Finally, check the data and the possible collision of the aircraft with a flock of seagulls. It is known that at the beginning of the search operation at the alleged crash was found a large number of bird feathers floating on the water surface. In turn, the rescue helicopter pilots also complained about the dominance of the birds in the air. The final version of the state of emergency related to birds will be confirmed or rejected after the experts will find and examine the aircraft engines, in which the blades may have been left biological traces.