The publisher of Profil magazine was arrested for blackmailing Ziyavudin Magomedov

At the Povarskaya Street in the Tai Tai restaurant was arrested the general director of LLC IDM-Format Yevgeny Feldman for extortion of 200 thousand dollars from the Summa Group, of which Ziyavudin Magomedov is the main owner.
Origin source
The head of publishing houses threatened the largest holding company with damage of reputation and the publication of unflattering articles in the business magazines Profil and Kompania entrusted to him. At the time of detention, the man received a payment order to transfer six million rubles, half of the amount agreed.

The police received a message on blackmail from the head of the holding company Summa Group, subordinated to the oligarch Ziyavudin Magomedov.

In regard to Feldman, who promised for 200 thousand dollars to keep silent about a number of facts that undermine the reputation of the holding, criminal proceedings have already been initiated. In the near future, the issue of the measure of restraint will be resolved.

Summa Group is a Russian multi-profile holding uniting assets in port logistics, engineering, construction, telecommunications and oil and gas sectors. The headquarters of the company is located in Moscow.

The head of the publishing house Rodionov was detained for extorting $200,000 from Ziyavudin Magomedov
Forbes, 03/03/2017

The general director of the Rodionov Publishing House, partly owned by two participants of the Forbes list, unsuccessfully tried to extort money from another billionaire. The owners themselves were ready to give this media to anyone else last fall.

Tass reports that Yevgeny Feldman, general director of OOO IDR-Format company, was detained for extorting a large sum of money from representatives of Summa Group, owned by Ziyavudin Magomedov. Summa Group confirmed to Forbes  that the director of the security service of the company wrote a statement to law enforcement agencies about an attempt to extort $200,000.

According to a source familiar with the circumstances of the case, the billionaire was demanded to part with money for blocking any negative publications about him in Kompania and Profil magazines issued by the Rodionov's PH. At the same time, there were no reports of specific publications or any compromising material.
Rodionov's PH was founded in 1999, now it publishes three magazines: Kompania, Profil and Krestyanka. In 2004, its creator Sergey Rodionov sold half of the PH to co-owners of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company Andrey Bokarev and Iskander Makhmudov. In September 2016, Yevgeny Feldman confirmed to Vedomosti that Bokarev and Makhmudov remained co-owners of the publishing house. Just at this time, Bokarev told RNS agency that he and his partner were ready to get rid of all media assets: "We are ready to sell everything connected with the publishing business. And immediately. Not even sell, but give away for free: both Profil and Kompania, everything".

As Vedomosti reported then with reference to a well-informed source, over the last few years, Bokarev and Mahmudov were ready to sell their half of the PH for 1 ruble. "It was not possible to find a buyer even at such a price because of the company's debt burden," he says. According to SPARK-Interfax, in 2015 the net loss of IDR-Format exceeded 10 million rubles. With revenue of 138.8 million rubles. Feldman argued that the company was profitable, but did not name specific figures and could not explain why SPARK-Interfax reported losses.

The representative of the Rodionov's PH said to Forbes that there were no comments yet, and an official statement will follow when the PH will "sort out the situation."