Sechin's comrade asked Putin to get the last major oil field

Independent oil company owned by Eduard Khudainatov wants to develop the Erginskoye oil field. In order to achieve that, Khudainatov asked President Vladimir Putin to include a special condition into the auction conditions.
Origin source
The request to Putin

The RBC possession was a letter from President of the Independent Oil Company (NOC) and the former head of "Rosneft" Eduard Khudainatov Russian President Vladimir Putin, auction dedicated to the development of oil fields Erginskoye. It is the last major unallocated oil field in Russia (see. Certificate). Natural Resources Minister Sergei Donskoi said in March that the auction can be announced in the second or third quarter of this year.

Putin complains Hudaynatov part-load of the Khabarovsk refinery, which belongs to the Independent oil company. Development Erginskoye deposit would allow to solve this problem. For this Hudaynatov asks Putin to "assist" to be included in the auction documentation requirements for mandatory recycling produced at the oil field to the refinery in the Far East. According Khudainatov, it will also ensure unconditional fulfillment of Putin's instructions on the development of the Far East. "Your support in this regard will ensure the stability of the production of high-quality oils, preventing their deficits in remote areas, containment of prices and reliability of an uninterrupted supply of oil products to the Far East ", - concludes the letter head of the NOC.

Putin has put in writing the resolution: "Don SE Please review and submit proposals. " A spokesman for Putin, Dmitry Peskov, declined to comment. NOC representative Tatiana Kovaleva did not respond to a request to RBC.

What Erginskoye field

Erginskoye oil field in Western Siberia, is one of the largest explored deposits in Russia and is part of the Ob field, different parts of which are already developing "Rosneft" and "Gazprom oil". Its reserves of C1 + C2 reserves make up 103 million tons. For comparison, the reserves of them. Trebsa and them. Titov, who develop "Bashneft" and LUKOIL, estimated at 140 million tons of oil reserves of the Vankor field, "Rosneft", the largest in Eastern Siberia - 500 million tons of oil and condensate and 182 billion cubic meters. meters of gas.

Officials against

According to twoSource in the government, in April, the Minister of Natural Resources Sergey Donskoy Putin sent a letter in which he did not support the request of the NOC. The same position at the subordinate Ministry of Natural Resources of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, to the letter (available at RBC), deputy head of department in the Ministry of Natural Resources Orestes Kasparov.

Natural Resources Ministry spokesman confirmed that the Ministry of the proposal Khudainatov. In early May, the Ministry sent to the government a draft order of the auction (also a copy of RBC). The winner will be required to start production within two years from the date of registration of the license, to carry out exploration for five years and agree with Rosrybolovstvo production conditions, so that it is not damaged 11 nearby fishing. All extracted oil must be processed at Russian refineries. Far East about conditions in the document no. Ministry spokesman explained that the government could propose such a requirement only in the case of competition.

Hudaynatov not the first time trying to use the Khabarovsk oil refinery in the Far East, but forVågå asset. In March, "Vedomosti" reported that Hudaynatov asked Putin to oblige buyers 50% "Bashneft" shares refine oil and sell oil in the Far East. President of "Bashneft" Alexander Corsica Rosimuschestvo warned that such a requirement violated the law on competition and significantly reduces the number of potential buyers of "Bashneft". A member of the Federal Property Agency said RBC that Khudainatov proposals are unlikely to be taken into account.

Hike of "Bashneft"

Offer Khudainatov

The government plans to sell a 50.1% stake in this year's "Bashneft". April 17, President Vladimir Putin ruled out company from the list of strategic assets that allow the government to begin the transaction.

Hudaynatov 30 March 2016 sent a letter to Putin that the NOC wishes to take part in the privatization of "Bashneft", wrote "Vedomosti" with reference to the copy of the letter. The publication indicates that the April 5, Vladimir Putin put on him a visa "to consider". In a letter to the head of the NOC asked to include in the privatization conditions of the requirements for the processing of the naveand sale of fuel and the Far East.

In the European part of Russia today there is a surplus of production, processing and production of petroleum products, while the resource base to meet the needs of the Far East is not enough, he said. NOC owns the Khabarovsk refinery and a network of filling stations in the region and has the necessary capacity to implement these conditions, the statement reads.

"We have also made a proposal for organizing the sale of a controlling stake" Bashneft "shares to the resulting synergy of this was aimed at the development of the Far East of Russia", - said a day Hudaynatov TASS, confirming the desire to buy "Bashneft".

reaction Corsica

Offer Khudainatov sharply publicly criticized General Director of "Bashneft" Alexander Corsica. It "significantly reduces the number of potential buyers package" Bashneft "shares, warned Corsica. Such a requirement may be regarded as the FAS or the arbitral tribunal contrary to the law "On Protection of Competition", wrote the initial Corsica April 19nick management Rosimushchestva Vitaly Sergeichuk, which is part of the Board of Directors "Bashneft" (a copy of the letter is at the RBC).

In addition to the NOC in the privatization of "Bashneft" LUKOIL is planning to participate. "The interest we have. We will pay real money for "Bashneft" real economy - said the president of Lukoil Vagit Alekperov in late April.

Combating major

Donskoy in March, said that interest in the deposit Erginskoye show "Rosneft", "Gazprom Neft", Novatek, Lukoil, "Surgutneftegaz" and NOCs. Earlier, his interest officially confirmed RBC "Gazprom Neft". Sources in the "Rosneft", "Surgutneftegaz" and the NOC also said that the company is interesting field. LUKOIL Officer explained that the company assesses the appropriateness of the tender, but decisions yet.

According to senior analyst Valery Nesterov Sberbank CIB, the main battle will be between the "Rosneft" and "Gazprom oil", as the companies have a number of existing assets and infrastructure. If the other participants will not be much povyshats cost, then, according to Nesterov, the winner will pay for the asset 19,5-26 billion rubles. (At the current rate of $ 300-400 million). He estimates the fair value of the deposit's reserves at $ 0.5 per barrel of oil equivalent (CE).

Chairman of the board of directors "Gazprom oil" Miller asked Putin last year to make the tender documentation so that "Gazprom Neft" could "form the most competitive position and offer the most effective scheme of royalties." To do this, Miller proposed to include in the auction documentation two requirements. The first - to recycle 100% of the extracted raw materials to the Russian refineries to produce fuel grade not lower than Euro 5, and the second - to enter the mine into operation no later than one year after obtaining the license.

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources made to government documents, the starting price at the auction will be 5.35 billion rubles. Nesterov recalls that for stocks of such categories and the value of oil companies to pay 3-5 times more than the starting price. For example, "Surgutneftegaz" in 2012 paid for the production of ndeposit them. Spielmann 46.2 billion rubles., Which is three times higher than the initial payment. "If" Surgutneftegaz "will be really interesting Erginskoye field, he can bring the asset price to $ 1 per boe, as only the company a lot of money in the accounts," - said the expert. According to Nesterov, Khudainatov denial processing Erginskoye oil fields in the Far East is motivated: it is expensive in terms of transportation of oil and would restrict the rights of NOCs competitors.