Coca-Cola has apologized to Ukraine

The reason is the previously published map of Russia with the Crimea.
Embassy of Ukraine reported that the company Coca-Cola has officially apologized for the publication of their country in a social network stylized maps of Russia with the Crimea. Leaders of the American company called scandalous accommodation card "misunderstanding" and explain its appearance that it has prepared an independent agency without the consent of the company.

Company Coca-Cola apologized to Ukraine for Russian map with the Crimea, which was previously published by the Russian division of the company. This was on his official Facebook page said the Ukrainian Embassy in the United States. As the message on January 6, the head of Coca-Cola Washington office Kate Irwin he met with Ukrainian diplomats and brought them a letter from a senior vice president of Coca-Cola Clyde Tuggle in Ukraine after the name of the US Valery Chaly official sorry for the "misunderstanding" . As explained by Mrs. Irwin, the card has been "prepared by an independent agency without the knowledge and consent of Coca-Cola, but for which she (Coca-Cola -" b ") assumes full responsibility", and on January 5, the company Coca-Cola removed from their groups in social networks scandalous map. She also noted that Coca-Cola is one of the largest taxpayers in Ukraine and intends to continue to work actively in the Ukrainian market.

Recall that the scandal erupted after the December 30 Russian Coca-Cola branch published in his "VKontakte" group of New Year's greetings with a stylized map of Russia, where there were no Crimea, Kaliningrad region and the Kuril Islands, which caused indignation of the masses in the Russian segment of social networks . Thereafter, Coca-Cola on its official "VKontakte" page apologized to Russians and published a new map of the Crimea, which immediately led to a scandal, but this time in Ukraine.

Immediately after this incident, a number of Ukrainian politicians have called to boycott the company's products. So, for example, an MP from the party "Block Petro Poroshenko," Mustafa Nye has called for a boycott of the Ukrainians - "I suggest that the citizens of Ukraine in response to return the company Coca-Cola on the ground and refuse to buy the company's products" and leader of the party « Freedom "Oleg Tyahnybok proposed altogether ban the activities of this company in Ukraine. "Immediately ban the activities of American companies in Ukraine, which is de facto recognized the Crimea to Moscow. An interesting reaction to the US Embassy in Ukraine ", - he wrote on his page to Facebook. In addition Zaporozhye MPs have prepared a lawsuit on protection of honor, dignity and business reputation against the Coca-Cola Company as a "violator of international law" and demanded her compensation for moral damages in the amount of 1 million hryvnia.

The Russian division of Coca-Cola Company said, "Kommersant" that used a stylized map of Russia as part of a Christmas campaign in social networks. "The agency, which developed the map, later amended without our knowledge and agreement. Coca-Cola Company does not protect any political position, and does not support political parties and movements. We apologize for the "contradictory position" ", - said the representative of the company.