NYT made a connection between the uranium deal of Rosatom and the Clinton Foundation donations

Investors associated with the purchase of Uranium One by Rosatom, gave large sums to charitable Clinton Foundation at a time when Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was involved in the approval of this transaction.
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Clinton Foundation received donations from investors Canadian company Uranium One, when the Russian state-owned corporation has gradually gained control over it from 2009 to 2013, writes The New York Times referring to the Canadian side of the documents. Of these revenues are not reported publicly, despite the agreement of State Hillary Clinton to the White House on disclosure of donors to the fund, according to the newspaper.

The deal "Rosatom" took control of the uranium mines in Kazakhstan, which is considered one of the most profitable in the world, and over 20% of the uranium mining in the United States. "The acquisition of the mines in Wyoming was not a goal. The goal was to acquire the Kazakh assets, which are very good, "- said in an interview with the official representative of" Rosatom "Sergey Novikov.

Since uranium is a strategic asset that affects the national security, acquisition of Uranium One was subject to approval by the Committee, composed of representatives from various US agencies. Among them was the State Department, which from 2009 to 2013 led by Hillary Clinton.

The newspaper quotes the followingconductive sequence of transactions which led to the purchase of Uranium One Russian state corporation, and donations to the Clinton Foundation. In September 2005, a Canadian financier Frank Giustra acquired Kazakh assets for your company UrAsia. This happened a few days after the visit to Kazakhstan, former President Bill Clinton, the newspaper said. In 2006 Giustra donated to the Fund $ 31.3 million Clintons.

In February 2007, UrAsia merged with the mining company in South Africa and was named Uranium One. Over the next two months, the company began to acquire assets in the United States. In February 2008, negotiations began on the "Rosatom" Investments in Uranium One. NYT points out that in 2008-2010, investors Uranium One, which were to benefit from Russian investments, the Fund gave $ 8.65 million Clintons.

In June 2009, the daughter of "Rosatom" of "ARMZ" (ARMZ) has acquired 17% of Uranium One. Meanwhile, the newspaper notes, donations Investors Canadian company in the Clinton Foundation made in 2010-2011 millions of dollars.

In June 2010, I decided to get control "Rosatom"Aketi in Uranium One, which required the approval of the US Committee on Foreign Investment, which was presented and the State Department. "Rosatom", according to the NYT, while at the same time promised not to increase its stake in the company and privatize it.

June 29, 2010 Bill Clinton made in Moscow at the annual investor conference organized by the bank "Renaissance Capital", which analysts recommended shares of Uranium One to buy. For speech, former US president received a fee of $ 500 thousand. The representative of the "Renaissance Capital" refused to comment on the NYT, how the idea to invite Clinton to speak and whether it was related to the transaction of "Rosatom".

In October 2010, the acquisition of "Rosatom" control Uranium One package was approved by the US Committee on Foreign Investment, and in January 2013 ARMZ bought the remaining shares and became the sole owner of the company.

The newspaper writes that its investigation of the acquisition of Uranium One is based on dozens of interviews and the review of public documents and applications for placement of securitiesCanada, Russia and the United States. In addition, the newspaper notes, some of the links between the Canadian company and the Clinton Foundation have been disclosed by the former political officer of the analytical center "Hoover Institution".

The New York Times points out that it remains unknown whether the donations have played any role in the approval of the uranium deal. Brian Fallon, a spokesman for campaign headquarters of Hillary Clinton, who in April 2015 announced its intention to run for president of the USA, said that no one "has never brought a scrap of evidence to support the theory that Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State undertook kogda-libo actions aimed to support the Clinton Foundation donors interests. "

Fallon said that in general the question of approval of investment can not be solved at the level of Secretary of State. He declined to comment on whether Clinton was aware of discussions deal of "Rosatom" and Uranium One, but gave NYT statement by the former Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, who participated in the work of the Foreign Investment Committee. Fernandez, though not said specifically about the uranium sdtree, he said that "Mrs. Clinton never intervened" in its work related to the participation in the Committee on Investments.