The court arrested the property of Alexey Ulyukayev

The property of the former Minister of Economic Development, Alexey Ulyukayev, has been arrested, RBC was told in the Basmanny Court.
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The court sanctioned the arrest of property of the former Minister of Economic Development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev. This RBC spokeswoman of the Basmanny District Court of Moscow Juno Tsarev.

"November 29 was the arrest of the ten plots of land and a house in Smolensk region", - explained Tsarev.

Ulyukayev was detained by law enforcement agencies on the night of November 15th. The Investigative Committee claimed that the minister was taken red-handed while taking a bribe. Already the day he was charged with receiving bribes and extortion on a large scale and sent under house arrest until 15 January.

According to investigators, Ulyukayev extorted "Rosneft" $ 2 million (130 million rubles). in exchange for a positive conclusion of the Ministry of Economic Development in relation to the acquisition of 50.08% stake in the company "Bashneft" in the state. According to the CCJ, he also expressed his threat to create obstacles to the activities of the company using their official authority.

Ulyukayev himself pleaded not guilty. His lawyer, Timothy Gridnev previously claimed that the ex-minister considers the incident as a provocation.

The evening of November 15, President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a decree on dismissal Ulyukayev as Minister of Economic Development in connection with the loss of confidence. His ministry took place in former deputy finance minister Maxim Oreshkin.