Krasnaya Polyana gives no peace to environmentalists

Gazprom plans a new construction project there.
As the "Kommersant", "Gazprom" considers the project a major expansion resort of Krasnaya Polyana:.. The company wants to increase the number of tourists to 25 thousand people per day to 40 thousand for that "Gazprom" has developed the project once the four new resorts in the area of ​​the mountain massif Pseashkho - Now it is the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere reserve, where construction is strictly prohibited. "Gazprom" plans to build at the site 83 km cable cars, 250 km of ski slopes, to build 14 restaurants and 4 mountain hotel. Environmentalists point out that this may cause damage to the reserve, to thwart the restoration of the Sochi leopard populations and lead to the exclusion from the list of the Western Caucasus World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Today, this project will be considered in the analytical center of the Russian government.

At the disposal of "b" was a video presentation entitled "Development Concept of" Mountain-tourist center "Gazprom" "". According to "Kommersant" a source in the company, it has been prepared in the mid-autumn 2016. The presentation lists the existing ski slopes of Krasnaya Polyana (77 km in the "Rosa Khutor", 25 km to the "Hills City", 20 km - GTZ "Gazprom", 11 km - "Alpika-Service") with a total capacity of 25 thousand. people a day. "It is at times less than similar European resorts - conclude avtory.- To meet the growing demand for winter holidays, the company" Gazprom "plans to develop the mining and tourist center." To do this, it planned to build four new resort. The first will be located on top of the mountain a herd - to the already existing GTZ "Gazprom" will stretch the cable car. The developers claim that herds can ride five months of the year, and the rest of the time to use it for hiking and cycling. On the mountain tourist center will be built, ski school, children's entertainment center, attractions, cafes, three restaurants and a mountain hotel. From the herd will take a cable car up to the ridge Aishho to cross the valley of the river Psluh. The ski season here is also five months on Aishho plan to build seven restaurants, two multi-center, two mountain hotel and camping areas. From the cable car up to the glacier Pseashkho stretch where skiers will ride nine months. They equip tourist center, four restaurants and a mountain hotel. Another cable car from the source of the river Psluh zakoltsuet ski area Glacier Ice. "If necessary, it will be escape route," - noted in a presentation. Last resort will be located "north of the glacier" - snow parks will be placed here, ski schools, skating rinks, toboggan runs and rides. The concept states that the new 250 km of ski runs and 83 km of cable cars "will increase the throughput of the resorts on the 20 thousand people a day." - Almost doubled. "It will put the resorts in Krasnaya Polyana on a par with the most prestigious resorts in the world Permanent tourist flow will ensure the prosperity of the region and the company." Gazprom "," - the author sums up the presentation.

"All the sites mentioned in this concept - the mountain herds, Bzerpi peak, Mount Aishho, Pseashkho ridge, Glacier Ice - located on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve" - ​​said the expert on environmental legislation "Greenpeace Russia" Mikhail Kreindlin. Recall, in the summer, the State Duma adopted a law on the so-called biosphere polygon actually allowed to change the boundaries of protected zones of nature reserves for the construction of sports and tourist facilities (see. "B" of 24 June). Even then, environmentalists have argued that the law is designed to expand the existing resort areas in the direction of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. "If all mentioned in the video infrastructure will be created, the reserve is actually cease to exist as a single specially protected natural territory, because at the very center of the construction will begin. This will lead to a complete loss of conservation value." Ecologist stressed that the expansion of the resorts will make senseless all plans reintroduction of leopard in the Caucasus. Recall that the first released Sochi leopards in their natural habitat in July this year. The situation with the recovery of populations of these animals personally oversees the special representative of Russian President on environmental activities, environment and transport, Sergei Ivanov. "Construction of the resort will take place directly in the habitat of leopards", - says Mikhail Kreindlin. "Construction of this magnitude would entail a redistribution of prey in the reserve, - agreed to the WWF Russia.- This will affect the leopards, ungulates which are forage Well, certainly we can say that releasing leopards in the reserve would not make more sense -. They have nowhere to go ".

Yesterday, in "Gazprom" could not promptly comment on the "Y" information from the presentation. "Issues related to the expansion of sports facilities in Sochi, require careful consideration, - said yesterday," b "in Minprirody.- In any case, the negative impact on the territory should not be allowed." Today, 15 December, the situation with the resorts in the Caucasus will be discussed in the analytical center of the Russian Government - it will include representatives of "Rosa Khutor", the Ministry of Environment, environmental organizations, as well as the expertise of the Presidential administration. As reported by "Kommersant" the organizers, the meeting will be considered and a video presentation of "Gazprom".