Additional 10 million rubles are demanded from Potanin's ex-wife in court

According to her lawyers, behind another claim of Eco-Invest there's her husband Vladimir Potanin, who was recently called the richest Russian by Forbes. 
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Presnensky court of Moscow has accepted a lawsuit the company "Eco-Invest» Natalia Potanin - the former wife of the president of HC "Interros" and General Director of MMC "Norilsk Nickel" Vladimir Potanin. According to "Izvestia", the company requires it to collect from the ex-wife of a businessman more than 10 million rubles of debt to pay for rent and utilities in the house in which she and her children live. Lawyers Natalia Potanina confident that Applicant is Vladimir Potanin himself, which the American Forbes magazine in March called the richest Russian. According to the publication, co-owner of "Interros" group took the 60th place in the global ranking of Forbes with a fortune of $ 14.8 billion.

According to the lawsuit (available to the "News"), in temporary possession Potanina are owned by "Eco Invest" residential five-storey building with total area of ​​2230.2 square meters. m, three plots of land with total area of ​​about 23 thousand sq. m. m, two-storey guest house with a total area of ​​196 square meters. m. According to the contract signed in 2012 between the "Eco Invest" and Natalia Potanin, the oligarch's ex-wife has committed to a monthly listing feefor the use of the house and other objects 1.44 million rubles, and also bear the cost of utility bills in the amount of 1.9 million rubles.

According to the lawsuit, April 25, 2014 the plaintiff ( "Eco-Invest") sent to the respondent (Potanin) notice of the unilateral refusal to perform the contract and demanded to return home, land, and terminated the contract on 26 May. However, despite the objections of the defendant the plaintiff continued to use the property.

"For the period of actual use of objects, from 1 October to 31 December 2014 inclusive, the defendant (Potanin) has outstanding debt to the sum of 10.3 million rubles by the plaintiff," - said in the lawsuit "Eco Invest".

The company asked the court to recover from Natalia Potanina this amount, from which 4.34 million rubles of debt on payment of actual residence, 5.96 million rubles - the debt for utility services and 999.99 rubles - arrears of remuneration "Eco Invest" for ensuring the provision of related services.
This is not the first lawsuit "Eco Invest" to Potanin. In the summer of 2014and the company tried to sell the house, which at that time lived Natalia with children. sale and purchase agreement was signed May 26, 2014 between the "Eco Invest" and "Universal Invest", and the next day "Eco-Invest" has received a deposit in the amount of 78.1 million rubles. The price of home sales amounted to 1.5 billion rubles.

As provided in the Presnensky District Court of the sales contract states that the seller must give the buyer the house was free from third parties and their property within a reasonable time, and if we fail to do so, to return the deposit to the buyer double the amount. Since Potanin and her family continued to reside in the house, the buyer refused to June 16 and from the contract required the seller to pay the deposit in double.

The "Eco-Invest" argue that the buyer paid 156 million rubles in damages for torpedo the deal.

June 25, 2014 "Eco-Invest" has filed a lawsuit all the same Presnensky court to Natalia Potanina for damages equal to the amount of the deposit - 78 million rubles.

The representative of Potanin believes that the sales contract between the house "EkInvest "and" Universal Invest "was originally alleged transaction which the parties actually perform not going.

- The sole purpose of this scheme was to create an artificial debt, and threatened him with punishment Natalia Potanina force her and the family to leave the house - said the representative of the press service of its "News".

According to the database "" SPARK-Interfax "," company "Universal Invest" was registered on May 7, 2014, two weeks before the conclusion of the contract of sale. The authorized capital of the company 10 thousand. Rubles. Its sole founder (100%) and general director is Pavel Borisovich Ants. The representative of "Universal Invest" refused to answer the question of "Izvestia".

- Paul Ants familiar with Vladimir Potanin, the end of the 1990s. They met when Ants played for amateur soccer team Potanin. Before the divorce Ants often at Potanin's family at a party, regularly accompanied them on trips abroad, including the New Year's holidays in Courchevel, yachting. Thus for all his travel (flights, hotels, etc..) I paid Vladimir Potanin - said, "Izvestia," the spokesman Potanin.

Under the terms of the contract the buyer was obliged to up to 6 June 2014 to pay part of the price the seller in the amount of 468 million rubles. However, according to the request received by the court an extract from a bank of such funds from the buyer was not. Funds for the payment of a deposit in the amount of 78 million rubles, "Universal Invest" received from the offshore company "Okapi Business Services Limited."

- Expand its beneficiaries representatives "Universal Invest" on the court flatly refused, - said the representative of Potanin. - We believe that the company for "Okapi Business Services Limited" is Potanin.

The two companies - "Eco-Invest" and "Universal Invest" - located in Moscow on the street. Novoslobodskaya, 23, in the "Meyerhold" business center. This business center is one of the companies "ProfEsteyt" projects belonging to the holding "Interros" Vladimir Potanin. The representative of the "Interros" told "Izvestia", that "the two companies do not have to do with us."

February 17, 2015 Presnensky court of Moscow has satisfied the claim of "Eco Invest" for Potanin to recover from its debt for the lease of the property in the amount of more than 8 million rubles for the period from July to September, 2014. Potanin's lawyers have filed a complaint against this decision. In addition, lawyers Natalia Potanina filed a lawsuit on the recognition of its owner of the company "Eco-Invest".

Presnensky court initially did not take this action to the production, but on Thursday the Moscow City Court has ordered him to take a claim to the production.

- If the court finds that the owner of the company is Natalia Potanin, will match the creditor and the debtor in one person, that does not allow to consider the claim (a claim for 78 million rubles for the transaction of sale of the house), - said the lawyer in support of the application.

In turn, the representative of the plaintiff company told the court that this defendant's request considers as an attempt to delay the process.

Natalia Potanin sure of the company "Eco Invest" is her ex-husband, Vladimir, and therefore, it must be subject to fair section.

Predstavitel press service of the "Interros" has informed "News" on Tuesday that the company "Eco-Invest" to them is no longer the relationship, the owner of the object is not included in the "Interros" group. However, he did not specify at what point this happened. On the phone, which is listed in the database "SPARK-Interfax" as "Eco-Invest" number corresponds to the reception of "ProfEsteyt", part of the "Interros".

Residential building in the village Nemchinov Odintsovo district, Moscow region, which appears in the statement of claim "Eco Invest", was built from the late 1990s to live Potanin family. It lived Natalia Potanin Potanin youngest son Vasily, the eldest son of Ivan and his wife and child and a 95-year-old mother of Natalia.

Vladimir Potanin designed residential house and land not on his own behalf, but on a legal entity, the actual beneficiary of the remaining property. The only party to the current owner of the house - the company "Eco-Invest" - is, according to the database "SPARK-Interfax" reports, the Cyprus offshore company "Vayolestar Holdings Limited".

Presnenskyud Moscow annulled the marriage between Natalia and Vladimir Potanin in February 2014.

Lawyers ambiguous about the outlook for Natalia Potanina against a former spouse and the companies that it believed to be associated with him.

- "Eco-Invest" will collect damages for utility and rental payments with Potanin. With regard to the claim itself percpektiv Potanina recognition as owner of the "Eco-Invest", to me they seem to be vague. To determine who is the ultimate beneficiary of the Cyprus offshore will be very difficult. Even if its lawyers will prove that he belongs to Potanin, she will have to file a claim on the division of property, or the recognition of property rights. Prospects for action "Eko Invest" because of failure to conclude a contract of sale seem to me as successful as the lease agreement between it and the "Eco-Invest" has been terminated and is now Potanin violates the rights of the owner to dispose of his property, - told "Izvestia" lawyer Olga Davidyuk.

According to the lawyer, Vladimir Mineeva, Potanin would have to compensate the "Eco-Invest" and lease lossesutility payments arising under the contract.

- With regard to the losses due to the return of the deposit on the contract of sale, there is Potanin has a chance to win the case if it can prove that the transaction "Eco Invest" and "Universal Invest" was imaginary. This is indicated by the fact, for example, that the company-buyer was created for two weeks before the conclusion of the contract of sale, as well as the fact that the company had no money to buy this house, - said the lawyer.