Lawyer with billions: what is known about businessman Shumkov who committed suicide

On Friday, lawyer Dmitry Shumkov commited suicide in his apartment in the Federation Tower. In business, he was known as Musa Bazhaev's partner and owner of the Olympic sports complex.
Origin source
Buyer "Olympic"

Lawyer Dmitry Shumkov became widely known in the spring of 2014, when he bought a sports complex "Olympic". Bidding for the sale of 64% stake in the sports complex, owned by the city, held on 23 May, 2014. With the first step, an object of 4.7 billion rubles. bought JSC "Neftegazprod" associated with the JSC "" Alliance Group "Musa Bazhaev. However, later on the Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin meeting with the "Club of the investors' capital Dmitry Shumkov was introduced as the new owner of the" Olympic ". Shumkov said that it would begin the reconstruction "Olympic" in the autumn of 2014 and will invest in it 10 billion rubles., To make the analogue arena Madisson Square Garden in New York.

Around the same time, "Vedomosti" told about another purchase billionaire: Shumkov for 3.4 billion rubles. Moscow has bought a historic building on the street. Barbarian, 14 (former apartment building built Persits 1909). The hotel was planned to reconstruct the five-star hotel with 320 rooms. "Kommersant" wrote that $ 250 million will be invested in the reconstruction, and to manage it may Mandarin Oriental.

Where did such Shumkova daygi? Two of his friends were told that the money for the purchase of "Olympic" and the project on Varvarka entrepreneur received for mediation - helped Moses Bazhaev sell its Alliance Oil. However, a source close to the customer - Eduard Khudainatov Independent oil and gas company, said that in one transaction the name Shumkova never sounded. Representative Bazhaev Shumkova on participation in the transaction refused to talk.

Two friends Shumkova also say that Bazhaev Shumkov together and engaged in the Moscow real estate, and in July this year decided to divide business: Bazhaev took the "Olympic" and Shumkov - Varvarka.

assistant Bazhaev

In 2012 Bazhaev come to grips with the "Norilsk Nickel" for a license for the southern part of the deposit "Norilsk-1" (one of the largest on the Taimyr Peninsula, there nickel, copper, cobalt and platinum group metals). "In July 2012 the competition for deposits has officially won the" Artel Amur "(part of the" Russian platinum "group) - Bazhaev structure, - tells the familiar Shumkova. - Shumkov then spent a very thin legalwork, "Norilsk Nickel" disputed the results of the contest in the courts, but lost - namely Shumkov preparing documents for the hearings and defended the position of the license holder to the "Norilsk-1". In July 2013, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the transfer of deposits of "Artel of prospectors Amur" (representative of "Norilsk nickel" on Sunday left the request unanswered RBC).

In May 2014 Shumkov told "Vedomosti" that is partner Bazhaev for "Russian platinum" and some other projects. "As a long time it was impossible to issue a license for" Norilsk-1 "Shumkov offered to help - says his friend. - Once in August 2013. "Artel Amur" still got the license Shumkov said that this is his merit, and he was supposed to 10-15% of the company. However, no such agreement has not been fixed. "

This summer, the agency "Mikhailov & Partners" spread the message that Shumkov - "on the raw partner projects Bazhaev family" - put up for sale "its stake in one of the key againevyh assets of the company "Russian platinum" - the southern part of Norilsk-1 ". Representatives Bazhaev at the same time denied the "Kommersant" information that Shumkov owns shares in the platinum industry.

On Sunday, a representative of the "Alliance" RBC confirmed that position: "Shumkov did not own any shares and options to receive shares in the platinum and oil assets of the group."

Man of telecom

On Shumkova investments in IT-business knows little. Through his company, IFC, he owned 25% of the networks of interaction Technology Centre (TSTVS), which was established in 2013. Another 75% owned by the company "data center" (a network data center operator, operates under the brand SafeData). This Shumkov, according to "Kommersant", was one of the shareholders of SafeData.

In 2014 Shumkov through TSTVS invested in Russia's largest and one of the world's largest Internet traffic exchange centers - the company "Moscow Internet eXchange» (MSK IX), wrote "Vedomosti". TSTVS got 26% MSK IX, the amount of the transaction were not disclosed. By MSK IX connected to more than 300 companies, and the amount transferredaemoy information exceeds 1 terabit per second. Through the company's servers, it takes about 60% of Russia's traffic, making it one of the five major points of internet traffic exchange in the world.

Then the "Vedomosti" wrote that the end of 2014 Shumkova company may increase its stake in MSK IX to control, and then conduct IPO. However, since the end of December 2014, according to SPARK, TSTVS SafeData wholly owned, the controlling stake of which later bought "Rostelecom".

In the same year Shumkov through TSTVS invested in the leader of the Russian market of content delivery network (CDN, Content Delivery Network) NGENIX company ( "FTA" LLC) and received it a controlling stake, wrote "Kommersant" newspaper. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.