Alexei Ulyukaev paid a fine and appealed the verdict

Sentenced to eight years in prison for taking bribes, former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev appealed his sentence in the presidium of the Moscow City Court.
"At present, the complaint is being examined by a judge of the cassation instance, which will decide whether to consider the complaint or not the presidium of the Moscow City Court," press secretary of the court Ulyana Solopova told Interfax.

The source of Interfax also reports that Mr. Ulyukayev paid a fine of 130 million rubles. According to the agency, the defense of the convict in this regard asked the Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow to remove security measures from the previously seized property.

Recall Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow on December 15, 2017 recognized Ulyukayev guilty of taking a bribe of $ 2 million from the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin and sentenced him to eight years in a strict-regime colony. For the same period, the ex-minister is deprived of the right to hold positions in government bodies and state corporations.

Ulyukayev was also fined, until payment of which will be retained on land, private home ownership, car, house, funds in bank accounts, money seized during searches, coins made of precious metals, wristwatches, ingots from silver, decorative bookmark of silver alloy.

The Moscow City Court on April 12, 2018 slightly changed the verdict, recognizing that it was in fact a legitimate and justified charge. On May 31, Ulyukayev was sent to the place of serving his sentence. As the deputy chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission of Moscow, Eva Merkacheva, the ex-minister was taken to a colony in a region not far from Moscow: according to her, the taking took no more than 4 hours.

His fault Ulyukaev does not recognize and insists on provocation by the head of Rosneft and the FSB.