Khrunichev Center tries to optimize

The enterprise is planning a massive reduction of staff and "accelerated optimization."
The leadership of the State Space Research and Production Center (Khrunichev State Research and Production Center) does not abandon attempts to optimize expenditures through mass reductions. By 2025, it is planned to reduce the number of employees at the Moscow site by more than 2.5 times and increase it to 1691 people. Debt obligations of SCNC are at the moment almost 100 billion rubles.

A number of sources familiar with the situation told Kommersant that a number of sources familiar with the situation told Kommersant that significant cuts are expected at the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center in the next few years. According to them, it is a question of reducing the number of personnel in Moscow by more than 2.5 times: out of 4,256 employees there will be 1691 people. It is planned that the optimization of the site - the rocket and space plant (RKZ) in Fili - will be completed by 2025. As previously reported, "Kommersant", in the coming years will be its reconstruction. So, on April 6, the center's management ordered the creation of a commission "on the release of buildings and premises in 2018-2019." According to the document, the backbone of the commission will be employees of the enterprise, which from April 2018 to December 2019 will be released from their immediate duties. They will create a project office, and then provide a painless release of 217 facilities, including a laboratory and production building and even a greenhouse. Now, according to Kommersant, some of the buildings will be repaired according to the already approved federal space program for 2016-2025. On the optimized territory, it will be possible to accommodate 2565 people, but the need is only for 1,691 employees, the documents say (available to Kommersant).

In the Khrunichev Khrunichev Space Center, Kommersant was told that at the present time the organizational and staff structure is being unified, the meaning of which is to eliminate duplication of functions. In this regard, as added in the center, it is planned to reduce the administrative and managerial staff on the Moscow site. "The development program of the Khrunichev Center for a more distant future is under consideration. All the necessary information will be provided as decisions are made, "the company's representatives stressed, without disclosing the figures.

It should be recalled that earlier in order to "improve the management system and improve efficiency", the proposal to unite all the structural divisions of the Moscow site of the enterprise (head office, KB "Salut", RKZ, sports cultural and patriotic center, management of social service, etc., etc.), and to optimize the salaries of employees.

After the appointment of the former vice-premier for the DIC Dmitry Rogozin, the head of Roskosmos state corporation in the industry with new force began to disseminate unchecked information about the closure of the Moscow site of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center. Debt obligations of the company (borrowed funds and loans) in the total amount have approached already to 100 billion rubles. There are also official checks, in addition, one of Mr. Rogozin's advisers will be dealt with by the SCNPC. The Khrunichev Center previously disclosed its financial results for 2017. From them it follows that the enterprise's loss for the reporting period amounted to 23.16 billion rubles. against profits of almost 1.8 billion rubles. in 2016. The struggle for the land of the enterprise in Fili continues: the critical situation can correct their sale, but there is still no definitive solution.

It should be noted that on the site of the GKNPTS in Fili there is a rocket and space plant, where the Proton rocket vehicles are assembled. To reach the break-even point, the plant needs to produce at least nine such missiles per year, but existing orders are limited to two or three "Protons" per year. Proceeding from this, according to Kommersant, the new administration of Roskosmos expects to stop production of these missiles by 2021 (initially it was about 2025), and the main effort to focus on the long-suffering Angara project, which is planned to be produced in Omsk. Two rockets (light and heavy modifications) were launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in 2014 (almost 20 years after the start of the project).