New criminal cases take off from Vostochny Cosmodrome

Theft of 250 million rubles during the construction of the launch complex is being investigated.
As it became known to Kommersant, new criminal cases have been opened regarding theft during the construction of Vostochny Cosmodrome facilities. Fraud worth more than 250 million rubles. were identified during the construction of the launch pad for the Angara launch vehicle launched this spring. Yesterday, as part of the investigation, searches and seizures of documents were carried out.

According to Kommersant’s information, on November 15, the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Amur Region initiated two criminal cases of fraud on an especially large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code) during the construction of Vostochny objects, which were then merged into one production. We are talking about theft, first 13.8 million rubles, and then 242.6 million during the construction of the launch complex for the Angara launch vehicle in the ZATO Tsiolkovsky, which was launched this spring. This project is estimated at 100 billion rubles. (Only the starting table - 40 billion rubles.) And should be commissioned in 2022.

As it was established by the investigation, from October 31, 2018 to May 31, 2019, officials from among the leaders of Volga Construction Enterprise LLC (PSP), which under the contract was the executor of the state defense order for the object "Construction of the launch complex of the Angara space rocket complex - site 1A ”, located in the ZATO of Tsiolkovsky, Amur Region, provided“ knowingly false information ”to the Office of the Federal Treasury (UFK) of Tatarstan about payment under special equipment rental contracts with Trio-VIS LLC (the main vi for the activity of which rent and leasing of land vehicles and equipment). At the same time, according to investigators, the lease agreements were not actually executed, and the financial and business documents turned out to be false. Nevertheless, the UFK of Tatarstan transferred through it PSP on them to the settlement account of LLC Trio-VIS 13.8 million rubles.

Then, in the same year, according to a similar scheme, the UFK of Tatarstan transferred through PSP LLC and the Kazan Industrial Production and Construction Association (PSO) (one of the leading enterprises in the construction complex of the Republic of Tatarstan) on forged documents on the acceptance of allegedly performed work to the accounts of Dorstroy LLC and LLC Trio-VIS an additional 242.6 million rubles. According to the investigation, by the actions of entrepreneurs, the state budget inflicted a total damage of more than 250 million rubles.

So far, according to Kommersant, there are no suspects or accused in the joint criminal case. But it is possible that they will appear in the near future - yesterday searches and seizure of financial and economic documentation were conducted at LLC PSO Kazan. “An investigation is being carried out as part of the investigation of criminal cases of thefts at the cosmodrome initiated by the Investigative Committee,” Kommersant’s press service confirmed.

Recall that the construction of the Vostochny Cosmodrome in the Amur Region has been underway since 2012. According to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, in 2014–2018, 17 thousand various violations were identified (embezzlement of budget funds, delayed construction time, non-payment of salaries, etc.) during its construction, more than 1 thousand people, including officials, were involved in responsibility. On the facts of violations, the investigation opened 140 criminal cases, the damage from crimes is estimated at 11 billion rubles, of which 3.5 billion rubles were returned. In total, 50 people were convicted under various articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in 2018, 27 of them were sentenced.

On November 11 of this year, President Vladimir Putin said that the construction of the cosmodrome had not been fully managed to restore order and they "steal hundreds of millions." In turn, the head of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin said that "everyone involved in corruption during the construction was removed from the project" and "there is no reason to worry."