800 mln rubles floated away from sumbarines

The management of a shipyard is charged with large-scale financial fraud.
The amount of damage to the state in the repair and decommissioning of nuclear submarines (NPS) in the Far East Plant "Zvezda" (Bolshoi Kamen, Primorsky Krai) reached 800 million rubles. According to the investigation, the company's top managers by fiddling overestimated the cost of work performed. One of the main defendants in the investigation is the former CEO of FEP "Zvezda" Vladimir Averin, sacked after a fire at a nuclear submarine "Tomsk".

Yesterday the head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the littoral Ilya Shamratov reported that the number of "cases of" Star "," rose to seven. "Amounts figure to 1 billion rubles." - Colonel Shamratov said. According to him, in the affairs of "more than 1 thousand. Volumes, interrogated more than 500 witnesses," held "a lot of technical expertise with specialists from St. Petersburg." "To identify specific persons involved, the two parties signed an agreement on pre-trial criminal proceedings and give a confession," - said Mr. Shamratov, adding that the arrest of the property of suspects, including the MoKBE. Head Investigation Department of the defendants refused to name names, explaining that the process of bringing the final charge is not finished yet. After completion of the press conference Ilya Shamratov said "Kommersant" that set the amount of damages is "about 800 million rubles.". Cases filed by the number of crime scenes. "For example, there is a case for an overestimation of the cost of works on the replacement of the unit at one of the Premier League," - said the colonel. Fraud identified during the work on several submarines, one of which - "Kuzbass", concluded the head of the investigation AMIA management.

Recall that in November last year, the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office reported that based on testing the military prosecutor of the Pacific Fleet (PF) against officials of "FEP" Zvezda "," A criminal case on grounds of crime under Part. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud committed in especially large size). "At the end of the service vehicle maintenance contractor submitted for payment and received by fictitious documents with high value-proDoing the work of more than 63 million rubles ", -. Office reported. The representative of the Pacific Fleet military prosecutor Alexander Kamynin said "Kommersant" that the criminal case was instituted on the fact of abuse committed in the repair of nuclear submarines "Kuzbass" (Project 971, is being repaired at FEP "Zvezda" from 2009). "The materials sent to the investigative jurisdiction of the Interior Ministry Directorate for the Primorye Territory", - added Mr. Kamynin.

Representatives of FEP "Zvezda" yesterday refrained from comment. In the reception and. about. Sergey Lebedev, director general of the enterprise to connect by phone with him abandoned. Unofficial sources at FEP "Star" reported that the main defendant in the investigation is the former head Vladimir Averin plant. "Immediately after his dismissal in the many" Star "it was clear that against him will be prosecuted", - said the representative of FEP. Mr. Averin was forced to resign as scandal after the fire in September last year on submarine "Tomsk". Yesterday he also was unavailable for comment.