Rosneft is going to compensate losses from the sanctions in court

Subsidiary companies that fall under the US sectoral sanctions do not affect the policy, so adding them to the black list is illegal, believes the oil company. 
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Moscow. 31 July. INTERFAX.RU - "Rosneft" creates a system of accounting for losses from the sanctions against the oil company and its "daughters" for further compensation in court.

"Rosneft" will continue to use all legal means to protect the interests of its shareholders. The company created a system of accounting losses from the use of illegal sanctions with enrollment of their off-balance sheet. In the future, the amount of the loss will be submitted for reimbursement in court ", - stated in the message Tax Code.

The Russian company emphasizes that its "daughters" included in the sanctions list, have a stable financial position and have sufficient liquidity to service the volume of debt and execution of contracts.

"Rosneft" believes that the expansion of the US black list indicates "the continuation of the illegal practice of translation impacts of policy decisions on the subjects of the market, does not affect the adoption of such decisions."

On the eve of the US extended sanctions lists a number of businesses and individuals. The list is now listed as "daughter" of "RoOil "-" RN-Yuganskneftegaz ", Rosneft Finance, Rosneft Trading," Neft-Aktiv "and others.

Also under the sectoral sanctions hit the structure of the bank, in particular, the management company of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) EXIAR, the bank "Globex", "VEB-Leasing", "VEB Capital," Federal Center for Project Finance, Svyaz-Bank, Prominvestbank, "Resad", Rose Group, "VEB Engineering", VEB Asia.

In fact all of these companies and so could not attract long-term funding and to place shares in the US (it is forbidden sectoral sanctions), being subsidiaries of VEB and "Rosneft" under sanctions, but formally in the list of the US Treasury, they have not yet been included.