The owner of Russian Credit Anatoly Motylev disappeared

The bank's management has not seen its shareholder since last Friday, when the Central Bank revoked the license of Russian Credit, M-Bank and AMB-Bank
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Last call

That Motilev does not appear in the office of "Russian credit" and, perhaps, left Russia, RBC was told three sources close to the management of the bank and pension funds Motyleva. "After meeting with the Central Bank last Thursday late evening Motilev called managers of the bank, told them that it was possible to agree on the reorganization, then Motyleva has not been seen or heard", - told RBC a source close to the management of "Russian credit". The next day, on Friday, July 24, the Central Bank revoked the licenses of three banks Motyleva "Russian Credit" Bank M and AMB Bank, and on Monday - a "Tula industrialist." Another source of RBC, close to the pension funds, said Motilev left the country. "Perhaps, in London," - he said. An employee receiving Motyleva in "Russian Credit" RBC said that he did not appear in the office since last Friday.

Now banks Motyleva checks the temporary administration of the Bank of Russia. If it detects signs of asset stripping, the controller will appeal to law enforcement agencies. As I reported in the pastth Friday deputy chairman Mikhail Sukhov, a negative capital of all four banks Motyleva is not less than 50 billion rubles.

The "Russian credit" in June rose by 10% deposits, almost 8% of loans to legal entities, and the delay - 41%. As suggested director of bank ratings RAEX ( «Expert RA") Stanislav Volkov, given the sharp rise in the indicator arrears and borrowers affiliation with the owner, the situation is very similar to the withdrawal of assets. This option, according to Volkov's opinion, can not be excluded. "The sharp increase in deposits may be associated with worsening of the liquidity deficit, which forced the bank does not pay attention to the recommendations of the Central Bank did not increase the amount of expensive retail deposits. The banks that lend to economically linked borrowers (for example, involved in the same building project), the delay can be increased very sharply, as the problems of a single project or a borrower in the chain are reflected in the large number of bank customers. It may be just a case of bank "Russian credit", - says Volkov.

Press Services"Russian credit" to the request RBC did not answer. After publication of this article TASS agency reports citing the press service of "Russian credit" that Motilev not leave the limits of the Russian Federation.