Potanina demanded her ex-husband to pay 215 billion rubles

Natalia Potanin, the former wife of the president of Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanin, has asked the court to recover 215 billion rubles from her ex-husband as compensation for the shares of KM Invest.
Origin source
"I ask you to make a division of jointly acquired property by Potanin NN and Potanin VO - 15,249 ordinary registered uncertificated shares of CJSC" KM Invest ", recovering from Potanin VO in favor of Potanin NN monetary compensation in the amount due Her share in the common property in the amount of 215 288 852 916, 37 rubles, "- said in a lawsuit that is available to RIA Novosti. The suit was filed in the Presnensky court of Moscow.

According to the suit, ZAO KM Invest was a joint venture of Vladimir Potanin and his business partner Mikhail Prokhorov. The company has been registered such significant assets as Norilsk Nickel, Polyus Gold, OPIN, Rosbank, Power Machines, RUSIA Petroleum, Interros Estate, Interros Holding Company, Soglasie Insurance Company and Others. After the divorce, CJSC "KM Invest" was renamed into "United Investments" CJSC and liquidated.

The lawsuit states that shares of CJSC "KM Invest", unlike the shares of Norilsk Nickel, were directly owned by Potanin, and therefore, under Article 34 of the Family Code, they should be considered joint property of the spouses.

Earlier, the court had already divided the property between the former spouses, but the decision concerned only real estate and bank accounts, it did not affect the shares.

Potanin occupies the 51st line of the rating of 500 world billionaires compiled by Bloomberg agency. The agency estimated his fortune at $ 16.6 billion.

In June last year, the Presnensky Court of Moscow ruled that Vladimir Potanin was given away an elite apartment in the Skatertny Lane with an area of 406.9 square meters and a chapel of the Holy Blessed Tamara in the village of Anosino near Moscow, and Natalia Potanina receives compensation for her share in an apartment in Skatertniy Lane in 375 million rubles, as well as three plots of land with outbuildings in the suburbs.

Natalia Potanina also tried to sue the former wife of shares of Norilsk Nickel and Interros, but lost the dispute in all the courts, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. In February 2014, the world court granted Potanin's lawsuit on divorce.

Divorce with continuation
What pretends the former wife of Vladimir Potanin
Kommersant, March 14, 2017

Natalia Potanina filed a new lawsuit on the division of property with her ex-husband. She asks to collect 215 billion rubles from the president of Norilsk Nickel, Vladimir Potanin. The ex-wife of one of the richest Russian businessmen appealed to the Presnensky Court of Moscow. As a jointly acquired property, Natalia Potanina this time indicated the shares of KM Invest - in the past the enterprises of Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov. The company, which no longer exists, has been issued assets such as Norilsk Nickel, Polyus Gold, Rosbank and others. The lawsuit notes that the securities were in direct ownership of the oligarch, and therefore, his wife could claim them.

The outcome of the case will depend on the position of protection of Vladimir Potanin, said managing partner of the company Nedelko and partners Vasily Nedelko.

"If the shares were acquired during their marriage in marriage, it is jointly acquired property. As far as I understand, there is no marriage contract that would regulate another regime for the disposal of joint property, so the spouse is entitled to 50% of the shares, "he said. - Much depends on what position the other side will take. Perhaps it will be said that these shares, for example, were purchased for money that Vladimir Potanin received from the sale of some other asset that he had acquired before he married. "

Vladimir Potanin filed for divorce in November 2013, while the businessman did not anticipate the division of assets. But his wife began to defend their interests in the courts, as well as to seek out the assets of the entrepreneur in the United States. Potanin himself, whose fortune Forbes estimates more than $ 12 billion, insisted that in fact the family disintegrated back in 2007. Two years ago, the woman tried to get half of the assets of her ex-husband, including a portion of the shares of Norilsk Nickel and Interros. However, she was not successful at that time.

Perhaps now the lawyers are in possession of new data, Dmitry Klenov, the partner of UFG Wealth Management, suggested: "Probably for the first time this property was either not subject to division due to some specific circumstances, or some new facts were revealed that allow us to conduct a section Property in respect of this asset ".

In court after the divorce, Natalia Potanina was entitled to alimony - 25% of her husband's monthly income, then it was about eight million rubles. However, later access to these funds was limited: the court ruled that half of the amount should be transferred to the account of Vasily Potanin's son. In the summer of 2015, the real estate was divided: Potanin received an apartment in the center of Moscow with an area of more than 400 square meters. M and a chapel in the suburbs. And Natalia - compensation for their share in the apartment in 380 million rubles. And three sites with farm buildings in the suburbs.

Press secretary of Natalia Potanina Oksana Kosachenko declined to comment a new lawsuit on the division of property.