Ramzan Kadyrov's apartment for 50 million was littered in Moscow

The Kadyrov’s family apartment in Moscow was discovered in which at the beginning of the 2000s the head of Chechnya was registered. It is not indicated in the declaration.
Origin source
Now the apartment has an area of ​​153 square meters. m and a market value of about 50 million rubles belongs to the mother of Ramzan Kadyrov.

How the Kadyrovs became Muscovites

A panel sixteen-story building in the Moscow district of Ochakovo-Matveyevskoye on 30 Veernaya Street 2 was built in 1997 by the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Housing Management Administration for the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.” Some of the premises in it are still owned by this state organization, and its office is located in a neighboring house, on Veernaya, 30 K. 1.

Despite the modest type of building 2, typical of the sleeping areas of the capital, real estate advertisements indicate that it was built according to a special project for employees of the Presidential Administration. In the early 2000s, generals, politicians and civil servants received apartments from the state in the house, for example, the then deputy chairman of the Central Bank, the head of logistics of one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, deputies of the heads of departments of the Moscow government. Among the newcomers was Akhmat Kadyrov, a former mufti of Chechnya, who was appointed President of the republic’s administration in June 2000 by President Vladimir Putin. His family, according to Rosreestr, got a huge apartment of 153.6 sq. M. m

In January 2002, Akhmat Kadyrov, his wife Aimani, daughters Zargan and Zulay and son Ramzan with their family, wife Medni and daughters Aishat and Karina, registered this apartment as property, having received 1/8 share.

All of them were registered at their Moscow real estate address, according to Open Media. Around the same time, Ramzan Kadyrov issued a Moscow taxpayer number as well. In the vast majority of cases, this indicates that the owner of the TIN has a permanent residence or registration in Moscow or at least own real estate, explains Alexey Dobrynin, managing partner of the St. Petersburg office of Pen & Paper Bar.

After the death of Akhmat Kadyrov as a result of a terrorist attack in 2004, the apartment was inherited by his family, and his son Ramzan Kadyrov, who became the head of Chechnya, retained his share in it until 2010. Nevertheless, he never included information about the Moscow apartment in his income statements. In November 2010, members of the Kadyrov’s family, under a swap agreement, transferred their shares to Ramzan’s mother and the widow of Akhmad Aimani, the permanent head of the Akhmat Kadyrov Foundation.

According to the latest declaration of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, published in 2019, he owns a residential building with an area of ​​2,344.3 square meters. m and a plot of 3668 square meters. m. In sharing with his wife and 11 minor children is a residential building with an area of ​​300 square meters. m. Spouse also owns an apartment in 209.8 square meters. m

Despite the modest appearance of the house on Veernaya, and not nearly reminiscent of Kadyrov’s luxurious residences in Chechnya, apartments in it are expensive. According to the cadastre alone, the Moscow real estate of the Kadyrovs is estimated at more than 28 million rubles, and for the sale of apartments of a comparable area at this address are set at the price of business-class real estate. For example, in 2020, a four-room apartment with an area of ​​151.8 square meters. m sold here for 57 million rubles, and now an apartment with similar parameters is exposed on cian.ru for 42 million rubles.

Later, the Kadyrov family also had another, more expensive real estate in Moscow. His wife, Medni Kadyrova, as the Interlocutor found out in 2016, owns an apartment of 210 square meters. m in the prestigious residential complex "Sparrow Hills" on Mosfilmovskaya street. Then the apartment was estimated at about 200 million rubles.

Restless neighborhood

The house on Veernaya 30, building 2 is known for the fact that in October 2002, Movsar Barayev, the head of the terrorist group, stopped in it before the capture of the Nord-Ost.

In 2015, Veernaya appeared in the materials of a criminal case about the murder of politician Boris Nemtsov. In the house at Veernaya, 46 Bldg. 1, a 10-minute walk from the Kadyrov’s house, an officer of the North battalion, Ruslan Geremeyev, was wanted on the murder of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, who was shot dead on February 27, 2015 on Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge near the Kremlin.

“Ruslan Geremeev lived in Moscow on the street. Veernaya, d. 3, building 4, apt. 223, and then to the address: st. Veernaya, house 46 building. 1, apt. 11. It was these apartments that the defendants regularly visited, used them for temporary residence, communication, planning and committing the murder of Nemtsov, ”said Olga Mikhailova, a lawyer for the Nemtsov family, who demanded that Geremeyev be called to court as a witness.

According to one of the versions worked out by the investigation, the participants in the crime after the murder were hiding precisely on Veernaya, RBC wrote.

As “Open Media” found out from the extract of Rosreestr, the apartment on Veernaya, 46 Bldg. 1 belongs to Arthur Geremeev, a distant relative of Ruslan Geremeev. Arthur became the owner of the apartment exactly two months before the murder of Nemtsov.
Geremeyev was not charged - according to Novaya Gazeta, he left Russia for the UAE as part of a delegation of horse-riders from Chechnya.

In 2017, the perpetrators of the murder - Zaur Dadaev, the brothers Anzor and Shadid Gubashev, Temirlan Eskerkhanov and Khamzat Bakhayev - were sentenced to imprisonment for 11 to 20 years in a maximum security penal colony. The investigator believes that the customer of the murder is driver Geremeyev, a former officer of the "North" battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ruslan Mukhudinov, who paid the executors at least 15 million rubles. He is wanted.

As Novaya Gazeta wrote, Ruslan Geremeyev belongs to an influential clan: he is a relative of Senator Suleiman Geremeyev and the head of the Shelkovsky District Department of Internal Affairs Vakha Geremeyev, as well as Adam Delimkhanov, deputy chairman of the Chechen government. In March 2020, on the anniversary of the murder of Nemtsov, the Kremlin awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland Medal of the 2nd degree to the senator of the Chechen government, Suleiman Geremeyev - uncle Ruslan Germeev.