Companies connected with Ramzan Kadyrov do not pay to the budget

Municipal authorities cannot recover 23 million enterprises connected with the head of Chechnya.
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Who Lives Well in Chechnya? Of course, to relatives of the head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. This name in Chechnya is respected so deeply that companies that belong to members of the Kadyrov family even forgive their debts to the state. The bill goes to the millions who did not get into the budget because of weak payment discipline and the reluctance of local authorities to get involved in litigation with the relatives of the head of the republic.

Three ships

About open debts accumulated by affiliated with the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov companies, we found out Open Media. According to journalists, over the past six years, several firms owed the budget more than 23 million rubles. Taking into account regional specifics, this debt can be safely called non-returnable.

According to Open Media, Belfarma Grozny MC, partly owned by non-payers, partly owned by the Akhmat Kadyrov charitable foundation, and the fund itself. So, now the Arbitration Court of Chechnya is considering a lawsuit for 7.5 million rubles from the mayoralty of Grozny to “Belfarm Grozny”. For several years now, municipalities have been trying to collect debts for leasing urban land from a pharmaceutical company.

In 2016, the Regional Public Foundation named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, who is headed by the mother of the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov Aymani Kadyrov, co-founded Belfarma Grozny. The company manages a construction project in Grozny of a biopharmaceutical cluster called Magnus the Terrible, which also belongs to the fund by a quarter. The cost of the project was estimated by its founders at 17 billion rubles; the Mayor’s Office of Grozny allocated a plot of 25 hectares for the construction of the cluster.

The land was not transferred for free use, but tenants thought differently. In May 2017, officials tried to recover from Belfarma Grozny 1.5 million rubles for the lease term that had already passed, and the Committee on Property and Land Relations of the Grozny Administration filed a lawsuit. Already in June, the court refused to consider the claim, stating that the committee sent the pre-trial claim to the defendant’s old address, which means that the procedure for settling the dispute was violated.

The municipality made a second attempt in September of the same year, demanding already 3 million rubles of debt. In November 2017, the case was stopped according to the plaintiff’s statement - the debtor promised to pay the debt, but did not keep the promise. In December 2018, the Grozny mayor’s office went to court for the third time. At that time, the amount of Belfarm's debt on the lease of a plot reached 7.5 million rubles. Decision on the claim yet.

Plaintiff against will

Similar payment history and the fund Akhmat Kadyrov. “In 2016, the Property and Land Relations Committee of the Mayor’s Office of Grozny tried to recover from the Akhmad Kadyrov’s fund a debt of 5.1 million rubles and 11 million rubles of penalties for the land plot. As follows from the court documents, it was about 6.1 hectares in the best district of Grozny, which the foundation rented from the authorities in 2005 for 49 years to build an Islamic center, ”the newspaper writes.

In 2009, the foundation built the Heart of Chechnya mosque on the territory of the Islamic Center, and since that time there is no information about payments for the land plot. In court, where the mayor of Grozny once appealed, the defendant stated that the lease agreement was concluded in 2009, and it was terminated in 2011 and the statute of limitation on the claims against it expired. The court agreed with the defendant and denied the claim. The representative of the City Hall said that he did not know about the termination of the contract, but did not insist that he was right. Nobody challenged the court decision either.

Only a few years later, the administration managed to recover from the defaulter 27 thousand rubles, with the stated claims for 785 thousand rubles.

“How the rental relationship between the administration and the fund developed further, Open Media was unable to find out. Judging by the data of the Rosreestr, a single section under the Islamic center no longer exists: in 2017 and 2018, separate areas were registered under the religious buildings of the center, ”the article notes.

Obviously, officials would not even get involved in this hopeless story of collecting debts from the Kadyrov Fund, if they were not obliged to do so by federal legislation. State structures are obliged to sue defaulters, otherwise the supervisory authorities will punish officials for inaction. But to challenge the decisions of the court there are no obligations and debts can be written off by the decision of the court.

Mean billionaires

At the same time, the fund is far from being in trouble in order to be unable to pay bills. For example, the organization gave the French actor Gerard Depardieu a five-room apartment in the center of Grozny for 15 million rubles, stylist Sergei Zverev - € 100,000 watch, TV host Yana Rudkovskaya - Porsche Cayenne, fighter Alexander Emelyanenko - Mercedes, and Mike Tyson, who participated in the comradely sparring with Ramzan Kadyrov - € 2 million. In August 2018, the foundation opened its financial statements for the first time, from which it turned out that with assets of 2 billion rubles, it is among the largest Russian philanthropists.