Vladimir Putin gave Ramzan Kadyrov a piece of Igor Sechin

OAO Chechenneftekhimprom was transferred to the Chechen Republic by a decision of the President of the Russian Federation. Previously, this company was managed by Rosneft.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on transferring to the Chechen Republic 100% of the shares of OAO Chechenneftekhimprom (CHNPP), which were still in federal ownership. In 2015, the head of the region Ramzan Kadyrov asked about the transfer of the company to Chechnya. Chechnyahneftekhimprom owned all of the oil industry of the Caucasian republic on paper, but licenses and all management issues were managed by Grozneftegaz, where 49% belonged to the government of Chechnya, and 51% belonged to Rosneft, headed by Igor Sechin.

The decree of Putin, published on the Internet portal of legal information, states that the decision was made on the proposal of the governments of Chechnya and Russia "for the purpose of developing industrial production in the Chechen Republic and increasing the efficiency of the use of property" of the company "Chechenneftekhimprom." The decree entered into force on September 18, 2018, the authorities of Chechnya are given two months to transfer the shares to Chechnya.

In December 2015, it became known that Kadyrov had addressed to Putin with a letter in which he suggested transferring the Chelyabinsk State Oil Company, which Rosneft managed as a leasing company, to Chechnya. In his letter, Kadyrov noted that "there is practically no significant use of the significant potential of the Chernobyl NPPs," and the transfer of the company to the regional authorities will not damage the interests of Rosneft.

At the same time it was reported that Putin supported Kadyrov's proposal. However, in the spring of 2016, the head of Chechnya complained to the president that the government had not yet made a necessary decision. Rosneft itself later proposed another scheme for the transfer of property, according to which Chechnya should receive a controlling stake in Grozneftegaz (a subsidiary of Rosneft, which operates on leased assets of Chelyabinsk Oblast) and other property of the company in exchange for the payment of Rosneft 12, 5 billion rubles. The head of Chechnya called this price too high. "I do not know how their management thinks. I defend the interests of the region. Their attitude towards us is unfair. We will seek justice, "Kadyrov said in an interview with the Rossiya 24 television channel.

In April 2017, Rosneft sources told Rosneft that Rosneft will continue to work in Chechnya and will not sell its regional assets to the republic (the main one is Grozneftegaz). At the same time, the Financial Times published an investigation into the serious conflict between Igor Sechin and Ramzan Kadyrov, related to oil production in the republic. Friction between politicians led the newspaper as one of the examples of confrontation between serious players inside the Kremlin and throughout Russia, whose struggle and ambitions, according to the publication, "threaten the power of Vladimir Putin more than Alexei Navalny." According to the publication, after Kadyrov's critical statements against Rosneft, it was allegedly decided to check whether there was a "connection with Chechnya" from the perpetrator of the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro on April 3.