New scandals in the Russian education

The Russian fundamental science and education have lost their importance both in the country and abroad.
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Lead State University - Moscow State University at the end of the list of the top 10 universities in developing countries. The number of theses written off from the high-ranking officials rolls, has even bought certificates (purchased in transit!). Against this background, the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov wants to discredit the project to expose plagiarism in academic papers "Dissertator" and the Kremlin to take over part of the functions of the Ministry of Education itself.

According to the newspaper "Izvestia", the government is planning to curtail the powers of the Ministry of Education for the selection and funding of fundamental research projects. New funding format involves compiling a list of research that will take place taking into account the preliminary discussions with the scientific community, Academy of Sciences, after which the program and its funding will be considered in the Council under the President for Science and Education.

"The decision was taken at the end of last year, after a meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and Education. The presidential decree was issued nearly two years ago, but is directed to identify priorityeny science had done little, and in fact decrees need to still carry "- explained" Izvestia "in the White House.

However, there is one serious problem - it's an incredible amount of written-off qualifying scientific papers, especially among high-ranking officials: the governor of the Moscow region Vorobyov, St. Petersburg Governor Poltavchenko, the Minister of Culture Medina, the Commissioner for Children's Rights Astakhov, the list is endless.

Only a strange way, in contrast to European officials, who have found a rip-off, such as the ex-German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and former President of Hungary Pal Schmitt, the Russian state employees remain in their places.

One of the few examples of removal from office, plagiarists officials occurred in Yakutia, in mid-2013. It turned out that the Minister of Youth and Family Policy of the republic Alexander Podgolova bought a diploma, after it turned out, the officer was fired.

So instead of fighting against plagiarism Minister Livanov began discrediting the movement ''s dissertationant ", which deals with the identification of plagiarism in the work of officials.

"Any conclusion can only be an expert, it should be performed by qualified people, experts in the relevant field of science. The results, which produces "dissernet", this requirement is not satisfied, "- he said Livanov told the newspaper" Kommersant ", after the story with 99% plagiarism Pavel Astakhov. "Let them check anyone, but if this activity politicize it turns political action. It has no relation to the natural desire of the scientific community to clean its ranks of counterfeiters and hacks "- added the Minister.

In general, Mr. Livanov unhappy when public organizations identify fraud in high-ranking officials.

By the way the most recent scandal occurred yesterday, February 10, when the "Dissertator" identified the leader of the party "green" Oleg Mitvol in the master's and doctoral plagiarism, more than 50%.

occur not only "reforms" in the Ministry of Education. Corruption has permeated Russianth degree from the school to the Higher Attestation Commission. Sphere of Education event shocked the arrest of Felix Shamkhalova. The story of the former head of the Ministry of Education WAC Shamkhalova indicted that he was involved in the theft of money belonging to Vnesheconombank, worth about 1.5 billion rubles says about honesty organization assigning degrees. Revision VAK Prosecutor General's Office after the scandalous events revealed that in 2012, illegally awarded doctorates in 1323! Total in Russia each year is assigned to about 5000 doctorates, including plagiatnyh - about 25%. Obtaining a doctoral degree "informal" by the applicant can do about 50 thousand dollars. Thus, the volume of informal cash flows in the year can be up to $ 60 million.

Graduation unified state exam in 2013 proved to be saturated with corruption. Rosobrnadzor found violations in 77% (!) Papers rechecked students, this means that the probability of wrongly received good balls student is higher than in those who have spent years in the preparation.

Education in Russia is almost trampled and discredited. Instead of the necessary reforms, which should start at school, Mr. Livanov finishes primary and secondary education a decrease in the number of hours. Of the mandatory program excluded: poetry Bella Akhmadulina, Vladimir Vysotsky, Bulat Okudzhava, Alexei Tolstoy's prose. And then Vladimir Putin said that "we must educate a new generation of viewers with a good artistic taste, able to understand and appreciate the theatrical, dramatic, musical art." With the education for the current generation of students may lose the ability to not only understand the art, but also the civilian and humanitarian principles that are imparted in schools and is one of the foundations of a democratic state.