Khrunichev Center waited for the sale of their land in Moscow

On the grounds of the STC, which has not built a single space launch vehicle in the last year and a half, housing for migrants can be built under the renovation program.
The Moscow City Administration can buy some of the land from the center of Khrunichev for housing construction in the framework of the renovation program. If the parties agree, then in the Filevsky Park area may appear a whole neighborhood, the construction of which will require about 75 billion rubles.

Several developers told Kommersant that at the end of December a notice on the sale of 110 hectares on Novozavodskaya street in the Filevsky Park area was found on the site of the single electronic trading platform Roseltorg. This land belongs to Khrunichev State Research and Production Center. But after a while, the announcement of the auction disappeared, the sources of Kommersant said. In "Roseltorg" they could not explain the situation, supposing that a technical malfunction occurred.

The Khrunichev Khrunichev State Research and Production Center was confirmed by Kommersant that there is an assessment of the land released as part of the financial rehabilitation program, and one of the options is a phased listing of land for auction. The right to dispose of property GKNPC got after corporatization and now can put up for sale more than 100 hectares of land in the Filevsky Park area, including for residential development.

One of the officials of the Moscow mayor's office claims that the possibility of using part of the land under the program of resettlement of Muscovites from the demolished Khrushchev is being discussed with the SCNP. According to the interlocutor of "Kommersant", several options for the participation of the mayor's office in the program of land development of the SCNPC are being considered. So, the city-owned state enterprise "Civil Construction Management" (KP UGS) can purchase about 50 hectares, where by the standards it is possible to build about 1.25 million square meters. m of housing and all necessary infrastructure. Part of the apartments will go under the renovation program, the rest will be sold on the open market. In the CPA, the UGS could not respond to the request from Kommersant. The second option, according to the interlocutor of "Kommersant", involves the development of the land of one of the city companies in conjunction with the SCNP. But this scheme has fewer prospects, says another official from the economic block of the mayor's office: "Such a partnership involves financing all parties, but as you know, the financial situation of the SCNPT is not the best."

Over the past three years, the SCNPC has been supported by 65 billion rubles. Initially, it was planned that Vnesheconombank would give the center a loan of 37 billion rubles. at 4% per annum until 2025, but the state bank provided only a bridge loan for 12.5 billion rubles. for two years (at 2.53% per annum). In addition, the SCNPC received in 2014-2017, 15.9 billion rubles. from the budget, a loan of 9.6 billion rubles. from Sberbank and another 27.1 billion rubles. from Roskosmos. VEB did not comment on the terms of the loan, and also whether it was returned.

According to the interlocutor of "Kommersant", the mayor's office and the enterprise can not yet agree on the value of the land. According to the calculations of the general director of Geo Development, Maxim Leshchev, the starting price may exceed 25 billion rubles. According to a source from Kommersant, the seller expects to receive 50 billion rubles. If on 50 hectares to build 625 thousand square meters. m for renovation purposes and as much for sale on the open market, then in current prices (230 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m.) for this volume of housing it is possible to gain about 143 billion rubles., suggests the head of the board of directors of Best- New building »Irina Dobrokhotova. According to her calculations, construction costs can reach 75 billion rubles. Yes, and sell all the sections of the SCNPC will not be able to: according to Kommersant, some have unique capacities for the production of units and aggregates for the Proton-M booster rocket. The technological modernization of these facilities has already been allocated funds under the FTP program "Development of the OPK until 2020".