Naila Asker-Zade received a plane, yacht and a beautiful life from the head of VTB Bank Andrei Kostin

Favorable connection of the journalist of the state VGTRK with the state VTB.
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Two elite apartments, a mansion on Rublevka, a yacht and even an airplane - VGTRK journalist Naila Asker-Zadeh has acquired property that can in no way fit in with even good television salaries. The secret, probably, is that all these attributes of luxurious life were acquired from structures that are somehow connected with the state-owned VTB Bank, and the head of this bank, Andrei Kostin, through the courts blocks online publications telling about his relationship with Asker-Zade.

One blood, one offshore

The connection between Andrei Kostin and Nailai Asker-Zade and the very material consequences of these relations was reported to her once. So, the Baza project followed the fate of luxury apartments in Moscow, which from the ownership of VTB through a foreign offshore passed into the ownership of Asker-Zade. Soon after this, VTB through the courts and Roskomnadzor began blocking thousands of links to publications that talk about Kostin, Asker-Zad and her real estate.

The Navalny Anti-Corruption Fund has taken a closer look at the banker-journalist pair. So, Navalny found a bench with a commemorative plaque in Central Park in New York. The text on the plate reads: “ANDREI KOSTIN Do not forget, you and I are of the same blood. I LOVE YOU NAYL 2015 ”(translation). Only a sponsor could install such a sign in the park, who in 2015 donated from $ 10 thousand to $ 25 thousand to the Central Park. Navalny turned to the park administration, where they confirmed that the donation was made by Naila Asker-Zade.

FBK showed two Asker-Zade apartments in Moscow in the Novaya Ostozhenka residential complex - 229 and 155 sq. M. meters and a total cost of about 340 million rubles.

The first apartment was presented to the journalist by VTB top manager and subordinate Andrei Kostin, Kirill Zimarin. And the second one came to her through an offshore under a sales contract - the previous owner of the apartment was VTB Bank itself.

Activists also found a mansion in Asker-Zade on Rublevka, with an area of ​​about a thousand "squares" and a cost of almost a quarter billion rubles. The cottage on Rublevka was bought by a journalist in 2015 from the offshore RENAGTON INVESTMENTS LIMITED. The official income of Naili Asker-Zadeh would not be enough not only to buy a mansion, but even to buy two luxury apartments in Moscow.

The origin of the mansion was found through the seller. The RENAGTON INVESTMENTS LIMITED offshore has a common address and a general director with the ERALMOR HOLDINGS LIMITED offshore - the last one contains the apartment of Andrei Kostin in Moscow Borisoglebsky Lane, which used to be directly owned by him. In total, all three real estate Naili Asker-Zade have a common origin - VTB Bank.

A few months ago, the Proekt publication also reported that Asker-Zade bought more than four hectares of land on Rublevka, with a market value of about 3 billion rubles. However, after publicity, the journalist sold this land.

In heaven and sea

The property of a television journalist is not limited to real estate alone. According to the data obtained by FBK, it turns out that Asker-Zade has a personal plane that carries it all over Russia and even abroad. The Bomabrdier Global 6000 aircraft with a T7-KLT number and a cost of about 3.8 billion rubles was registered in an offshore in Belize, but previously belonged to another offshore that is connected ... with VTB.

“Once again in simple words. In March 2017, VTB buys an airplane and registers it with its leasing subsidiary. After 9 months, this plane is sold to an unknown person, God knows where the offshore came from, which has NO relation to VTB. And the mistress of the head of VTB Kostin starts flying on it, ”notes Alexey Navalny.

Speaking about the price of a business jet, FBK explains that there are two options. If Kostin personally bought the plane from VTB, then he paid $ 60 million for this - almost 4 billion rubles. Moreover, he will have to pay about 500 thousand rubles for one hour of flight. It’s a little expensive even for Kostin’s income to rent such a plane. In one of the months he flew over 50 hours, it costs about 30 million rubles.

FBK also found that in addition to a personal aircraft, Naili Asker-Zade also has a personal yacht. This information is confirmed by photos from the TV presenter’s instagram, sites on which yachts are registered, as well as movements of the previously mentioned aircraft, which intersects with enviable regularity routes with a 62-meter super-yacht SEA & US.

The model of the yacht is called Amels 199. Its cost is $ 62 million, which is almost equal to 4 billion rubles.

Not only Naila Asker-Zadeh, but also the head of the state bank Andrei Kostin (data on his earnings range from $ 2 million to $ 15 million per year) cannot afford such purchases (officially), the Navalny fund notes, adding that VTB has over the past ten years under the leadership of Kostin received from the state more than a trillion rubles in the form of support.