Asker-zade Naila


Andrei Kostin achieved the Streisand effect


The attempt of the head of VTB to block Internet resources with information about his young mistress,  Nailya Askerzade, for whom an elderly state banker does not spare money, led to the Streisand effect. The attempt of censorship led to the fact that almost all users of Runet learned about the connection of Kostin and Askerzade.

Nailya Askerzade received a gift from Andrei Kostin


Glamor TV presenter, who is the mistress of the state banker number 2 in the Russian Federation, became the owner of the award "TEFI".

Andrei Kostin invested more than 1 billion rubles in his mistress Naila Askerzade


The estate in Zhukovka, VIP-apartment in the center of Moscow and a lot of cars - the total sum of gifts to the mistress of the head of VTB exceeds 1 billion rubles.