Arkady Rotenberg will provide 80 billion rubles from Russian culture

The Stroygazmontazh oligarch received contracts for the construction of cultural and museum complexes in Sevastopol, Vladivostok and Kaliningrad.
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New project Rothenberg

The National Cultural Heritage Foundation, created in June 2018 by the Mariinsky Theater, the Hermitage Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery and the Bolshoi Theater, has contracted to build a museum and theatrical educational complex in Sevastopol with Arkady Rotenberg’s Stroygazmontazh. This was reported by the local publication ForPost and confirmed to RBC by a representative of Stroygazmontazh.

According to ForPost, the contract was concluded for five years - until the second quarter of 2023, and its amount amounted to 25 billion rubles. This was confirmed by RBC source in the government.

As it became known to RBC, the complex in Sevastopol is not the only contract that Stroygazmontazh received to complete the construction of the Crimean bridge worth 228.3 billion rubles. The company will build similar cultural complexes in Kaliningrad and Vladivostok. This was told by the interlocutor of RBC in the government and confirmed by the representative of Stroygazmontazh, without specifying details.

The construction of a theater-educational and museum complex in Vladivostok (the project’s investor is also the National Cultural Heritage Fund), which, as in Sevastopol, should be completed by mid-2023, will require about 30 billion rubles. investment, reported in mid-October, the press service of the administration of Primorye. According to the RBC source in the government, each of the three complexes will cost 25-30 billion rubles, that is, for the implementation of three projects, Stroygazmontazh will receive at least 80 billion rubles. (30 billion rubles for Vladivostok and 25 billion rubles each for Sevastopol and Kaliningrad).

But we are talking about extra-budgetary funds, emphasizes the interlocutor of RBC. From where the National Cultural Heritage Foundation will take money for these projects, he does not say. The representative of the fund has not yet responded to the request of RBC.

What will Stroygazmontazh build?

In the course of the annual address to the Federal Assembly in March 2018, President Vladimir Putin proposed launching a program to create cultural and educational complexes in the regions that should appear in each subject of the federation. In addition to Kaliningrad, Sevastopol and Vladivostok, they should be built in Kemerovo and presumably in Yaroslavl, other cities have not yet been determined, the RBC source said. Will Stroygazmontazh participate in the construction of complexes in other regions, his representative does not say.

In June, the National Cultural Heritage Foundation was established for the construction of such complexes. He was headed by the former Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Khamit Mavliyarov, who in 2012–2015 served as the first vice-president of the state corporation Olympstroy.

At the end of September, the investment council under the government of Sevastopol allocated to this fund, without competition, three land plots on Cape Crystal with a total area of ​​18.3 hectares for the construction of a cultural and educational complex. It will include an opera and ballet theater, a large museum complex, which will become the venue for the largest museums in Russia, primarily the Tretyakov Gallery, said the vice-governor of Sevastopol, Yuri Krivov. According to him, there will also be a museum of defense of Sevastopol built in 1941–1945, a choreographic school, a high school of musical and theatrical art with a campus and a hostel and a concert hall. “The territory of Crimea and Sevastopol is quite special for the Russian land and for Russian culture. We understand that today our cultural space should make a new qualitative leap, a new qualitative change. The dominant feature of the cultural breakthrough will be the Opera and Ballet Theater, because any capital begins with the Opera and Ballet Theater, ”said Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets.

The construction of a similar cultural complex in Vladivostok should secure for this city the status of a tourist and cultural center of the region, the National Cultural Heritage website says. “An unparalleled cultural cluster will appear in the city that will unite representative offices of leading museums and theaters in Russia, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Hermitage Museum, the State Academic Mariinsky Theater, the Russian Museum and the Museum of the East,” the message reads. This project consists of two parts: the first, with an area of ​​3.5 hectares, includes a concert hall, a museum and a high school of musical and theatrical art in Vladivostok; on the second site (14 hectares) on Russky Island it is planned to build housing for employees and specialists of theatrical educational and museum complex, as well as choreographic, music and secondary schools and boarding schools for teaching children music and ballet.

Following the example of Vladivostok, the governor of the Kaliningrad region, Anton Alikhanov, developed together with Golodets the concept of the complex, which will include a branch of the Bolshoi Theater, a choreography school and a special boarding school for his students, a conservatory, and a large museum complex - the Tretyakov Gallery, the Hermitage and the Russian Museum will take part in it . Alikhanov told about this at a meeting with Putin in July. A new complex is planned to be built next to the stadium erected for the World Cup. “Since this is indeed the legacy of the World Cup, all the sites are equipped with infrastructure. This allows us to quickly deploy the tasks of which you spoke, ”added Golodets.