Ministry of Defense demanded half a billion rubles from "Chkalov Avia"

The court will deal with suspicious transactions by the ex-Defense Minister of Russia Anatoly Serdyukov.
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Ministry of Defense has submitted to the Moscow Arbitration Court a lawsuit to get 587 million rubles from "Chkalov Avia". In fact, this is the first lawsuit filed by the Military Department on the contracts signed earlier by the Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. The Ministry of Defense argued that the action carried out at the airport were not in full and of inadequate quality; the company itself believes if fell a victim of they change in leadership, and unwillingness to pay the bills, and thereby the company is doomed to bankruptcy.

Experts doubt that the Ministry of Defense will be able to "recapture" half a billion rubles, and sources in the Defense Ministry claimed that their lawyers will continue to be investigate all shady deals of the ex-defense minister.

"Chkalov Avia" was the first company, which under former Minister Anatoly Serdyukov military department gave contracts for outsourcing service Chkalovsky military airfield. In the midst of a scandal with OJSC "Oboronservis" and arrests approximate ex-Minister of the investigators of the Main Military Investigation Department (GVSU) repeatedly came to the "Chkalov Avia" - according to them, through the company with the militaryon the airfield to fly helicopters in the Astrakhan giving son-Valery Serdyukov Puzikova. There transported not only offers the ex-minister, and a battalion of soldiers involved in gardening particularly important "object". On this fact, and involvement in it of Anatoly Serdyukov GVSU is investigating.

However, in the company "Chkalov Avia" denied all charges, saying that under the state contract were engaged in maintenance and repair of the airport runway and to transport "distinguished guests" had nothing to do. According to the register, among the founders of "Chkalov Avia" - JSC Aviaremont (51%) and Anna Tretyakova (49%). The latter, incidentally, was a native daughter Elena Tretyakova - the country serdyukovskogo son-Valery Puzikova in the Astrakhan region is including the CEO.

- "Oboronservis" directly and through "repairing" singled out the money, "Chkalov Aviation" and the company, in turn, hired contractors, - says the source of "Izvestia" in law enforcement. - In total, it passed through it about 1 billion rubles from UDGeta.

According to the report on profits and losses database "SPARK-Interfax", LLC "Chkalov Aviation" has recently been in a deep red - 2011 it finished with a loss of 1 million rubles. But after signing a contract with the Defense Ministry in the company employed about 400 workers, that after the resignation of Anatoly Serdyukov and subsequent unpaid bills was nothing to pay.

In an exclusive interview to "Izvestia" head "Chkalov Aviation" Anna Tretyakova told that the company had serious conflict with the local military unit, which is by all means trying to "survive" with Chkalovsky her company.

- They refuse to sign the receipt and inspection of work that we were doing. We have all the supporting documents, that the work performed. Submitted qualitatively and in due time, - says Tretyakov.

In March, "Chkalov Aviation" has accused the Ministry of Defence in default and filed in the Moscow Arbitration Court lawsuit against 411.6 million rubles. The lawsuit by 40 million rubles shortfall by the military authorities as an advance at the end of June, the court rejected.

In response, the Defense Ministry has filed counter-claims - already at 587 million rubles, and the court accepted the suit for production.

Interviewed by "Izvestia" Experts do not rule out that the Defense Ministry has filed a counterclaim to the "Chkalov Aviation" only in order to delay the trial as a much as possible.

- Ministry of Defense Lawyers, most likely, puzzled, as long as possible to delay the battle to await the outcome of the main criminal investigation - said partner law office DS Law Mikhail Kyurdzhev. - In Russia, as always, something to "stir" in a criminal case - and lawyers change their strategy, and if tomorrow will close a criminal case in general and the situation will change? In this sense, filing a counter-claim, undoubtedly prolong the proceedings.

According Kyurdzheva, a situation where a large company in the event of a change in leadership stops payments to contractors for work performed, - a common phenomenon.

- Often, when a change of leadership in the company, it shall suspend payments on contracts at a time, until the situation-not within the Companylatelschitse unclear. Sometimes contractors offer - to go to court to resolve it all and will pay - says Kyurdzhev. - Because it is a difficult situation, when the contract is concluded with a guide, and payments already produces more, and then there was a loud criminal case.

Lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky said that the Defense Ministry does not expect to receive spent half a billion rubles, and so just trying to change the artist on a major government contract.

- Need a process to replace the contractor, drowning in previous trials, lost serious "roof" in the face of the former Minister Serdyukov - Ostrovsky said. - Do not be surprised if it turns out that "Chkalov Aviation" in the accounts of all zeros - as a general principle in these "tame" the offices of money cashed immediately and take up with them, there is simply nothing.

Official comments could not be obtained in the Ministry of Defense. Sources in the Ministry claim that the lawsuit was initiated not for the sake of changing the contractor, but only out of a desire to deal with suspicious transactions concluded under Serdyukov, "and it is onlyhe first trial, there will be others. "