The manufacturers will be held accountable on "Bulava"

Monday will see the largest check in history at the enterprises which built the failed rocket. 
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The state commission to investigate the causes of the accident "Bulava" missile, which occurred on September 6 on Monday will begin a large-scale inspection of enterprises that created this rocket. Commission headed by Navy Commander Viktor Chirkov, Russia. The outcome of inspections can be returned to the manufacturer of missiles, the suspension of the procurement, personnel decisions.

To return a number of missiles may be involved, the source did not elaborate, citing state secrets. The number of rockets being on the Navy's arsenal "Bulava" has never called.

According to "Izvestia" a senior source in the military-industrial complex, a few groups that have been formed, on Monday morning will begin a simultaneous test of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology (MIT), who developed the "Bulava" Votkinsk factory that built it, and several other companies , manufacture key components and missile units.

- If the Commission finds a violation of technology or error organizational plan, missile "Bulava" will be returned to the factory for diagnosis and acceptance of other articlesth plant - to address the shortcomings suspended - explained "Izvestia".

He added that one of the initiators of the test - Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The Commission shall finalize and submit its conclusions to the October 1, 2013.

First Deputy General Director of the Votkinsk plant Sergey Proskurin told "Izvestia" that the company ready to test:

- We are ready for any commission. We had a test after another unsuccessful launches of "Bulava", but the fault of the Votkinsk plant was not detected even once. We collect the rocket on the design and technological documentation, quality level we have a fairly high, it has confirmed.

Proskurin added that the Defense Ministry is not aware of the decision to return the rocket to the plant, noting that the charge be further tested items the military can.

Top-manager of the Votkinsk plant also said that no indication to suspend production or supply the Ministry of Defense of other types of products of the plant was not a missile production now goes as planned. At the same time aboutHe did not name the reasons for a failed rocket flight: "It must be done by a professional, having studied all the data telemetry."
According to Sergey Proskurin, the commissions are usually composed of representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government, various enterprises of the military-industrial complex, as well as employees of research institutes and scientists.

Navy Commander Viktor Chirkov, who heads the commission to investigate the causes of the accident "Bulava", told "Izvestia" that the committee members have already begun work. Discuss the schedule and objectives of inspections enterprises, he refused, citing the secrecy of data.

MITA General Designer Yuri Solomonov, who left in 2009, the post of general director of the institute after the fifth unsuccessful launch "Bulava", also declined to comment on the upcoming test. His press secretary Alexander Tumakov explained "Izvestia" that "Jury Semenovich does not want to talk about it."

Expert Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, Konstantin Makiyenko believes that the main responsiblefor the start of a bad lie on the Ministry of Defense:

- The results of the investigation of previous unsuccessful launches of "Bulava" missile design flaws have not, structurally it is held and completed. The reason for failure - floating error which is associated with low production quality. A poor quality - because of the degradation of human capacity and malfunctioning of military acceptance. If military representatives took substandard missile is their shortcoming. Therefore, the main problem of the "Bulava", of course, not industrial, and institutional.

A bad start "Mace" in the Barents Sea has made the second boat of the "Boreas" on September 6 - "Alexander Nevsky". It was the first rocket launch for the new boat and ninth unsuccessful run for the past 19 missiles from the boat manufacturer PO "Sevmash" was quick to announce that the launch complex submarine worked normally. Before that, "Bulava" has successfully launched six times, including once in a salvo mode - two missiles at an interval of a few seconds.