MIA lost 2 billion rubles in Russian Credit Bank

The main technological subsidiary of the Interior Ministry, "Special Equipment and Communication", is trying to get back the money it placed into Anatoly Motylev's bank shortly before the revocation of its license.
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One of the largest hi-tech enterprises of Russia - Research and Production Association Interior Ministry "Special equipment and communication" (PKU STiS NGOs) lost 2.1 billion rubles in the bank "Russian credit" accounts, which in July, the Central Bank revoked the banking license. This amount was posted as a bank guarantee to the winner of the closed state contract for the establishment of IT-products - JSC "MDG Service". Now JSC "MDG Service" is trying to return the money through the courts, as well as to terminate the prisoners in April 2015 agreements with "Russian credit" in order to then transfer them PKU STiS NGOs, the state order is placed. According to experts, in STiS no advantages over other customers of a failed bank for the money, and the chances of them a full refund as long as look hazy. In addition, they believe that the fact of placing such a large amount of budget funds in the private bank before its bankruptcy should call the attention of investigators.

The suit in the Moscow Arbitration Court declared on behalf of the outsourcing company CJSC "MDG Tools & raquo ;, which won a closed tender PKU STiS NGOs to create high-tech products (details of the tender were not disclosed).

"The plaintiff claimed the claim for payment of PKU NGOs STiS MIA money Russia in the amount of 2.1 billion rubles", - stated in the materials of the case.

Along the way, the plaintiff requires the bank to terminate the two contracts dated 24 and 27 April 2015. We are talking about contracts concluded after winning CJSC "MDG Service" closed gosauktsione the creation of IT-solutions. According to "Izvestia", the Interior Ministry has placed the bank as a bank guarantee of 2.1 billion rubles: they should have been credited to "MDG Service" after the full enforcement of a state contract. However, as told to "News" in the Interior Ministry, the contract was executed properly, so NGOs STiS required termination for performance of public procurement contracts and return to 2.1 billion rubles. NGOs are already prepared to receive the money back when the bank's license revoked. Now the obligation to return the money fell on the JSC "MDG Service".

- We confirm the presence of litigation with the bank "PUSSIAN credit ", whose license was revoked. For information on contracts, unfortunately, can not provide because of the presence of the relevant obligations of confidentiality, - told "Izvestia" in "MDG Service".

As told "Izvestia" in the Interior Ministry, "Russian Credit" Bank for the transaction was chosen to address' MDG Service ".

In the PKU NGOs STiS cautiously comment on the situation.

- Russian Interior Ministry has no contractual relations and judicial claims to OJSC "Bank" Russian Credit "- told" Izvestia "in PKU STiS NGOs. - The site of the Arbitration Court of Moscow posted information about the civil case of a commercial organization (JSC "MDG Service") to OJSC "Bank" Russian Credit ". The commercial organization is the executor of works on Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs signed with the state contract.

In the bank itself is now the interim administration is valid, and the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) has already begun the first phase of payment of creditors.

According to expert opinion, there are chances regain STiSpart of the money if the company will enter into the register of creditors.

- ASV automatically pays damages "physicists". The rest need to separately request the inclusion of their demands in the register of creditors' claims - told "Izvestia" lawyer Kirill Belsky. - Most likely, NGOs STiS by this lawsuit wants to confirm his debt with the bank's requirements.

According to his colleagues Suren Avanesyan have STiS NGOs have no advantages over other customers of "Russian credit".

- In this case, any preferences for the Interior Ministry is not provided and the collector will refer to the creditors of the third stage, ie the sum of the debt will be extinguished by the total mass found and sold assets of the bank - told "Izvestia" lawyer Suren Avanesyan.

According to him, NGOs STiS theoretically have a chance to get all the money in full, if someone from the bank executives will be prosecuted, under which the company will declare a civil action and claim for compensation for moral and material damage.

- In thisLuciano total amount received may even exceed the original deposit amount, - explained the lawyer.

According to statistics, the chances of complete or even partial reimbursement of the sum of the MIA is really small. According to statistics, the DIA for 2012, the average percentage of satisfaction of creditors' claims 93 banks in which the completed bankruptcy proceedings, for the entire period of the DIA was only 17%. Moreover, the first stage of the creditors' claims satisfy the average by 54.8%, the second - by 25.2%, the third - by 7.7%.

The press service of the Central Bank "News" declined to comment on the situation surrounding the NGO STiS funds, "hovering" in the bank "Russian credit". The DIA also gave explanations about the situation.

Chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee (NAC) Kirill Kabanov believes that the circumstances of the placement of such a large amount in the non-bank just before its bankruptcy require careful examination.

- It is necessary that the investigation team checked the circumstances of such accommodation for corrupt collusion between officials and armsHANDBOOK bank - Kabanov said. - Actually, it all seems to be a fairly common scheme to withdraw funds.

PKU NGOs STiS - special scientific enterprise in the MIA structure, develops and distributes protection, devices and software for the needs of the internal affairs bodies and other law enforcement agencies all over Russia. The company has an extensive network of branches in several regions of the country. STiS consists of four major divisions: Center for the organization of scientific and technological activities, Training Center, Center logistics and Research Institute of special equipment.

SRI specialists specialized equipment developed, for example, bulletproof helmet "Sphere", which has no analogues in the Russian radar to detect persons for "Tributary-5" walls, a portable detector, allowing a distance detect drugs and explosives, intelligent video surveillance system that can identify face and to calculate the criminals in the flow of people. Among the development center are the so-called blockers explosivedevices: devices that generate radio interference and do not let actuate a remote detonator. It is an NGO STiS to design and implement high-profile program to "cloud" the exchange of data between law enforcement officers, have developed software for conferences and meetings for online conference call.

As previously wrote "The News", following the withdrawal in July 2015 the license of "Russian credit" investigators started checking the bank's financial performance and several private pension funds, to cooperate with him. In the case of defendants in a criminal case on it can become ex-owner of the bank, Anatoly Motylev, as well as its business partners Timothy and Andrew Klinovsky. Do investigators have reason to believe that Motilev consciously invested (over 1 million) for future pensioners overvalued and illiquid land in the Odintsovo district near Moscow elite that control Klinovsky structure.

July 24, 2015 the Central Bank of the Russian Federation withdrew from the "Russian credit" license. Bank ranked 45th by total assets.As the auditors found, the bank has provided false statements to hide financial problems, and conducted high-risk lending policy. Payments to depositors began on 7 August. The same day, the Central Bank revoked the licenses of another two banks Motyleva - Mosstroieconombank and AMB Bank.