Vladislav Baumgertner bought freedom

The investigation asked the court to take a pledge from the former general director of Uralkali. 
Yesterday it became known for bail from house arrest of the former director general of OJSC "Uralkali" Vladislav Baumgertner accused of abuse of authority with the application of large-scale damage. It should be noted that the investigation itself initiated the release of the well-known entrepreneur, obviously knowing that soon will arrive from Belarus materials, under which he was to receive the freedom without serious restrictions and free of charge.

The decision to release Vladislav Baumgertner Basmanny District Court has accepted on September 1 satisfied a petition of the investigation. According to "Kommersant", the main investigation department inspector (GUS) TFR he asked the court to change the measure of restraint businessman with house arrest on bail. The same investigator called and security deposit -. 15 million rubles, motivating her by Vladislav Baumgertner charged with a serious crime. Protection with the requested amount agreed.

It should be noted that the investigation rarely appeals to the courts with petitions of restraint measures alternative to placement in the detention center. Especially with avobozhdeniyami bail. And in the article. 106 of the Criminal Procedure Code, regulating deposits, the possibility of such complaints from the investigation did not say. "Apply for bail application before the court is entitled to the suspect, the defendant or another person or entity", - said in the article. Thus, it is intended that the pledge should declare the accused party, rather than the charge itself.

Nevertheless, the court granted the request of the investigation. As a result of the money the same day have been made to deposit the court, and Vladislav Baumgertner had the opportunity to freely leave their apartment (previously it took permission from the investigator and employees FSIN), in which it was in December of 2013.

By the way, Mr. Baumgertner preventive measure in the form of house arrest was last extended by the same Basmanny District Court in July this year. Then the businessman was arrested for another three months and 25 days - until 14 October. In August, the Moscow City Court rejected the defense appeal, left the former head of the "BRIC" at home.

Mr. Baumgertner accused SC GUSP in the commission of an offense under Part. 3 tbsp. 33, h. 2 tablespoons. 201 (abuse of power organization) of the Criminal Code. According to investigators, his powers Mr Baumgertner used "against the interests" of both the "Uralkali" and OJSC "Belaruskali" with "the aim of gaining benefits and advantages" that caused "significant damage to the legitimate interests of organizations and other serious consequences." For this purpose, according to investigators, Mr. Baumgertner and his accomplices understate the actual prices at which the products came true, and sent the proceeds of the company controlled by him. The damage caused by such operations is estimated at $ 100 million.

Recall that the detained entrepreneurs in Minsk more August 26, 2013, where he arrived for talks with Prime Minister of Belarus. Initially, he was placed in the detention center of the KGB of Belarus, and then was transferred to house arrest in the apartment, which he took with his own money. Prosecutor General's Office filed against Belarus Vladislav Baumgertner their job, and then gave some of his materials in Russia, which was the basis for the prosecution of prefinimatelya already at home. He was arrested in absentia and declared a TFR wanted. In December, at the request of the Prosecutor General Belarus to extradite him to Russia.

Mr Baumgertner Protection repeatedly appealed his arrest, including pointing to the fact that in fact he is in custody since 26 August last year, ie 12 months, and this is the deadline for detention. However, the courts have indicated that since the Russian and Belarusian criminal cases are not connected, and the timing of arrests different in him. But in September of this year the Russian Federation Prosecutor General's Office of Belarus has transferred all the materials of his case against Mr. Baumgertner. The TFR they were to combine and thus to release the businessman from custody on bail. Obviously, having learned of the impending transfer of materials in the committee, and hastened to apply to the court for the pledge.

Mr Baumgertner protection and TFR declined to comment. The Prosecutor General's Office of Belarus informed that the decision to release Mr Baumgertner relates exclusively to the competence of the law enforcementOrgan Precursor Cells RF.