Lukashenko declared "Uralkali" bankrupt

The President of Belarus has threatened to complain on the company's "fake recording" to the stock exchanges and offered to choose between the "divorce" and further joint work.
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the company "Uralkali" is in fact bankrupt, and threatened to inform the stock exchange. His statement made by President at a meeting on the current economic and foreign policy issues where Russian Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Zvyagintsev was invited.

"There is information that they [" Uralkali "] in the $ 12 billion in the red, but the black just two. If so, it turns out that the information they were spreading all over the world, linden. "Uralkali" - a public company, which is listed on the London and Moscow stock exchanges. A proliferation of phony statements and information - that's international fraud, - the words Lukashenko state news agency "Belt". - I have instructed the relevant authorities to contact the London and Moscow stock exchanges, where these quotations, to warn them about what's really going on, so we were then not extreme. "

"Uralkali" declined to comment on the words of Lukashenka about the company's financial condition. « September 10, we opened accounts in the first half of 2013 under IFRS, audited PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), - said the representative of the "BRIC". - It is available to all on our website, everyone can read and draw conclusions. " According to this document, the company net profit in the reporting period decreased by 53% to $ 397 million, revenues - by 29% to $ 1.348 billion, EBITDA of - 40% to $ 876 million.

Lukashenka's statements did not cause the collapse of quotations Potash Company: on the Moscow stock exchange shares fell 0.9%, market capitalization dropped to 526.54 billion rubles. Receipts "Uralkali" on the London Stock Exchange rose today by 1.42% to 15:12 capitalization was $ 17.22 billion.

Lukashenko proposed "Uralkali" two options. "The first - a civilized divorce. We are ready for this. About to leave - go away, but do not bother to work here, "RIA" Novosti ". The second - the continuation of joint work. "Changed owners, will come people who are interested in the production of potash fertilizers" Uralkali "enterprise, we are ready to work with them, - he said. - The mere restoration of our patnerskih ties will certainly raise the price of this product 1.5-2 times within this year or early next year ", - predicts Lukashenko.

In addition to the bankruptcy petition of "BRIC" Lukashenko did not rule out the extradition of General Director of "Uralkali" Vladislav Baumgertner. "If Russian investigators are interested in the extradition of a Russian citizen Baumgertner who arrested us, I do not see any obstacles. We are for him absolutely no hold on, - he said. - Should not some rogue to become an obstacle in the relations between the two states. Too much honor for all. "

Lukashenko believes that Belarus together with Russia must understand the conflict, for which there is a "huge multibillion-dollar amount of money lost by Belarus and Russia, and there are certain high-ranking rogues in the Russian Federation." "Real ends all this dark history can be found in Russia," - said Lukashenko.

Why is "Uralkali" refused sales through BPC
Vedomosti, 06.09.2013

"Vedomosti" found out, because of what the General Director of "Uralkali" Vladislav Baumgertner sits in a Belarusian prison, and Suleiman Kerimov, the international wanted list. Vladislav Baumgertner is in jail KGB more than a week - he is accused of abuse of power as chairman of the supervisory board of the Belarusian Potash Company (BPC), a joint venture of "BRIC" and "Belaruskali". Yesterday, finally on this issue he expressed a spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov: "Relations between states - especially those allied states such as Russia and Belarus - always a priority in comparison with the relationship between some corporations, entrepreneurs. So, of course, should not be somehow exalted this situation, it is necessary at all easy to understand. " Representatives of Nafta Moskva and "Uralkali" declined to comment on the statement Peskov.

What led to the divorce of "BRIC" and "Belaruskali" on July 30, when Baumgertner announced the termination of sales through BPC, told twoformer employee of the BPC and confirmed the person close to the "Belaruskali". Representatives of the State Concern "Belneftekhim" (owned by "Belaruskali") to the questions of "Sheets" have not responded, the press secretary of the president and the prime minister of Belarus - as well. The representative of "BRIC" declined to comment.

Tensions on the BPC partners dates back to 2011, told the interlocutors "Vedomosti". After "Uralkali" joined "Silvinit", its power capacity exceeded "Belaruskali" (10.6 million tonnes against 9.2 million tonnes, up from the merger of "BRIC" was about 7 million tons, by 2012 capacity of "Belaruskali "reached 10.3 million tons). When creating a joint venture "Uralkali" and "Belaruskali" agreed that BPC ships the products in proportion to the capacity of partners, told former employees of BPC and "Uralkali", which had to do with creating the BPC, negotiations began that proportion should be observed, also discussed the average prices, financing BPC and the idea to change the trader's registration with the Belarusian to the Swiss.