Moscow stops subsidizing Belarus

Because of the financial crisis in the Russian Federation, the money "help" to Alexander Lukashenko's regime is sharply reduced. Moscow refuses to Belarus in the next loan and from October, stops duty-free supplies of oil products and gas to this republic.
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Russia will suspend duty-free supplies of oil products and liquefied gas to Belarus from October. This is stated in the explanatory note of the deputy chairman of the Belneftekhim Andrei Rybakov to the protocol of changing the bilateral intergovernmental agreement, which Reuters has familiarized with.

"The Russian side initiated the cessation of the practice of unhindered export of petroleum products from the Russian Federation to the Republic of Belarus, citing the losses of the Russian budget in the face of the increasing volume of their export," the text of the explanatory note cites the agency.

Also, according to Reutetrs, Russia refused to grant Belarus a state loan worth up to $ 1 billion. Also, the Russian authorities blocked the transfer of two loans from Belarus from the Eurasian Stabilization and Development Fund (EFSR). In addition, in July, Moscow suspended the payment "for the so-called" overstaffing "mechanism and work to provide Belarus with state loans up to $ 1 billion for 2019.

To resume energy supplies and lending, Russia requires compensation for petroleum products supplied to Belarus earlier. The source of the agency in the Russian government stressed that the Kremlin is concerned about the growth of exports to the neighboring republic, from which the Russian budget suffers.

Representative of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak Ilya Dzhus told RBC that in the summer the deputy head of government held an initial meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko, at which a wide range of issues in the energy sector was discussed. According to him, it is too early to talk about any decisions taken.

In the press service of the Ministry of Finance, RBC denied information about the suspension of lending to Belarus. "Under the existing arrangements, the costs associated with the use of the republic's state export loan funds provided for the construction of the nuclear power plant are being financed. The preparation of documents necessary for the provision of a new financial loan, as well as a tranche of a loan provided through the EFSR, has been initiated and is being actively pursued. "