"Khrunichev Center" will free from the production tasks of 217 corps

As part of its "optimization", the leading space enterprise in Russia will free up to 80% of its territory in Moscow for developers. The production of Proton rockets does not even come up.
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The Khrunichev Center will release more than 200 factory buildings in the Filevskaya floodplain, including those where Proton rockets are manufactured. This Friday, June 1, RIA Novosti reported with reference to a copy of the order to create a commission for the release of buildings and facilities, signed by the company's CEO Alexei Varochko.

According to the appendix to the order, in total 217 buildings are planned to be released from production tasks: production halls, administrative and laboratory buildings, transport and service premises, a greenhouse.

Release of premises from production tasks was entrusted during 2018-2019. "To create a commission for the release of buildings and premises from among the employees of the enterprise," the document says.

"They leave literally three or four buildings, including the main assembly shop No. 22, where Proton missiles are assembled, and the hull for the Angara assembly," the source in the rocket and space industry explained to the agency.

The area to be vacated is planned for construction. The enterprise owns more than 140 hectares of land in the center of Moscow. The cost of land is estimated at 28.7 billion rubles.

As part of the optimization of production capacities, the Khrunichev Center will reduce up to 80 percent of the territory. Production of Proton rockets will be discontinued due to plans to complete the operation of the carrier in 2025. Production of Angara missiles will be deployed in Omsk.

The annual financial report of the Khrunichev Center says that in 2015-2016 35 percent of the company's premises have been vacated, and by the end of 2018 80 percent of the area is planned to be vacated.

"Khrunichev Center" is considered the most problematic enterprise of the Russian space industry. The center in 2017 received a net loss of more than 23 billion rubles. Since 2014, the "Khrunichev Center" has issued loans amounting to 65 billion rubles, annual payments for which reach 4.5 billion rubles. In January 2018, due to the reduction of orders and carrier accidents, as well as a large credit burden, the company needed financial support of the government in the amount of 30 billion rubles. In April 2018, the supervisory board of Roskosmos allowed an increase in the loan limit for the center by 10 billion rubles.

In February 2018, the head of the Institute for Space Policy Ivan Moiseyev said that the situation in the Russian "Khrunichev Center" is actually not different from the situation in the Ukrainian "Yuzhmash".