Dmitry Rogozin found "the source of slovenliness" at Voronezh Mechanical Plant

Deputy Prime Minister said that the investigation into the reason to revoke the Proton engines would be his personal business.  
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin during a visit to the Voronezh Mechanical Plant (VMZ) announced the launch of an internal investigation into the situation that caused the revocation of second and third stage engins of the Proton-M carrier rocket. Mr. Rogozin said that people who had committed substitutes should be "named in front of all honest men." At the same time it was enough for the Deputy Prime Minister to walk around the plant to find a "source of sloppiness and indifference": social problems.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin arrived in Voronezh, where the local mechanical plant held an unscheduled meeting with the management of the state corporation Roscosmos. The event took place in the context of the revocation of second and third stage engins of the Proton-M carrier rocket due to violations of assembly technology, which occured at the VMZ. After visiting the workshops of the enterprise, Mr. Rogozin said about the beginning of an internal investigation of the situation. According to Deputy Prime Minister, it is necessary to find the persons, "who agreed to techbology substitution while knowing perfectly what it may cause." "It's not just the business of the law enforcement bodies, but also ours," he added.

However, Dmitry Rogozin, has already come to a certain conclusion. "After a tour around the plant, I realized that the source of sloppiness and indifference are the social problems. VMZ workers should be paid more than the average for the city, it is an axiom," said Deputy Prime Minister. He also spoke about his agreement with Voronezh Governor, Alexey Gordeyev, that until 2025 all the local factories, belonging to Roskosmos (in addition to the VMZ, the Chemical Automatics Design Bureau, - Kommerstand) will be provided with "stable orders", including from the energy industry. Dmitry Rogozin urged to integrate the Voronezh Mechanical Plant in "tight cooperation with other companies in the sector."

The management of Roscosmos decided to revoke all VMZ engines of the second and third stages of the Proton-M rocket carriers (RD-0210/0211 and RD-0213/0214, respectively). The reason for revocation, as the sources in the aerospace industry told Kommersant, was an incident that occurred in December 2016: during the fire test of one of the engines of the second stage there was an emergency situation. According to the results of the investigation of the incident causes, the engine was assembled using unsuitable components: in particular, according to the Kommersant's sources, instead of materials containing precious metals, which should be applied to this type of engine, less heat-resistant were used, common in other types of engines produced at VMZ.