Broken ranks: which projects in Russia may lose the Turkish builders

As punishment for the downed bomber in Syria, the Russian authorities may expel Turkish builders, which account for dozens of iconic objects. Finding a replace for them will not be easy.
Origin source
On Thursday, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the government in response to the "act of aggression" on the part of Turkey to develop within two days a package of measures limiting cooperation with this country. The legal basis for these measures will be the law on Special Economic Measures (cm. Incision) that, "in fact, for such situations and designed and relates to our security."

The head of the Ministry of Construction Mikhail Men said RBC Thursday, that does not exclude leaving the Russian construction market of Turkish companies: "In the segment of real estate, especially commercial, works a lot of Turkish companies, and we do not rule out that some of them will walk away with large projects in the country. Trust them as partners undermined. "

What are the Special Economic Measures (selected passages from the law of 2006)

The decision on the application of special economic measures in relation to specific foreign countries and (or) foreign organizations and citizens, as well as stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of a foreign state, and the period withins which these special economic measures to be applied, the president of the Russian Federation was adopted.

The special economic measures include the prohibition of committing acts against a foreign state and (or) foreign organizations and citizens, as well as stateless persons permanently residing in a foreign country, and (or) An obligation to commit these acts and other restrictions. Such measures may be aimed at:

- Suspension of the implementation of all or part of programs in the field of economic and technical assistance, as well as in the sphere of military-technical cooperation programs;

- The prohibition of financial transactions or restrictions on their implementation;

- The prohibition of foreign operations or restrictions on their implementation;

- The termination or suspension of international trade agreements and other international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of foreign economic relations;

- Change of export and (or) import duties;

- Prohibiting or restricting entry into the ports of the Russian Federation, the courts and the use of airspace of the Russian Federation or its individual parts;

- Establishing restrictions on the exercise of tourist activity;

- Prohibiting or refusing to participate in international scientific and technical programs and projects of scientific and technical programs and projects of the foreign country.

turkish workers

According to the Federal Migration Service in Russia on November 5, 2015 there were 87,680 Turkish citizens, 90% - men. The migration service does not specify that they have made. But 54,730 workers quota, which Ministry of Labor issued the Turks in 2015, 51,247 accounted for construction and related specialty (94%), in the top 3 - finisher, concrete worker and assembler. Turkish workers are employed primarily in the construction industry, says the head of department on work with key clients Recruitment "Unity" Rustam Barnohodzhaev.

Between Russia and Turkey visa-free regime, but to work you need to get a work visa, Mr.sskazyvaet lawyer, member of the Public Council under the Federal Migration Service in Moscow Bahrom Ismailov. "It will be enough just to give instructions to the Russian consulate of the ban on the issuance of labor visas to Turkish citizens - he says. - Given the fact that the Turkish businessmen in Russia carry on the work of the Turkish workers in shifts, it will be a very severe blow to their business in Russia. "

turkish investments

Main Turkish builders in Russia - it's Enka, Renaissance Construction, Ant Yapi and Esta Construction.

At Enka big business in Russia: Forbes Magazine put her in seventh place in the ranking of the largest local rentiers - 2014 property earned her $ 412 million Today, the company owns nearly 600 thousand square meters... m of commercial space (350 sq. m. of office and 245 sq. m. of retail leasable space).

Enka began working in Moscow in 1987, received the contract for the reconstruction of "Petrovsky Passage". The company built the first in the capital of a network of professional retail centers under the brand name "Capitol." Total today under its control 27 shopping centers in Moscow, Moscow and St. Petersburg, of which 17 - in the property.

The Moscow authorities are always respectful to the Turks. For example, in October this year at the opening of a multipurpose complex in Kuntsevo Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin thanked «Enka company for the serious investment that it invests in Moscow."

"Of course, the property in the Turkish companies will not take away, because it is only talk of a possible seizure of property lead to catastrophic consequences for the investment climate in Russia, - optimistic partner practice" Real Estate »Goltsblat BLP Vitaly Mozharovsky. - On the other hand, the authorities, such as the capital, can easily revoke already issued a building permit or the decision of urban planning and land commission, as well as to agree on volumes, which would suit the investor. "

turkish contracts

Coming from Enka is, Erman Ilicak engineer, created the company Renaissance Construction in St. Petersburg in 1993. Subsequently, the company has grown into a holding company Renaissance, whose headquarters is located in Turkey. Income from the rental companyrent commercial space (227 thousand sq. m.) in 2014, according to Forbes, is $ 82 million.

But Renaissance Construction is better known as the general contractor: on account of its many iconic objects. In particular - the shopping center "fleet" in the Ice Palace, the tower "Evolution" and the tower "East", "Federation" complex in the "Moscow City" (incidentally, the tower "the West" has built another Turkish general contractor - Ant Yapi). Now Renaissance building in the "Moscow City" tower of 350 thousand sq. M. m, which belongs to it in half with the owner of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant Viktor Rashnikovym. The list goes on: the headquarters of "Gazprom" in St. Petersburg ( "Ohta-Center"), shopping malls, "SCC Real Estate" in Moscow metro station "Slavic boulevard" and "Polezhaevskaya" etc.

Another Turkish company, Esta Construction, is building a residential project in Moscow "The heart of the capital" (the investor - "Don Story Invest"), the second stage of "Metropolis" shopping center and the stadium, "Krasnodar" in the capital of Kuban. Previously, the company took part in the Sochi construction, constructed aparthotel "Krasnaya Polyana" in Cchi. In general contractor Ant Yapi mainly residential projects, "Park Rublevo" (OPIN), "Vorobyov house» (MR Group), Wine House ( «Gals Development"), "Life-Botanical Garden" (GK "Pioneer") and others.

If the authorities will take away the Turks construction contracts, it will hit primarily by customers. "The Civil Code allows the customer to dismiss the contractor - says Mozharovsky. - But, of course, you have to pay a penalty - usually 10-15% of the value of contracts. Given the fact that the Turks are working on major contracts worth billions of rubles for the customer it will be very expensive. In addition, he will delay construction time of two to six months, until a new general contractor is found. In this case the new contractor, understanding the plight of the customer, can easily "play the price" contract. Do not forget about the expertise that has been done the same general contractor, which takes time. And, of course, the new general contractor may make a reservation that it is not responsible for the quality of work carried out by the same general contractor. " If either the customer or the contractor does notinterested in breaking off relations, nothing will prevent the Turkish contractor to set up a company in another jurisdiction and to continue the work, the lawyer said.

In Thursday Enka, Renaissance Construction, Ant Yapi, Esta Construction and Moscow mayor's office refused to answer any questions on the RBC, or simply did not respond to them. Of the investors, which employ the Turks, neither wished to speak in his name: Anonymous all respondents said that while in construction there are no problems, and what will happen next, they do not know.

It is hardly necessary to wait a sharp departure from the market of Turkish construction companies, assured Partner, Head of Research Cushman & Wakefield Denis Sokolov: "In this case we see more zeal officials than the real steps that are likely to be more gentle." But if the Turks are gone, their place will come as Russian companies, many of which also have learned to build quality as well as foreign, such as Iran or China, he said.

Turkish construction companies give good value for money, says Mozharovsky: if you look at the base of the arbitral tribunal, it turns out thatSkov against Turkish construction companies at least. "In the case of withdrawal of the Turks we did not get anything except scaled across the country situation from the Baikonur East: missed deadlines and theft", - he concludes.

How is the Russian-Turkish conflict

November 24th

Shot down the Su-24

Not far from the Turkish border with Syria, the Turkish Air Force attacked the Su-24, which belonged to the Russian air group in Syria. With the collapse of the bomber crew commander was killed. Turkey argues that the plane violated the air border of the country, but Russian authorities deny it.


Russian President Vladimir Putin said: "Today's loss is associated with a blow that struck us in the back accomplices of terrorism. In another way, I can not qualify that happened today. "

The right to any measures

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that the country has the right to take any measures to protect its airspace.

Tourists will not let

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has recommended Russians to avoid traveling to Turkey. 26 nvember head of the Federal Tourism Agency Oleg Safonov said that cooperation with Turkey in the tourism sector will be stopped. Rosturizm will apply sanctions to operators who continue to sell tour packages to Turkey.

November 25

Skipper saved

Tuesday-Wednesday, the Russian unit of marines together with the Syrian special forces conducted a 12-hour security operation to rescue the navigator of the Su-24, survived the crash and fall into the hands of Syrian rebels. To the place of its discovery break with the battle, one Marine was killed. Dead pilots of the Su-24 eventually awarded the title of Hero of Russia, Marine (posthumously) and the surviving navigator was awarded the Order of Courage.

Goods check for the full

Several importers and customs brokers told RBC that the border problems arose with the omission of Turkish goods. They are screened very carefully and strongly delayed. November 26 Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev said that the reinforced Turkish food control is necessary, as it often does not meet Russian standards. Rospotrebnadzor on the same day reported the claims to the quality ofetskoy clothing, furniture and cleaning materials from Turkey.

Stones at Embassy

The Turkish Embassy in Moscow threw stones, eggs, tomatoes and cans of paint. The police did not detain anyone. November 26 group of unknown persons stoned the Turkish Consulate General in Novorossiysk and burned in front of the Turkish flag.

Responsibility for Genocide Denial

Leaders of the "Fair Russia" Sergei Mironov and Nikolai Levichev made to the State Duma a bill on criminalizing denial of Armenian genocide by the Turks in the years 1915-1922.

Crimea against Turkish

Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksenov said that the authorities in the region refuse to cooperate with the Turkish business, the purchase of Turkish goods and maintain the ferry to Turkey. November 26 Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Ruslan Balbec government announced freezing of about 30 projects to be implemented with the participation of Turkish investors.

Russia - one

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that Ankara is not interested in the aggravation of relations with Russia, asShe considers her a friend of Turkey.

How to lose aircraft

The deputy head of the Ministry of Transport Valery Okulov told reporters that it was premature to talk about the possibility of flying from Russia to Turkey. According to RBC estimates, due to the ban on holiday in Turkey charter carriers suffer losses in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the possible failure of the direct air links could cost "Aeroflot" of $ 7.7 million.

November 26th

Turks deported

On Thursday it became known that from Krasnodar to Turkey for violating immigration laws are deported 39 Turkish businessmen, who participated in agro-industrial exhibition. The same day, the Turkish Embassy in Russia reported that Turkish citizens have problems when entering Russia. About 30 citizens were sent back to Turkey and the rest complain too thorough examination.

Grain in Turkey does not go

"Interfax" agency referring to the representative of one of the zernotreyderskih companies reported that Russian companies exporting grain, suspended the supply contracts in Turkey.

developedotat measures

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the government within two days to work out the restrictive measures in the economic and humanitarian spheres in response to an "act of aggression" on the part of Turkey.

Construction - not for Turks

Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation Mikhail Men told RBC that does not rule out leaving the Russian construction market of Turkish companies. "In the segment of real estate, especially commercial, it works a lot of Turkish companies, and we do not exclude that part of them will walk away with major projects in the country. Trust them as partners undermined, "- he said.

"Turkish Stream" under threat

Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev said that the pipeline "Turkish Stream" is covered by the future law of the Russian measures against Turkey. "This project is no different from any other project, and just talking about our investment cooperation", - explained the Minister.

"Unworthy" offers

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the proposal of a possible niostanovke joint projects between Moscow and Ankara because of the downed Su-24 are "emotional" and "unworthy of politicians." He stressed that the Turkish Air Force had acted in accordance with the instructions.