Toyota wants to incinerate Russian rubbish

Toyota Tsusho Rus is exploring the possibility of building a plant for processing and incineration of wastes or upgrading the already existing one in Mosco.
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The Russian "daughter" of trade and investment company Toyota Tsusho Corporation - LLC "Toyota Tsusho Rus" - decided to start burning the Russian debris. While the company is studying the possibility of building in the Moscow plant for processing and incineration of waste will be incinerated waste about half for heat and electricity. This "News" said a senior manager of the Department of chemicals and electronics "Toyota Tsusho Rus" company Oleg Ustinov.

- We are at the stage of gathering information. Our desire - to introduce Japanese waste management model, as far as possible, in the Moscow region, that is, to collect already packaged for different categories of waste. Only then it will be possible to carry on the plant - Ustinov said.

Ltd. "Toyota Tsusho Rus" - a wholly owned subsidiary of the Japanese multi-trading house Toyota Tsusho Corporation, included in the Toyota Group (to the same part of Toyota Motor). "Toyota Tsusho Rus' has a share (10%) in the factory for electrical machinery Ltd." Mitsuba Teklas Rus ", and her mother's Toyota Tsusho Corporation has a joint venture with other Japaneseth company Atsumitec Co., Ltd - Company "Atsumitek Toyota Tsusho Rus" for the production of gearboxes. Last year, "Toyota Tsusho Rus" showed a net loss of 66.4 million rubles on revenue of 1.5 billion rubles.

The suburban trash over the past year had already become interested in a number of foreign investors, but so far none of them offered to take out the garbage separately. Typically, separate collection is more typical for the waste treatment plants - each type of waste requires its own processing technology, but such plants in Russia is not: there are five waste incineration plants, two of them in Moscow, the other in Vladivostok (MUPV "of specialty number 1"), Pyatigorsk (JSC "ECP") and Murmansk (JSC "TO MSW"). According to Ustinov's words, part of the waste can be recycled, but it all depends on the composition of the waste.

- The better the pre-sorted waste, the less plant emissions cause environmental harm. If the factory set powerful filters for emissions, they are absolutely harmless. In the city of Tokyo, more than 20 plants, environmental damage they cause, since coming to burning garbage pre otsoresc 40-60%, selected out everything that could go for recycling - and plastic, and PVC, and metals. By the way, it reduces the final tariff for the population in the garbage disposal, - said Ustinov.

While in Moscow, the separate collection of waste is only beginning to be adjusted, such tanks, aligning operators of waste disposal, there are a few areas of Moscow. This is not a mandatory requirement for companies exporting trash, he stressed in a conversation with "Izvestia" Minister of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow region, Alexander Kogan. According to him, the future plant will be unprofitable and stranded, if you do not enter an obligatory separate collection of waste and "green" tariff - before the end of the month the government should decide on the feasibility of introducing increased fees for "green" electricity and heat. According to Kogan, it is advisable to guide the processing of about 20-30% of the capital of debris. He confirmed the interest of the Japanese corporation to the garbage business.

- The exact amount of investment in the plant the company [ "Toyota Tsusho Rus'], we did not name, said that to calculatepvlozheniya with the condition of their payback period of 15 years. They have Japanese funds that are willing to finance the construction of the plant - said Kogan.

Ustinov says the company hopes and investments on the part of the future co-investor-partner factory. This may be one of the major metropolitan companies providing services for garbage collection - the plant should have a long-term guarantee for a waste, says Ustinov.

Recently, in 2012-2014, the Moscow mayor's office conducted nine tenders for the right to enter into 15-year contracts for garbage collection totaling more than 142 billion rubles, the sum of the two largest lots (42,6 billion rubles) - in the garbage disposal in the North-East and the Eastern districts of Moscow - took Ltd. "Charter", the rest went to LLC "MKM-Logistics" (40.1 billion), "Ecoline" Ltd. (25.5 billion), OOO "MSK-HT" (17.3 billion) and LLC "Spetstrans" (12.4 billion rubles).

Russian partner, "Toyota Tsusho Rus" can become a "Charter" - the company is now working on the possibility not to build a new plant from scratch, and to invest in the current IGC-4 in the district in Kozhukhovoaccurate Administrative District of Moscow. This was announced by deputy director of the "Charter" Alexander Odrov.

- The city has provided the opportunity to transmission operators (the winners of tenders for garbage collection, listed above -. "Izvestiya") is not involved capacities "Ekotehproma" (GUP - operator of the two existing incinerators in Moscow -. "Izvestiya") for the duration of the contracts. We expect to hire MRZ number 4, we are now discussing with Toyota, on what to do slope: on a maximum selection of recyclable materials for subsequent processing in the factory or on increasing the generation of electricity and heat, it all depends on calorie garbage (a high-calorie junk yields when burned more energy) and the tariff for heat and electricity sales (acceptance of "green tariff" - "News"), -. Odrov says.

Ltd. "Charter" was registered in 2012, at the end of last year its revenue totaled 1 billion rubles, net profit - 69.5 million rubles. The sole owner, according to SPARK, is Alexander Turcan.

PAccording to Odrova together investors, selling energy or recyclables, expect to return invested in plant investments over the next 10-12 years. One of the priority directions of activity, the company says, is to introduce separate collection of waste in the territory served by districts:. At the moment, in addition to 13 thousand containers in the North-East and Eastern districts of Moscow, the "Charter" is further set 250 containers for separate plastic collection and glass and is the work of 60 points of reception of secondary material resources (plastic, glass, aluminum, textiles, waste paper). In the future, the company plans to expand the list of accepted fractions to include including waste electronic and electrical appliances.

However, while the income from the sale of recyclable materials does not pay for the cost of infrastructure for separate collection, separate collection is unprofitable for the company, the manager recognizes "the Charter". The matter volumes, he says: increase the number of containers for separate collection instead of normal can lead to self-sufficiency project for 4-5 years.

According Odrova, the Toyota wants to modernize the old company because to build a new plant longer and more expensive (for example, the cost of future waste incineration plant in Tatarstan "Rostec" is estimated at 18-20 billion rubles), and take out the garbage at the old landfill is no longer possible.

The public is critical of the waste incineration plant, when adopted amendments to the Law "On Production and Consumption Waste", Russia seems to be the beginning of the movement towards environmentally friendly and profitable system of recycling waste through its recycling, returning to the burning of garbage no one planned, says the source of "Izvestia" Ministry of Economic Development. Criticize incineration plants and environmentalists: according to the employee's department toxic "Greenpeace Russia" Alexander Tsygankov, the proportion of suitable trash for recycling more than 60%, while part of the organic waste can be sold to farmers or producers of biogas. In addition, Tsygankov casts doubt on the harmlessness of the plants.

- Increase in the number of people affected by cancer in Japan, is directly related to the work of the IGC there sets:and the closer to these plants, the higher the percentage of cases - says the source.