Investigator took the knock on a million bribe

Deputy head of the major investigation department of the central investigations office of the Investigative Committee Rashid Ancosi was arrested in Moscow, as the correspondent of The Moscow Post was informed by power structures.

He extorted a bribe of one million dollars.

The operation to detain the deputy head of the department for investigation of particularly important cases of the Main Investigation Department of Insurance Rashid Karame was another of the stages on the fight against corruption in the power structures.

The fact that the criminal case against Karame is "a continuation of the fight against corruption" and said the official representative of the Russian IC Vladimir Markin. However, he did not mention the specific details of the crime, confining only a general description of the situation.

According to the official representative of IC, Karame was detained for a bribe, the amount of which amounted to about $ 1 million. Also, reporters learned that, along with a senior investigator for questioning FSB was taken, which is also involved in the case as a suspect. Name FSB in the interests of the investigation does not reveal yet.

By the way, Karame previously served as head of the investigative department of Sochi Lazarevskoye District SU IC Russia in Krasnodar Krai, after which he was promoted and transferred to Moscow. It is known that at KuAni Karame participated in a number of major special operations against "thieves in law"

In particular, the investigator Rashid Karame participated in the arrest operation "thief in law" Armen Kanev (present surname Harutyunyan), who was appointed "staring" for Kuban agrarian territories and collected tribute from farmers. Kanev "crowned" him in 1997 in Krasnodar on "thieves 'meeting' under the chairmanship of Father Hassan.

Curiously, Karame conducted the case Kanevsky at the first stage. This case also caused a major scandal, as after conviction Kanevsky died suddenly. Just Karame investigated and scandalous "the case of the policemen-terrorists" who were connected with the assassination attempt on the head of administration Kurganinskogo district Victor Karpenko. As a result, he Karpenko also became a suspect, as it turned out to be an attempt staged in the interests of the head of the district.

It is known that in the capital Karame participated in the investigation of the most high-profile and high-profile cases. For example, it was for the production of unrest in Biryulyovo-West in its custodym that erupted last fall, after the murder of a local resident migrant.

This is not the first case of the detention of senior staff of the Investigative Committee. In September last year the FSB officers detained the deputy head of the Investigative Department of the UK Department for Central Federal District Sergei Olhovnikova, oversaw a number of high-profile corruption cases. He got through the intermediary of 150 thousand dollars, but said that the money was intended to Sergei Odarchenko, which since 2009 is the assistant deputy chairman of the Investigation Committee Yelena Leonenko, oversees the work of the district investigation departments, including the Central District. In the course of the official investigation, this information is not confirmed, but Odarchenko resigned from the TFR on their own.

So, too, the TFR is corruption. A bribe here can be measured in millions of dollars.