Gerard Depardieu paid taxes in Russia

According to tax experts, the income of the "French Russian" did not exceed 60 million rubles, the simplified tax system allows for no bigger payment.
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Gerard Depardieu, Russian businessman registered in May last year, in due time submitted a tax return for the year 2013. This was reported by "News" deputy head of the Federal Tax Service of the Republic of Mordovia Sergei Sala. How many paid actor with no earnings, the ministry did not specify - tax secret.

Depardieu has declared less than 60 million rubles

Producer Arnaud Gerard Depardieu Frilli in an interview with "Izvestiya" told that the main sources of income in the Russian actor was shooting the series "Zaitsev + 1" in 2013 and in the film "Victor". And with its revenue Depardieu as an individual entrepreneur paid 6 per cent income tax. Frilli did not disclose how much the tax payments made.

According to him, Depardieu received a Russian passport in early 2013, became an entrepreneur in Russia is not out of a desire to reduce the tax burden on all of its assets, but in order to make it easier to pay taxes on their earnings in the country. If Gerard Depardieu starred in Europe orUnited States, its tax revenues go to Belgium, of which he is also explained Frilli. In Belgium, the actor and pays property taxes. Wall Street Journal estimated the overall Gerard Depardieu in $ 120 million.

Individual entrepreneurs have to report earnings over the past year by May 1. Tax consultant Svetlana Ogandzhanyants says that once an actor pays 6% tax on revenues as a sole proprietorship, it uses a simplified taxation system, and all his contributions do not go to the national or municipal budget, and the federal.

- Such a system is only possible for an entrepreneur with a gain of up to 60 million rubles, - says Ogandzhanyants. In her opinion, this is a very modest amount of earnings for such a well-known actor, also declares in the development of Russian business projects.

Russian pension is not interested

The Frenchman did not hurry to not only make more money in Russia, but also to receive financial payments due to it from the state. As reported by "News" in the Pension Fund of Russia Gerard Depardieu can claim toialnuyu retirement.

- Gerard Depardieu, as well as any other Russian citizen, on reaching 65 years of age [as an actor celebrated in December] is entitled to a social pension, - told "Izvestia", the press service of the FIU. - It is paid if the citizen is not entitled to a retirement pension, without having a minimum length of service of five years. Social pension may vary by region and may not be below the subsistence minimum for pensioners in the Federation.

According to the site the FIU, in the Republic of Mordovia subsistence level for 2014 is 5702 rubles. However, the Office of the Leninsky District FIU Saransk reported that no documents are not handed Gerard Depardieu.

- To be or not to be a pensioner - a voluntary decision of each citizen. You can never retire, - noted in the management.

A friend of the actor Nikolai Borodachev (director of the State Film Fund) said that Depardieu in the next ten years for sure have no plans to become a pensioner.

- He has a lot of energy. And he was glad to be a citizen of Russia, and a servantotat here. Since he understands in Russia freer than in France, and as far as we were able to preserve their identity, - he said.

Nothing personal, just plans

Exactly one year ago, Gérard Depardieu visited the city of Saransk, where he has a residence permit and was registered as an individual entrepreneur creative categories. After obtaining TIN and SNILS actor spoke about his intention to build a business in Russia. So, he announced plans to open a restaurant in Saransk, which will cooperate with a local cheese-making enterprise. Also in Saransk in May last year, he announced a cultural center in its own name and cafes. And this spring, French media reported that Depardieu open a chain of restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and even sold the franchise in Russia.

In addition, Swiss watchmaker Cvstos company recently announced the release of Gerard Depardieu hours under the brand name "I am proud to be Russian" with a golden double-headed eagle on the dial. And this is only part of the actor's projects. During the business in Russia Depardieu starred in a film about the Chechen RepubIke tentatively called "Turquoise", took part in the TV series "Zaitsev + 1", she starred in "Victor" advertise cuisine "Maria" and "Soviet" bank has established its own supply of wine from France.

As told "Izvestia" the Minister of Press and Information of the Republic of Mordovia Valery Maresiev, none of the actor's projects, which he announced in Saransk, it has not been implemented. Yes, and the citizen Depardieu since last May did not appear on official visits in Mordovia and talks about business is not conducted. However Maresiev convinced that delaying the opening of the restaurant, café and cultural center of Saransk is connected with a constant-time actor on the set.

- The plans were, and they have not left, Gerard Depardieu will come back to them when complete other projects - said Maresiev.

Saransk - Film Festival, Moscow - Restaurant "Gerard"

Nikolai Borodachev told "Izvestia" said the actor draws on the opening of the restaurant in Saransk, as there are bureaucratic difficulties with the paperwork, looking for partners for the project anddborom staff. As for the cultural center named after Gerard Depardieu, in July, will overhaul the cinema building, highlighted by local authorities under the facility. Borodachev said that it will open in the I quarter of 2015, in the theater building as a café.

- Problems with the investment and finance Gérard not. He did to the money does not belong as a businessman or a banker, he has a broad Russian soul - says the source.

Investments for repair and improvement theater Borodachev estimated at more than 100 million rubles. But this Mordvinian entrepreneur Depardieu is not going to stop. According Borodacheva, he set a goal in 2015 to prepare for the opening of all the A-class film festival in Saransk.

- City for the past 15 years much has changed for the better, there is a lot of quality cinema and have all the infrastructure for such a festival, - he says.

Producer Arno Frilli actor confirmed "News" coming this fall opening of a restaurant in Russia by Gérard Depardieu. However, it will be the only one in Moscow, and without any plansin the expansion to the network.

- This is a restaurant for 120-150 seats. Restaurant especially for the most Depardieu, a place where he can come in Moscow - said Frilli. He said that the restaurant will be called "Gerard" and located in the heart of the city, now there is a variety of rooms.

Clock Confusion

And Frilli and Borodachev denied the information held on the issue of hours, "I am proud to be Russian," by Gerard Depardieu. According Borodacheva, the actor did not give permission to use their name and image in the creation of the watch brand from Cvstos. The general director of the State Film Fund said about the clock, "I am proud to be Russian," Depardieu has learned from television and was very surprised at the use of his image and name without permission.

His first impulse was to sue, but Borodachev dissuaded him to do it. As Frilli confirmed these hours by Gerard Depardieu does not really exist. But in the near future, they can see the light - the actor has decided not to sue, and to enter into negotiations with the initiative watchmakers. At present day sourcesearnings for Depardieu in Russia is acting activities, wine delivery and participation in advertising.

Borodachev noted that now rolling Certificate in Ministry of Culture receives the film "Turquoise". The first preview has already taken place for Ramzan Kadyrov, who endorsed the film as a whole. But according Borodacheva, he criticized the head of the republic, "Turquoise" for some of the scenes that do not meet the Muslim worldview.