Investigative Committee was asked to check Trust

127 billion rubles necessary for the reorganization shocked market participants and aroused suspicions of deputies against the owners and management of the bank.
A colossal sum, which the Central Bank unexpectedly praised the reorganization of the bank "Trust" - 127 billion rubles., - Shocked members of the banking market and has caused suspicion of Deputies. MP from the Communist Party, a member of the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets Boris Kashin sent to the Investigation Committee (IC) request to conduct a check "the legality of the former owners and management of the bank" Trust "and" in case of detection of a crime to consider the institution of criminal proceedings. " The request to the head of Insurance Alexander Bastrykin is dated December 30 and posted on the website of the Communist Party.

"It is obvious that the financial recovery of the bank" Trust "will require huge expenditures of the state", - indicates Kashin, pointing out that in the decisions of the Bank of Russia "there is no explanation for the loss of solvency of" Trust "and the legal assessment of the actions of the former owners and managers of the bank" Trust ", which caused causing especially large damage. " Phones Kashin and representative of the UK yesterday did not respond. One former predpravleniya "Trust" - Fedor refused Pospelov aboutcomments, referring to employment.

Bank "Trust" paralyzed at the first sign of panic - with a portfolio of deposits to 144 billion rubles. the bank could not find 3 billion on payments to depositors (cm. incision).

December 22 the Central Bank decided to rehabilitation "Trust" - the decision was made in great haste, he told "Vedomosti" one of the bankers, claiming to reorganize. On the maintenance of liquidity provided for the allocation of 30 billion rubles. due to the credit of the Central Bank. Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Mikhail Sukhov pointed out that the difference between assets and liabilities "Trust" is estimated at tens of billions of rubles.

The Central Bank announced a final price of salvation "Trust" on December 26 -. 127 billion rubles, the bank selected Sanatorium "FC Opening" (former Nomos-Bank). Due to the credit of the Central Bank "FC Opening" will receive in the form of loan 99 billion for 10 years. As explained Sukhov, "FC Opening" will send all 99 billion rubles. in the purchase of 10-year OFZ. "In determining the value of [loan] is taken into account the evaluation of the imbalance between assets and liabilities of the bank" Trust "in the amount of 67.8 billion rubles., As well as current conditions ficlient connections markets, including the size of the rate on 10-year federal loan bonds. It is assumed that the investor on the proceeds of this loan will acquire 10-year OFZ ", - he said (according to" Interfax quoted ").

Furthermore, the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) will provide a loan "FC Opening" of the Central Bank through a loan in the amount of up to 28 billion six years to maintain liquidity "Trust". The funds allocated to the Central Bank to reorganize the bank "Trust", clearly enough "in the near future and for the future", said in late December on the TV channel "Russia 24" ACB CEO Yuri Isaev. "We are carefully watched, the bank has a problem, and it's no secret. They have accumulated a long time, though now, for three days with little, we have exactly the problems identified and reported on them to the board of the Central Bank ", - he said.

The Central Bank was unable to get comments, why the choice fell on "FC Opening".

"Discovery" group - the restless investors in financial markets. Starting with sanations small and medium-sized banks in the last crisis, "Opening" grown to the largest banking transactions -Nomos-bank buying at the ICT Group and "Petrocommerce" - Leonid Fedun and Alekperov. No less active "Opening" on the pension market - a group linked two major players - NPF "LUKoil-Garant" and NPF electricity.

Sanatorium "Trust" - the bank "FC Opening" is famous in the banking market motley structure of its shareholders. Their bank has more than a dozen, and their names are constantly being updated. Only in December, the bank, according to the structure on the site, add five new shareholders: the last time - 30 December (LLC "RGS" and the Moscow Credit Bank), and a couple of weeks earlier - NPF "Renaissance life and pensions", "Stalfond" and structure top manager "VEB capital" Sergei Koshelenko. The presence of pension funds and banks in the structure of shareholders may indicate cross-financing - when the money is placed in the SPF deposits and securities of other financial groups, and on the contrary, believe top managers of the two pension funds and banks.

"The participation of OOO" RGS "Moscow Credit Bank and the bank's capital" FC Opening "I do notS THE cross-financing ", - said the representative of" openness ", suggesting that these investors could buy the bank's shares on the stock exchange.

"None of the banks of the top 30 shareholders of the structure does not change as often as the" FC Opening "- indicates the familiar three shareholders" Discovery ". This is also indicated by the two bank analyst, believing that it may indicate that insufficient resources of the old shareholders to replenish the bank's capital. "Public markets are closed, and the debt burden, and so high - so try to find partners", - says the counterparty "Discovery".

The representative of "open" points out that the controlling shareholder "remains unchanged - it is" Opening the holding. " According to him, issues relating to the treatment of the deputy Kashin has been reported.


Price salvation "Trust" to 127 billion rubles. second only to the sum demanded by VTB Group to reorganize the Bank of Moscow in 2011, -. 295 billion Private banks sanatoriums such significant sums not yet received - before the largest caatsiey was Mosoblbank for improvement which "SMP Bank" Rotenberg brothers received 117 billion.