In the center of Moscow robbed the daughter of the Sakhalin governor

Unknown thieves robbed Alisa Kozhemyako's apartment on Novy Arbat, having stolen 18 thousand dollars, intended for pocket expenses for a 19-year-old representative of the "Golden Youth".
Origin source
In the center of Moscow they robbed an apartment where the daughter of the governor of the Sakhalin region Alisa Kozhemyako lives, sources told RIA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow and in the territorial police department.

The 19-year-old Alisa Kozhemyako herself addressed law enforcement agencies. From the apartment on Novy Arbat unknown persons stole a casket in which $ 18 thousand were stored, sources noted.

Official confirmation of RBC does not yet have.

The governor of the Sakhalin region Oleg Kozhemyako could not comment on this information. "I do not know yet. I am at a meeting in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, "he told RBC on the issue of the theft in his daughter's apartment in Moscow.

In the Department of Information Policy of the Sakhalin Oblast Government, they could neither confirm nor deny information about the theft. "We do not have this information," RBC said in the department.

Oleg Kozhemyako has been the governor of the Sakhalin region since September 13, 2015. Prior to that, he had been acting governor for several months, and from October 2008 to early 2015 - governor of the Amur Region.