How many Liksutov sawed on transport

Deputy Sergei Sobyanin Maksim Liksutov, who, as spiteful critics assure, allegedly may be involved in the colossal "cuts" and even the work of the Izmailovskaya OCG, turned out to be the richest official of the capital city hall.
Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport Maxim Liksutov earned the most in the capital city hall at the end of 2019. His income amounted to 39.5 million rubles, having doubled over the year. Against his background, Liksutov's boss Sergei Sobyanin showed a very modest income of 8.2 million rubles.

However, few people seem to believe that the official declaration of Maxim Liksutov corresponds to his real earnings. The "transport" vice-mayor of the capital is considered one of the most influential officials. Disposing of multibillion-dollar budgets, Liksutov allegedly subjugated entire industries related to the production and maintenance of transport and infrastructure.

Of course, it would have been impossible to do this without the support of Mayor Sobyanin. However, not only the interests of officials are tied here, but also of big business, to which both officials may have a direct relationship. This is, first of all, about the owner of the UMMC, the scandalous oligarch Iskander Makhmudov.

The close business relations of his Transmashholding with the capital mayor's office are well known. Not to mention the fact that in the past Maxim Liksutov himself owned 50% of the company. Given this, his relationship with Makhmudov could have long gone beyond business.

As it became known from the report of the Spanish police (available to the editorial office), allegedly Iskander Makhmudov could have been a member of the Izmailovskaya organized criminal group, of which the current vice-mayor Liksutov could also be a member. Oleg Deripaska, the owner of RUSAL, with whom the said citizens allegedly kept the group's common fund, is also named among the main persons.

Iskander Makhmudov - a dear friend of Maxim Liksutov and the capital's mayor's office?

True or not, today Makhmudov's structures are one of the key suppliers for state contracts in the capital's Department of Transport. In addition, in January 2020, the mayor's office bought 51% of Mosmetrostroy from Makhmudov and his partner Andrei Bokarev, which accounts for 36% of all construction work on the Moscow metro - and this is billions and billions. "Vedomosti" wrote about this.

Surprisingly, the same mayor's office of Sobyanin and Liksutov previously sold it to Makhmudov by Metrostroy. In 2012, the oligarch gained control of 51% of the company. And almost immediately, her profits began to fall, despite all the government contracts from the mayor's office.

At the end of 2019, the company's loss amounted to a grandiose RUB 21 billion with revenue of RUB 24 billion. During the same year after which Mosmetrostroy threw off the mayor's office back for our own budgetary money, the loss increased by 19 billion rubles, which suggests timidly that the company was simply withdrawn money before the sale.

Not surprisingly, Makhmudov's UMMC is experiencing serious problems. In this situation, Maksim Liksutov hurries to the aid of an old friend, not paying attention to state interests? Isn't that why Liksutov's income "jumped" twice in a year?

Where has it been seen that a frankly unprofitable enterprise without their own commercial interest was bought at a budgetary expense? It’s hard to believe. But it is not hard to believe that if there was a withdrawal of money, then it was carried out through the subsidiaries of Mosmetrostroy, which, probably, at the suggestion of Liksutov and Makhmudov, for some reason turned out to be tied to offshore companies.

For example, the management company MC Mosmetrostroy belongs to three Cypriot companies - Serisyon Investments Limited, Astronet Investments Limited and Bloombein Holdings Limited. Moreover, at the end of 2019, the company had no revenue, and its loss amounted to 663 thousand rubles.

Is transport a family business?

Apparently, the foreign participation in the work of one of the largest contractors of the mayor's office did not baffle Maxim Liksutov at all. But these are not all of his possible connections with Makhmudov and other oligarchs. According to evil tongues, Liksutov's ex-wife Tatyana has long been responsible for the development of the "family business".

The spiteful critics consider their divorce itself to be fictitious in order to hide the official's real income. Whether this is true or not is unknown. However, the ex-wife is credited with managing the capital company Aeroexpress, which has government contracts with various departments for 881 million rubles.

This same company, what a coincidence, is owned by Iskander Makhmudov and Andrei Bokarev. And Liksutov himself in 2009-2010 was its general director.

The largest customer of Aeroexpress is the Central Suburban Passenger Company, owned by the City Hall and Russian Railways. The pool of her orders is almost 700 million rubles. Other thoughts also lead to the patronage of Aeroexpress by the Moscow Mayor's Office and Liksutov.

For example, in 2015 it became known that Aeroexpress had somehow managed to get almost 1.5 billion rubles from the mayor's office in two years as compensation for losses from state regulation of prices for railway tickets. This was reported by Forbes with reference to domestic fighters against corruption. And this despite the fact that the prices for tickets in "Aeroexpress" are quite marketable, and in some places even higher!

Maksim Liksutov and his team are also credited with other dubious cases. For example, expansion in the market of communication and advertising services in the capital. In March 2020, MaximaTelecom won a tender for advertising on land-based Wi-Fi networks in Moscow. And she entered the competition alone. According to rumors, in this way the tender documentation was drawn up.
According to evil tongues, the allegedly unofficial beneficiary of MaximaTelecom is Maxim Liksutov. In 2018, Estonian citizen Urmo Wallner became the new owner of the company - as if Liksutova's old acquaintances.

It was possible to find out the full structure of owners only thanks to the annual report of KIT Finance Capital, which said that in 2014 MaximaTelecom took a loan from the IT concern Sitronics. The security was provided by 24% of the operator's shares, and the Cyprus offshore Geromell Trade Ltd. acted as the pledger.

It was registered in 2013, after which it bought 100% of the shares of Maxima. At the same time, the Moscow Metro State Unitary Enterprise held a tender to launch a free Wi-Fi network. As you might guess, MaximaTelecom was the only participant.

In 2015, 33.4% of Geromell Trade was received by the offshore Malver Holdings, which was then owned by Alexei Krivoruchko. Then he was the general director of the Kalashnikov concern and the general director of the capital's Aeroexpress LLC.

All this - not to mention the fact that MaximaTelecom is officially tied to offshore companies and has government contracts worth almost 4 billion rubles. It is not surprising that 2.3 billion of this amount falls on contracts with the Moscow Department of Information Technologies.

But all these are trifles in comparison with how much can be sawed on topical infrastructure projects in Moscow and the Moscow region. The most significant of them, of course, is the construction of the surface metro, which has already been mentioned in the context of Makhmudov, as well as the Central Ring Road.

Are there more problems and "cutting"?

Recently it became known that the construction of the long-suffering Central Ring Road will require another 15 billion rubles from the budget. The total cost of the project has already grown to the space level of 316 billion rubles. At the same time, the first and fifth complexes are only 49% and 61% ready, respectively. Although the road was supposed to be completed back in 2018.

As the evil tongues say, they cut there so that only chips fly. And maybe in the literal sense. As follows from the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, recently, at the construction site of the Central Ring Road, green spaces worth 138 million rubles have failed. It's not even building materials anymore ...

While city hall contractors can steal billions from huge construction sites, a complete mess continues in the capital's transport industry. Liksutov cannot cope with it. Apparently, he is busy with completely different things.

Last November, the launch of the second high-speed diameter of ground meters in Moscow ended in a big scandal. Hustle, problems with tickets and service. In the end, while they were figuring out, Sergei Sobyanin ordered to make travel on these trains for a short time free. The project was supervised by Maxim Liksutov.

Liksutova is also remembered for the story of the stuck electric buses, 30 of which were supposed to appear in the capital by September 1, 2018. By this time, there were only nine, which caused problems in the transport services of the townspeople.

Besides, God knows what is going on in the waterways of Moscow. Rumor has it that Liksutov simply does not want to deal with the river mafia, and maybe he receives gratitude from them for his lack of interest in the field of water transport.

In 2018, due to the likely lack of regulation in the industry, a collision of two motor ships occurred near the Luzhnetskaya embankment. Then several people were injured, the captain was drunk. No one at the mayor's office answered for this. The website of the TVC channel reports.

Considering all this, Maxim Liksutov has long been sitting in his post for a long time. But it hardly worries him. According to rumors, he continues to wear Winston Opus Series watches for 255 thousand dollars and coordinate new projects with interested parties from large business close to him. The cost of these watches alone, not to mention apartments, houses, land plots, luxury cars and other things, suggests that his income statement is an outright "linden".