Grigory Ivliev's patents

Head of Rospatent Grigoriy Ivliev wants to take control of the entire country's intellectual property. Russia in this case faces the redistribution of "intellectual property" with an unknown outcome.
Grigory Ivlievev, who intends to take control of the entire patent industry, conducts his intrigues behind the "facade" struggle of officials and state structures wishing to increase their influence. Given the corruption in his service and inefficiency, things can turn bad: patents will be given in Europe and the US. Now the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, which is the official name of Rospatent, registers only 10% of the results, 2.2% of which are in the commercial sphere. 

Recall that in late 2016, Vladimir Putin approved the "strategy of scientific and technological development of the country." The strategy should solve the problem of "commercialization of the results of intellectual activity and the formation of the Russian intellectual property market". Now Mr. Ivliev's Rospatent is in control of this issue in the Russian Federation, doing it very inefficiently. But the official jumped at the strategy and is now trying to get the maximum possible power.

Back in 2015, when Ilivev was confirmed in office, he told tales that "the transfer of functions from the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Education has already been coordinated with these departments, and Rospatent is preparing a strategy for the development of intellectual property in Russia." Of course, these were just words. But then strange things began to happen. For example, an investigation was launched against the head of RAO Sergey Fedotov, who was arrested by policemen in mid-2016. Even when taking into account that Fedotov was indeed guilty of fraud, this is a blow to the Ministry of Culture that controlled RAO.

Here it is worth noting that under Medinsky Ivliev was State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation and seemed to know about the cases that occur with the participation of Vladimir Medinsky. Perhaps it is Ivliev who advises the investigation. Most interestingly, Ivliev with all the "tales" that he broadcasts through the media stating that "everything is co-ordinated" does not even understand the industry: "to date, no one knows exactly how to evaluate intellectual property and no one knows how it is accounted for."

How's that? Everything is already agreed, but nothing is clear?

The Ministry of Economic Development, which is now subordinated to Rospatent, says that Ivliev himself wants to become a member of the government - the minister for patents. But most importantly - Rospatent is a very inefficient organization, which sometimes even hinders development. "The absence of a clear system of management in the field of intellectual property leads to duplication of work of bodies at various levels, lack of necessary coordination, numerous legal conflicts," says a White House report. It's like that. But who will be this body, is it really Rospatent under the leadership of Ivliev?

Ivliev is very cooperative for his "bosses". Recall that in the Vaganov Ballet Academy. there was a scandal when her head was appointed Nikolay Tsiskaridze. Teachers of the institution demanded to reconsider the decision on the appointment of Tsiskaridze as rector. But Ivliev, who lobbied for Tsiskaridze, was adamant. Why? The fact is that the wife of the head of Rostech is very fond of Tsiskaridze's dancing and asked him to appoint the head of the academy for him. Ivliev could not refuse ... Here we are talking, of course, not about Tsiskaridze, undoubtedly a talented dancer. But Ivliev using his official position meets the needs of the wives of state officials ...

Let's note the story when, on the initiative of Ivliev, the director of the Russian Institute of the History of Arts, Tatyana Klyavina, was dismissed. The story ended in a scandal. When Grigory Petrovich came to the teachers' meeting he was shouted: "Go away." The fact is that after throwing Klyavina off the post, the officials of the Ministry of Culture were considering taking away the building of the university in the historical center of St. Petersburg. Because of the scandal and discontent the building remained inviolable. But the deserved director Klyavina still left ...Ivliev and the status and the object composition of the estate "Arkhangelsk", which could lead to its development!

Serious people

The government is indeed discussing the creation of the Federal Service for the Regulation of Intellectual Property (FSRIP). It turned out that very influential people were also interested in creating a new body. Thus, "The Ministry of Culture understands that this is a rather painful step, but the minister has approved, everything will be transferred to the new body (based on Rospatent)," Igor Shuvalov said yesterday. A number of analysts write that "the concept of granting Rospatent functions of the industry's mega-regulator appeared not in an empty place and some of its roots lead to Karen Markaryan, a former employee of the apparatus of First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov."

Recall that the vice-premier is suspected of corruption. For example, in 2012, the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal reported that the Shuvalov couple "acquired shares of Gazprom for approximately $18 million through the Sevenkey company registered in the Bahamas." And the Commission on Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States in 2011 published data according to which Shuvalov participated in "transactions in the acquisition of assets in the US to the amount of 319 million rubles, as well as the provision of a loan for this purpose by Shuvalov in the amount of 119 million for astronomical 40% per annum ".

Most of all, the official was famous for transporting his dogs in a private plane. Only one year of flights for the participation of barking animals at dog competitions cost 40 million rubles! It seems that the new service will be in his hands.

"Minister without portfolio"

Participants in business processes say that no one goes to Rospatent because the organization does not work well. But what does it mean? For example, there is a special group of scammers who look for "rarely mentioned trademarks with a long registration term", then they turn to the Intellectual Property Court (SIP). And they do their business.
For example, a lawsuit was filed against the mobile operator MTS. The fact is that with the same abbreviation before that company was registered in the Chelyabinsk region, but a little earlier. In general, it already reaches the point of absurdity.

And if Rospatent does increase its functions, scammers will be able to receive billions from such actions. From this, of course, kickbacks will multiply. From the biography of Ivliev it is clear that he is an unscrupulous person, catering to his superiors and influential people, even if this is contrary to his official duties. And this person, will carry out all the patent activities in the country? Business circles say that if the Federal Service for the Regulation of Intellectual Property headed by Ivliev is actually created, then the market is waiting for a "redistribution of intellectual" property, accompanied by kickbacks and bribes.